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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
harvey eaton
Dear Judy Blume,
Hi Judy it is me Amaya W. My mom had her baby on August 13,2014. Do u have any children of your own? Do you like being a writer. What days do you write your books? The book I really enjoy is Tales Of A Forth Grade Nothing it is really funny. What is your faviort book that you wrote?
Please wright me back.
Amaya W!
Thank You,Judy Blume for your wonderful wonderful books. My daughter and sons devoured them when they were younger.Once,my son asked me how you knew what he was thinking!!He's now 41 and I'm sure he'll introduce his children to your books as they get older. So will my daughter,that's for sure.Thank you again and again.
Hi,Judy! So,can you add something were readers can listen to the books about fudge? I have an online book club,and people need to read or listen to the books,sooo.....
I think you should make a series about how fudge and Tamara (THE BABY) grow up
Dear Ms. Judy Blum,
I personally love your work. The first book I read of yours was: Are you there God, it's me Margaret that I read in grade.5 and then Blubber. I read Otherwise none as Shelia the Great and actually did a report on it for my grade.5 class. After that I read Iggy's house and I just finished It's not the end of the World, and that's what I wanted to talk about. I loved the story, you really had me going, in till the end. What happened!!!!!! Like what happens to them. Where do they move, do they even move, like Debbie gave her some photos, they had KFC, where heading to a movie and you ended it at a joke Amy said. I didn't like it at, ALL!!!!!
You do not have to responded, I just wanted to let you know
Kristina lynn
Dear ms.blume,
Hi my name is Kristina Lynn B and a big fan of your books. Im 20 years old with autism. I was wondering if you could help me and my mom published my Children's book? If so, that would be great. Please let me know and thank you. Love ya
Dear Judy,
This summer I had a book report and we got to chose two books.One of the books I chose was Are You There God,It's Me Margret. I loved It I could relate to a lot of what she was saying.I am now a very big fan of your books.I also liked the characters especially Margaret and her grandma because,she would do anything for Margaret like when she traveled a long time just to make sure Margaret and her family were okay in they're new house.
I also thought Margret's experiences with the different religions she tried was very entertaining. Are the other girls like Nancy based off of your friends or someone you know and is Margaret based off of you?Was there anything looking back you would change or add to your book?What was your favorite book you have written?My mom read this book when she was my age that is amazing that my mom read the same book when she was my age and it was still interesting to me
Where do you get the ideas for your stories? How did you decided to be an author? How are you doing? How are your children,your pets and your husband? If you have time please write back.
isabella h
hi judy I read your book otherwise known as shelia he great and im up to chapter 8
Dear Judy,
I want to thank you for your books. I grew up reading your books. My favorite was, Just As Long As We're Together. I've read it over ten times! I'm almost 30 and I'm currently reading Summer Sisters, which I've also read numerous times. Thank you for making your books so honest and relatable. Your books are compulsively readable and give me a sense of comfort. Thank you!
Dear Judy,
Thank you for your email! You don't have to respond if you don't have time, but I just want to say this: Good luck on your next book! I'm writing a book called: 'The Wind of Chocolate Bay", hopefully it will be done by next August. I've read all your Fudge books too. What is your new book about?
Dear Ms. Blume,
I met you many years ago at the Los Angeles Library (new wing) opening. It was one of the highlights of my life. Since then, as a teacher, I have had the opportunity to share your books with hundreds of students who now share the love of your writings.
Thank you from all of us!
I've read almost all of your books. My favorite is "Are you there God? Its me Margaret". Did you write a sequel to it? I've been writing books too. What did you do when you were 10? Please respond.
Hi Judy,
I am honored to be able to write you. You are my favorite author of all time. Your books sparked my interest in reading as a child. I now have a child who I read your books to. I am in the beginging stages of writing a childrens book and wondered if you could mentor me. I have been wanting to do this for so long. Thank you for inspiring me and so many others.
Hi Judy I just got the fudge series in the mail and I love your books can you please tell me if you would rather sit in the garden on the grass with only a pencil, rubber and sharpener or in a garden shed with lots of pencils, rubbers and sharpeners on a neat desk all organised. Thanks you really inspire me
Hi Judy,I relly love your books.They are awesome.I relly love the book Money,MONEY,Money!There is a really good chance you could be famous.You should write more fun books.I learned in school you were a famous writer or author for your books.I am a fan of your awesome books.The chapter 9 in the money book is funny because it is called the Panda Poop Club.Fudge holds and smells poop.You have a good imagination that helps you make books.You are really funny.Have a good vacation.
I just read a quote about books you have outgrown but they still hold a place on your bookshelf because they hold your youth.....Just As Long As We're Together is my 'youth' book still on my bookshelf at age 34. It was THE book that I could turn to in 5th grade when the 'friends' were caddy and cruel, when no one was there to turn to, Stephanie, Rachel and Allison were my best friends. Thank you for creating a wonderful story that played a big part of providing comfort during a very hard year.
You had Omar, the cat, getting hit by a car and disliked by neighbors for killing birds. Have you ever considered lending your (important) name to PETA's campaign to keep cats safe (and indoors)??? You'd be a voice that so many people would listen to!
I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing! I am doing a summer assignment about it.
I'm in love with your book forever.I fell in love with it so much i practically beg my mom to buy every book that you wrote.I really didn't like reading until I stumbled onto one of your books. Once I finished reading Forever it changed my whole point of view of reading.I really hope you write back to me and I hope we can meet in person. i recently am reading the book, Deenie written by you and that is why there is so much reasons why I want to meet you in person. Please do not look at this and just ignore you are the reasons why i would love to be a writer.
Linda Smith
Brando R
Hi mrs, judy , on the first hand sorry if there's any mistake or error on thi letter. my writing is not hte best one ,yet. i am from Venezuela and have the luck to find your book "Forever" in the desk i was studying in. I'm not the kind of person to whom to you see reading in a room full of people and plenty of food but i would rather say that your book has helped me in more ways than i could tell, not in a phycological or like if it was a guide for me at all, although , this book has helped me being able to go through a really hard time in my life, my last and weirdest relationship i had was just a mess and she just ended up breaking up with me becaouse of God. It seems that God told her or made her feel that our relationship wasn't going on the right or the best way and well. . . . pretty much after all, i hope and think that if God is in between anything can possibly go grong , it's up to us if we ended up all messed up or worst, i guess.
This is my life so far until now. I finished your book about a half an hour and i ws wondering if you could helped me with this. the book ended in Theo calling Kath ..... what an amazing way to finish a book tho. is there a sequel of this book, and if there's not, would you mind telling me what or how Kath ended? what happened to michael? and did artie made it to the drama collage or he killed himself?
from a humble new fan, my best wishes for you and i hope to hear soon from you. good luck on the comming book.
truely yous,
Brando R.
t hanks Judy Blume i have a lot of answers for you please respond
Chea C.
Dear Judy,
I am a life long fan and I wanted to say thank you. You, your kindness, and your amazing books helped make my life better. When I was young I discovered your books and I read them all. They helped me find my way in life, they were like friends. One day I decided to write you a thank you note. I was so excited and honored when you wrote me back. Your gentle, kind, and loving words helped me make it through a very lonely and painful time in my life. To me you were always my friend Judy. My way of thanking you over the years was to give your books as presents. I always wanted others to discover you gifts. Once I saw a photo of you with pictures from all your fans. I was dumbstruck to see my face among them. Thank you Ms. Blume for the love, gentleness, kindness, and respect that you gave me and all of your kids over the decades. It is not overstating that you helped to save my life. You are a mensch and were a mechayeh [a joy, you brought me relief]. Thank you. with Love & Admiration
I'm raising my kids better because of you.I read "Are you there...' when I was 12. It effectively countered all the years of Playboy my dad had stashed away. Suddenly, girls had feelings, fears, vulnerability, strength, resolve, regret; all things I could relate too. So thanks from me, and thanks from my 21 yr old daughter who has taken these realizations to knew heights, both inexplicable to me, and exactly what I wanted for her.
Love to be lost in your stories. Your books are great. They make me smile
Hey Judy,
I've been researching censorship and book banning in schools for an assignment (single mom who recently went back to school). I have always been an avid reader and have many of your books in my personal "library." My daughter, 7, has currently caught the reading bug. She's diving into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and yours will be on the list of my recommendations to her as she becomes a more confident reader. I just want to say I was amazed at how active you are in regards to censorship. What I find disconcerting is that so much negativity is coming from "religious zealots" as I've seen it put quite a few times by several people. Personally, I am a Christian and I am teaching my daughter about God, but I do not believe any books should be kept out of libraries or schools. I want her to ask me about hard subjects. I want her to form her own thoughts and opinions and I am encouraging her to have an opinion that doesn't always match mine. As she's so young, I know she wants to make me happy. Her instinct is that I will be upset because she may disagree about something (even if it's about how cute a boy is). I make sure to let her know I enjoy her different opinion and that if she was just a copy of me, our lives would be incredibly boring! Why am I sharing this with you? Well, just to let you know there are Christians out there who do not want to keep "uncomfortable" subjects out of school and believe that reading for children is vital, even if it's Harry Potter (which, I enjoyed and I know my daughter will love when she starts them). I am so glad that my professor has us researching censorship. This will definitely keep me active at my local school board to ensure there's at a voice in this corner of the world to protect authors and books. Thank you for all you've done!
Hi Judy,
I have always loved your books, I have been reading them since my good friend Kelly passed hers on to me as preteens. Recently my husband & I found out that children are not in our future(maybe its for the better, half of eachothers genes?!) ... But seriously, I just wanted to share w/u that one of my regrets(?) is not being able to pass along my battered, dog-eared copies of your books to them... I am sure, w/ all my heart, that they would have gotten the same enjoyment, amusements, laughs & cries that I did... Thank you for being you...
Hi Judy,
I have always loved your books, I have been reading them since my good friend Kelly passed hers on to me as preteens. Recently my husband & I found out that children are not in our future(maybe its for the better, half of eachothers genes?!) ... But seriously, I just wanted to share w/u that one of my regrets(?) is not being able to pass along my battered, dog-eared copies of your books to them... I am sure, w/ all my heart, that they would have gotten the same enjoyment, amusements, laughs & cries that I did... Thank you for being you...
Dear Judy
I absolutely love your books. I have a whole shelf on my book case devoted to your books. You have inspired me to start writing myself, I have a journal filled with them!!! You are my hero. When I grow up I want to be like you.
💚 ~Veronica~💚
tales of a fourth grade nothing is funny
Hi Judy,
I love your book are you there god it me, margaret?
But I have one question, being from New Zealand, What is the A&P that nancy is always talking about? If you coild please tell me a would be very happy that I would finally know what the heck it means.
From Aimee
Hi Judy,
I can't believe so much time has flown since I read your books as a young teenager....they were such a huge part of my childhood, you will always be so special in my heart. I happened to see one of your book covers on Pinterest the other day, the exact same version of Forever that I used to own, and it brought back so many memories. Strangely, the man who currently has my heart but whose I do not have back is called Michael too So many memories, I loved all of your books. I am going to order them again I think and re-read them all as a grown up Mum of 2!
I hope you are well Judy, and that life is treating you well.
Kindest regards always,
PS. My eldest son was doing a school project on authors and had to write to his favourite (Julia Donaldson). He was so happy when she wrote back! I told him the story of when I wrote to you and you also wrote back, I will never forget that Thank you xxxx
Hey Judy!!!!!!! I love your books! Could you please make the book called tales of a fourth grade nothing into a movie ..please
Yours sincerely..
I'm reading some of your books as my summer reading assignment. My mom and I have enjoyed reading them together. My favorite is Double Fudge because I can relate to Peter. I can't wait to read more of your books.
Hi Judy!!! this is Vicky . i just love your books! you should make the one called double fudge as a movie!!
Best wishes from Vicky...:]
Is there any way i can get deenie ebook for free
I loved reading your books as an young adult back in the day! Pleased to know you have adult novels! I can't wait to pick them up to read once again... Keep it out there....
Hi, please can you right more fudge books. Also I added my own character too!
I just love your books judy!! should make your book called sheila the great into a movie!:-)
I am so glad I found your website. Your books helped me get through my teenage years back in the late 1980's. I now have a daughter and will be passing along your books to her. Thank you for your books, they have given me so many wonderful memories.
Judy Blume if you make more books i will be sooooo proud of you because i love your books.when i read tales of the 4th grade nothing i thought it was very fuuny .
Hi I love your books
HI Judy Blume i love your books
PLZ make more books like the tales of the 4th grade nothing if you do my friends will like it.
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