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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
I like love your books. They are like the best like books that I have ever like read. They are like fantastic. I don't know how you like are such a good author. Sorry that I like said like a lot its a habit I should probably try to like break my habit.
Hi my name is Chloe and I really like your books. My favorite book is Otherwise known as Shelia The Great because it is so funny. I love the part about the spider it is so funny I was laughing so hard. Anyways I think you are a very talented Author and I hope to hear back from you.
Yours truly,
Chloe A,
P.S. Do you like cats?
bradley and mrs farrell
hi Ms. Blume we love your books. Mrs. Farrell and I are reading Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing together during our tutorial sessions.Mrs. Farrell are delighted to read your books. I know this may be a far fetch, but do you by chance do book talks for schools? We are in Kitchener, Ontario. It would be cool to meet you. Are you still writing books? I would love to hear from you. Can you tell me a bit about your family life. Thanks for your time,
Brad and Mrs. Farrell
Hi Judy
My favourite book is "Just as long as we are together" I grew up reading it and at 28 it takes me right back to school and what a big deal best friends were. I was wondering if you will ever write a book from Alison's perspective. That would be an absolute dream. She was by far my favourite girl and her life had so much mystery and intrigue. I loved her friendship with Stephanie and always wanted to know what she really though of Rachel.
Many thank Judy
I posted a comment in your guestbook a couple years ago. Summer Sisters really impacted me. I read Summer Sisters when I was a 7th grader, I am in the 12th grade and the book still holds a special place in my heart. I am about to read Forever.. by my sister's recommendation. I purchased it awhile ago but deemed I was too young to read it. Thank you for making an impact on my life with your books. You are one of my favorite authors
Judy...I started reading your books in the 4th grade. My teacher Mrs. Pfeiffer read them to us out loud and then I made my dad buy them for me! I still have my copies of your books...all dog eared now from being read over and over again. Thank you for writing them and being such a big part of my childhood...those books helped me get through a lot my childhood craziness and have helped shape the 46 yr old woman I am now. By the way I still pull those books out and read them. My favorite is Starring Sally J Freedman as Herself. I even named my 1st cat Omar after the cat in the book because it was such a different name to me.
Hello ma'am
I am a huge fan of yours. I love your books. I have even sent a message in MY KINDA BOOKS. Your books are simply amazing.
I'm 30 and I grew up reading your books. I have four children of my own now and I read your books to them. We love the Fudge series. Over the years I have perfected my Fudge voice. My nine year old now relates to Peter like Peter and Fudge. Her little sister is three and a handful. Thank you for opening up a world for me and my children. Thank you for giving us a place to go, and for Fudge.
Just wondered if there was a sequel to Tiger Eyes. We listened to this book at work and we all wanted to know what happened after the family moved back to Atlantic City. What happened to Wolf, etc. Thanks
Hi Judy, I first read your books when I came to Canada when I was 7 years old. They are what helped me learn English through elementary school. I hadn't thought about those books for years until I was looking online for some books to read and looked at the list of most censored books. Of course your books were sprinkled through the list and I remembered how delighted I was to read the Fudge books. Thanks again for all your contributions and making growing up a little less scary.
Hello mrs Judy after I read are you there god its me Margaret (I finished the story) that has inspired me to 1.not rush my growing and to know it's not a race 2. To write my own books but to start I'm writing comic books my newest one the adventures of uncle jelly and aunt red jelly p.s I'm using your writing techniques on your website anyway I loved your book are you there god it's me Margaret I'm hoping you will write a part 2 but you don't have to also you don't have reply back because I know you,are busy bur bye!!
Dear Judy Blume,
I was very lucky to have a fantastic teacher who introduced me to your books. I started reading them when I was 9 years old. Now at 25, I myself am a teacher and the love of the Fudge series has travelled with me from South Africa to London where I am now reading 'Otherwise known as Sheila the Great'. My class thoroughly enjoyed the first book and are really enjoying hearing about Sheila (although they miss Fudge!). Few (if any) teachers at my school know about you books and it had been a joy to share them! Thank-you!
Averiona C
Tyler C
I like your fudge books. Their was a lot of humor.
Dear Judy Blume,
Can you please write more fudge's book?🐇👗🏰💮😀
I can't choose between " Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." Or " Deenie" for favorite. It's just so relatable. Please write more like those two!!!
Lisa D
Judy, I was in 6th grade when I read my first Judy Blume book "Are you there God...". I remember a classmate saying there were books in the library about "periods and boners" and I had to read it. Although at the time, I wasn't too sure what a boner was. I was hooked om your books because in my mind, they seemed to be about me! Now some 35 years later, I have started to re read your books that I loved a a kid and will read your newer ones. You inspired me to pen several short stories and poems during my teen years and still have them. I think my writing kept me sane, as I grew up I'm a group home. Thanks for being such an important part in my life, even though you didn't know it. xoxo
Michelle S
Hi Judy, I would just like to thank you for your continued writing of such great books!! I read your books as a child, I even found a adult book that was my age appropriate, and now read your "boy" books to my boys. You helped me grow up as you answered so many questions to what I was going through in my childhood. Thank you!! Look forward to more Fudge Adventures. :-)
Leah J
Your books are interesting.When I go to the library and borrow two of your books,and I read and read......,I think Fudge is silly and naughty! When I grow up,I do not want to have a son or daughter like Fudge!!
I love double fudge the most
Hi Judy,
You are one of my favorite authors. You've inspired so many young writers including me. I have not finished any of my books yet but, my journal is full of titles and character descriptions. And a ton of first chapters. One book is ready to be published, its not my favorite or best. But I learned from you that you have to start somewhere. Thank you for giving girls like me courage and confidence to be the best I can be. Thanks for giving us a friend like margaret to relate to to.
P.S. I love your pen name, how did you come up with it?
Rose K.
Judy, you are such an inspiration. I love the book
"Tales Of a Fourth Grade Nothing". You are an amazing person who writes amazing books. I can't wait to read the rest of the Fudge books!
Judy Blume,
In 1987 when I was in 2nd grade, my teacher, Mrs. Callaway, would block out time each afternoon to read a book to the class, while we got out our placemats and played with clay at our desks. The first book she read to us was 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing'. I was hooked!
As a child, I must of read all your books a million times. Actually, I had this craving a few years ago to read 'Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing', so I did! Even as an adult, it's fun to go down memory lane.
I am so glad you are writing books for adults too! I look forward to diving into your adult books for my 2015 Book Challenge.
kamryn c
Mrs.blume i was wondering if you make this idea into a book heres the idea jonathan lee a young adult wants a family besides his 2 sister kamie and amy lee and brother jason so one day he goes to his neighbor violet lynn's house they go on dates a couple months later they get married and adopt a girl nicole lee then later on have birth to twins amber and alaine lynn in the middle he realizes he wants a son but he's bussy with his daughters he doesn't get a son at the end he realizes to love his dughters more than ever and says a son can wait. reply if your going to make the story on my email above i will try to make this story myself [maybe your story will be better because i am new to writing] bye please would mean so much to me.bye
kamryn c
judy i think you should try to make a part 2 for the book"are you there god its me margaret i loved the book {my mom knew how much i loved you so she got me the book for christmas }because it inspired me to write my own books also because i love books but you haved always inspired me if you can try to reply back but you have always been an inspiration.from:kamryn {cam rin } prenounce key some people get confused.
Judy, I love your work and as a young woman found a connection with it that I rarely found elsewhere. You have always been such an inspiration to me (and I have since published myself). I do hope your health is improving, and send you all best wishes.
i was wondering about freckle juice book.Wonder what happens after Sharon gives Nicky the potion to remove his freckles. Please write a other book about it.Please!
mamun lasker
wow your books are amazing
Hey Mrs. Blume I love all your books, but what I really liked was "Here's to you, Rachel Robinson", and I would just like to say that if you ever have time to write a book on her family, to write one from Charles' point of view. Thanks.
I used to read your books when I was around 15 i'm 65 now and I loved them. Now I am going to read them again. Thank you Judy.
Dear Judy!!! Love all of your books! Can you tell me a little more about what censorship means to you?
I love all of the books you writ so far. they are AMASING
Barbara Field
Hi. I own the magic fountain restaurant located on the site if the 52 crash. The Mandel family lived in a 3 story home the plane crashed onto. Judy Mandel wrote a book called Replacement Child about events in her family bf and after the crash killed her sister. I can't wait to read your book. I didn't grow up here but I am fascinated by the history of these crashes. Judy Mandel is on FB and I emailed her about your book. My chikdren grew up w your books. I even read most of them.
I first read Judy Blume books in 4th grade. I read the entire box set over Winter Break that year. I cannot even recall how many times I've read "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret" and "Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great". Thank you for writing these books. You made me the reader I am today!!!
Hey Judy my step mom wants to know if you can write baby books on princesses for our soon to be born baby girl
Hi Judy I have all of your FUDGE Books given to me from my relatives in the US and I am asking if you could write another book because I really like them am I am reading all of them one by one I'm still in "Otherwise known as Sheila the Great" but Im almost done with the second book can you please write another one? please
hi judy blume, i'm a big fan of yours i love your fudge books they are filled of wonder,silliness.I made some of those words in their to be my girl's vocabulary words of how much they are good.
--thank you for your time
I love your Fudge books can you please write more it will mean a lot
Hi Judy,
I just saw the trailer for "Tiger Eyes" it look wonderful.
Thank you for all your lovely stories!
Hi judy blume i like your book are you there god it's me margaret we are reading that in school. And some students think that is an inoproprit book but honestly it's just about how when u are a teenager you act like u r cool and follow people.
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