Judy says:

Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could respond to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand. Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and that your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.


Email for Judy can be sent to:



For snail mail, write to:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040


Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


The webguy says:

We try to acknowledge all notes that include an email address. If you don’t hear back in a week or so, maybe there was a mistake in your email address. Please try again. Thanks.

Ideas? Suggestions? Something to share? Want to say hi?

Just click the "Add Your Message" button. You can also send a private message, but no links can be included.

(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)

Hometown: Brisban - Posted March 17, 2014 8:41 pm


dear Judy Blume
I have just read 1 of the Fude books and it was great. from Jacob

Hometown: Brisbane - Posted March 17, 2014 8:41 pm


hi judy,
I love your books. I think you should make a lot more.
from alessio

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia - Posted March 17, 2014 8:39 pm


Hi Mrs Blume
My class just read tales of a 4th grade nothing
my name is Grace W and I was born in melb.
I love you and the books.
love from Grace

Hometown: BRISBEN astrealia - Posted March 17, 2014 8:29 pm


DARE MRS BLUME I HAVE NELLY FERD ALL YOUR BOOKS I JUST FINTS TALES FOR A FORTH GRAD NOTHING.IT IS GRAT MRS BLUME I WOHD FEEL WHAT TO HERA SOME MORE I for got I feel like your web sit I,m not beening meen but chold you plecs put some more in formacin in your web sit and I am a BIG fan so make some more books like one chold go to be norty

Hometown: Brisbane,Australia - Posted March 17, 2014 8:26 pm


Dear judy,
I just finish the tales of a forth grade nothing
I really loved it.I think you should make another book in the fudge seise

Hometown: Brisbane - Posted March 17, 2014 8:26 pm


Hi judy I hope you make a more books because they are awsome

Hometown: Brisbane austrailia - Posted March 17, 2014 8:26 pm


hello Judy Blume I really like you books they are really cool I like tales of a 4th grade nothing.

Hometown: Brisbane - Posted March 17, 2014 8:21 pm


Hi I have read tales of a forth grad nothing it was a great book I loved it a lot. Fuge is so funny bye.

Hometown: Brisbane, Australia - Posted March 17, 2014 7:51 pm


Dear Mrs Blume, I have just read Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing to my class. They really enjoyed it. Thanks,

Hometown: Tempe - Posted March 17, 2014 2:54 pm


Dear Mrs. Blume,

I really love your books! I just to ask if can make more young adult books. I believe your young adult books are the best and I cant find anymore like them.

Hometown: Dahlonega,ga - Posted March 16, 2014 4:32 pm

Victoria P

hi Mrs.Blume

Hometown: Rialto, CA - Posted March 15, 2014 10:46 pm


Dearest Judy Blume,
I've been reading your books since I was a young girl. My favorite is are you there God, Its me Margaret'. I look SO forward for my daughter to get older to read this particular book and ALL your books!! I've recommended your books to many young folks. You've been my favorite author always and still to date!Thank you for being an inspiration to young people everywhere!!

Hometown: Portland - Posted March 15, 2014 3:38 am


My 7 year old has taken a liking to the name "Lila" and I always think of Sally Friedman when she says it. Your books were a big part of my childhood in a very positive way. Thank you.

Hometown: Auckland - Posted March 15, 2014 1:27 am


Hi Judy,

I love to read your books when I have any free time or when I have nothing better to do.
Here is my suggestion for a new book:
You should write an adventure/funny story about sisters who get lost on a camping trip and they could have lots of arguments through the book and you can choose what else happens

Hometown: santa paula - Posted March 14, 2014 1:21 pm


Dear Mrs Judy Blume,

I have been reading your books since 1983. You are still my 1# best writer. You have always inspired me to keep reading From Fudge, to Are you there God, to Wifey you are still 1#. I just want you to know you have given me a great childhood. I remember writing to you in 7th grade but never got a respond back and even now @ 37 years of age you still keep me mesmerize with your long tales. Take care and God bless you always. From a very old loyal fan,

Amelia Leyva

P.S Your chest enhancement exercises did work!! THANK YOU!!

Hometown: Dahlongea - Posted March 14, 2014 8:30 am


Dear,mrs.Blume I have been reading your books and I love them.Hi am Carter from Dahlongea ,Ga 30533 I wonder if you would write another book.

The title should be tales of a sccond Grade nothing.I love your because they are funny .The characters are silly.

We have read 3 of your books and the best one is Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing Please write a nother book.

Love ,Carter

Hometown: Dahlonega,GA - Posted March 13, 2014 3:30 pm

Tyler S

I hope you liked my letter!!!!!

Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:53 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,

Hi Mrs. Blume I am Connor I'm in Mrs.Kiefaber's class.I love your books!!!So,I think you should write another one,in the Fudge Series

You should make one called Other Wise Known As Fudge The Great.I really like the Fudge series!!!I really hope you write another Fudge series book.

I have read 3 out of 5 of the Fudge series books.Your my favorite author so,please write another book.
Sincerely, Connor

Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:51 am


Dear Mrs Blume,
I am going to persuasive you to write another book.I am in second grade I am 7 years old. my favorite book is Double Fudge.
I want you to write another book.The title can be Sheilas In Love.You could make Peter 2 years old and Fudge is in collge.
Love, Aaron

Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:50 am


Dear Mrs.Blume,
I'm Isaac and I'm in 2nd grade at LCES. I have read 3 of your books so far. I hope you like my ideas.

First,my favorite book is Super Fudge. Its because Peter is going to New Jersey for a whole year and his mother had a new baby! Will that new baby be a another Fudge? Will Peter have 2 Fudges or 1? in Super Fudge you figure Out that Tootsie,the new baby is like Fudge.
My last idea is you should white a another book called Its All About Poke'mon. In its this book their's a new character called Stapine. She tells Peter all about Poke'mon and Fudge wants to know all about it. Peter makes a surprise about it and makes a present for his birthday,but Fudge wants to know it now. So he is a brat.He spilled his cereal. He screamed in Wendys. He got 10 spankings in a week. Will Peter survive a terror present of his? Will he?
I hope you enjoy this these ideas. If you do write a letter back to me. Please do.Bye!


Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:48 am


Dear Mrs. Judy Blume,
My name is Vincent , and I live at Dahlonega, Ga. I'm really loving and enjoying your Fudge series. I'v read three of them. they're really good so far!

I think should make another one. I would love if you made another Fudge book. You could add some new characters like Allon or Sarah. They could be in an older grade than Peter.

I love your books. Maybe you could make a book called The Adventure of The Hatchers or something exiting. I hope you take it into consideration!

Hometown: Dahlonega ,Georgia - Posted March 13, 2014 11:47 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
My name is Preston.I am in the second grade at LCES and I think that you should write another Fudge series book.I have several good reasons why!
The first reason is I think your books are funny!Fudge does crazy things.Write a new book about what Fudge will do next.If you write another Fudge book you should have a character named Chocolate.
I have read 3 out of 5 of your books.My favorite book is Double Fudge.Also I like Fudge-a-Mania.I think your books are great.You should at least write one more!

Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:43 am


Dear Judy Blume
This is Eliany again.I will persuade you to write another book.Mayby you could write a book about Peter being born and that would be the first book.
The title would be THE GOOD DAY. Put new characters in it. He will wonder were he came from. All of your leters would go crazy.I enjoy your books.My class would be happy.
Do you think you will do it.DO it do it do it please.
I hope you get better.

Love Eliany

Hometown: Fletcher, NC - Posted March 13, 2014 11:42 am


I'm writing an article on you for my adolescent literature class at Western Carolina University.

Hometown: Dahlonega ,Georgia - Posted March 13, 2014 11:41 am

Alejandro N

Dear Mrs.Blume
Hi,My name is Alejandro and I am in 2nd grade at LCES. I am writing you a letter because I want you to write another Fudge book. I have read 3 out of your 5 Fudge books and so far I have enjoyed 3 of your books.
My favorite book is Fudge-A-Mania because it is so funny. I want you to write another Fudge book because our class enjoys your books so much and your books make us laugh. You should add more characters to your books,like Peter's grandpa should be called Brauner. The main reason I want you to write another Fudge book is because your books keep us motivated,and we want read your books in one day because we want to know what happens.
Here is an idea for your tittle ,''The Class of the Weirdness''. Mrs.Blume can you please make another Fudge book? If you chose to do another Fudge book please do some of my ideas.
Your biggest fan,

Hometown: Dahlonega ,GA - Posted March 13, 2014 11:39 am

Tyler S

Dear Mrs.Blume
My name is Tyler.I am in second grade.I go to school LCES.I have fallen head over hills for your Fudge series.My favorite book is Double Fudge.My sister,Dylan,is just like Fudge.
I think you should write another Fudge series book.I have a idea for a title,Tales of a Third Grade Nothing,for the book before Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.I think you should make a new character named Mary. Mary would be a nice character. The total opposite of Sheila.
If you write the book you could make a movie about it. Thank you for reading my letter!
your biggest fan,

Hometown: Dahlonega,GA - Posted March 13, 2014 11:37 am

Mary R.

Dear,Mrs. Blume

My name is Mary . I have read 3 of the Fudge books. So far I love them. I wish you would write another book soon.

There are many reasons why I want you to write another Fudge book.I love that Fudge annoys Peter. Fudge does silly things like eating flowers,and swallowing turtles.

I can't wait to read your two remaining books. You are my favorite author . I would love it if you came to my school LCES in Dahlonega ,GA.

Your biggest fan,
Mary .

Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:34 am


Dear Judy Blume,
My name is Dockery.I am 8 years old.I go to LCES.I am in Mrs.Kiefaber class.

Hear are some suggestion for you.You should add another character.Her name can be Big Ange. She can have black hair.

Here are some more things for you. The title can be The Return Of The Hatchers. I am sure that would be fun.Well that's my story. Hope you like it . Love ,

Hometown: Dahlonega,Georgia - Posted March 13, 2014 11:30 am

cody j

Dear Judy Blume,
i am Cody.Iive in Dahlonega,Georgia
30533. These are my ideas.

My ideas that i am thinking are Shelia should be bossier. Fudge should be older. Write more Fudge books please. I love Fudge. Thats why I want you to make more Fudge books. My favorite book is Otherwise Known As Sheila The Great.
I hope you like my ideas. My 2nd paragraph lists my reasons. Thank you for listening Mrs.blume


Hometown: Dahlonega - Posted March 13, 2014 11:30 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
HI I am Joseph.I am in second grade. I am seven years old. I am about to be eight.I hope you write another book.
If you write another book you should call it Baby Trouble. You should make a grandfather who has a heart attck. You should make them move to New York City from Dahloega, Georgia. Can it be when Fudge is being born?
Then it will be the first book of he series and the only one I haven,t read. I hope you like my story. I hope you write another book

Posted March 13, 2014 11:30 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
Hi my name is Ashlei.I live in
Dahlonahga George.
I am writing you a story to persuade you to make another book.
Please write a story about a girl named Eliany. I really like the books Tales
of a fourth grade nothing and Otherwise known as Sheila the great.
When you make the book make Eliany beautiful,exciting,and funny.You
should call the book Tales of a Second Grade Nothing.That was the end of my
story Mrs. Blume.Bye!
Love, Ashlei.

Hometown: Dahlonega,Ga - Posted March 13, 2014 11:29 am


Dear Mrs.Blume,
Hello Mrs.Blume my name is Victoria I am from the school LCES.I think you should make another book like Jimmy Wants A Pet Lizard that would be an entertaining book.I"ll tell you some ideas I think would be awsome.

First,my favorite book is Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing but although I haven't read Otherwise Know As Sheila The Great,and Superfudge.You could add a character named Carhe in the book Jimmy Wants A Pet Lizard and Jimmy likes Carhe.

Mrs.Blume I love your books.Could you plese try to make more books in the Fudge series.I love all your books.

Posted March 13, 2014 11:27 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
I am arya.I am in 2nd grade. I want you to write a new Fudge book. These are the books I have read,Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Fudge a Mainia, and Doubble Fudge.

If you write a new Fudge book I have ideas that you can use in your book. The title of the book can be Fudge the Second Grader. Fudge'st teacher is Mrs.Kiefaber. You should add new characters in the classroom.

You should come to our school. You can pick some people for your book Fudge the Second Grader.

You Biggest fan,
Arya XXX

Hometown: Dahlonega,GA - Posted March 13, 2014 11:25 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
My name is Owen.I'm in second grade at Mrs. Kiefaber's class.
I think you should write another Fudge book named Tales o f a Second Grade Nothing.In this book Peter is in second grade,and Fudge isn't born yet.What if Fudge swallowed ten raw fish?Oooh! what if there is a new character called Cody?

Do you think you should write another book? I think you should. Bye!


P.S. I'm a bigger fan than Carter lee!

Hometown: altona - Posted March 13, 2014 6:49 am


Are you there god it's me Margaret was fine. but did you have to make the teacher a pervert.by the way by he ogles Lauren

Hometown: Salisbury,MD - Posted March 12, 2014 9:46 pm


Can you please write Fudge and Sheila books please

Hometown: Seattle,WA - Posted March 12, 2014 9:19 pm


Dear Judy,
I've only read four of your books but I really like them so I plan to read more. The books are Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Double Fudge, Fude-a-Mania, and Freckle Juice. Two things: One, I think Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing should be a movie and two, I think you should tour sometime. At least to Seattle.

Hometown: Dahlonega,GA - Posted March 12, 2014 8:52 pm

Dockery E.

hi Judy. I am in Mrs. Kiefaber`s class. Hope you like my you will get my story towmarow. Love,Dockery.

Hometown: Greenville SC - Posted March 12, 2014 12:15 pm


Dear Judy Blume,
I very much liked your Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing series, and ask you to please do one, two or a few more books. But, please don't add in the Howies because they were really annoying.

I am now reading Blubber. Thank you for writing these amazing books!

Hometown: Hattiesburg, MS - Posted March 12, 2014 11:07 am



I just want to say thank you. Your writing really did change my life. Even though I'm almost sixteen, "Are you There God, It's Me, Margaret" is still my favorite book. When I was in middle school, I would read about Margaret and Blubber over and over again. A few years back you had a book signing at USM and I regret it all the time for not going. You know what would be absolutely amazing? A part two to Margaret's story. I would do anything to read about her as a teenager, sometimes I sit and ponder what she would be like. I've never felt so connected to a fictional character, and I would love to get that feeling again. I know your book demographics are a bit younger than I am, but I would be the happiest person in the world if you write a part two. I'm sorry, I just kind of kept typing what I felt. I originally came here to tell you how great of an author you were but my thoughts started to wonder. I just wanted to say thank you.

Hometown: franklin - Posted March 10, 2014 11:10 am



Hometown: Ottawa, ON - Posted March 9, 2014 11:20 am


Hello Judy, just wanted to stop in and say hello. Me and my sisters are huge fan of yours and have been sense we first read The Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing.
Any how I'm not sure if you'll see this or if you even do things like this but my sister, Kim's birthday is coming up this June and I was wondering if I sent you a copy of her all time favourite book, Summer Sisters, if you could signed it for her? I understand if you don't but thanks in advance.


Hometown: omaha nebraska - Posted March 9, 2014 11:17 am


Ms. blume, from my age you can tell I grew up with your books. I want you to know I have given 'forever' to 4 of my friend's daughters. I cannot begin to say the impact you have had on my life. From your light , funny 'one in the middle' to your real life 'then again' books. In a time when grown up topics were barely discussed, you were the aunt that told me what life is really about. Now my son reads super fudge and I want you to know your legacy is far reaching. Thank you for being there while I became a woman

Hometown: WEST PALM BEACH - Posted March 8, 2014 8:26 pm



Hometown: Nanticoke, Pa - Posted March 8, 2014 1:46 pm


Hey Judy! I just wanted to let you know that you did amazing things for me throughout my life and when my teacher this year in my senior year of high school said you have to write a research paper on someone and their effect on literature. I honestly couldn't think of anyone else to write about! Thank you for writing everything you have and for fighting the censorship of your books. Thank God your books were not banned from me because i don't know where i would be without them! Thank you so much Judy!

Hometown: India - Posted March 8, 2014 10:24 am


iI love reading your books .... they are amazing ! your book heres to rachel robinson is my favorite . Rachel is exactly like me . It is the first time that i found a book exactly describing me ..
thank you ...... judy blume ur amazing

Hometown: Newcastle,NSW,Australia - Posted March 8, 2014 5:07 am

Amber Jade

Hometown: Macomb - Posted March 7, 2014 8:46 pm


Hi Judy Blume,I really like your books!So far I've read Fudge-a-Mania and Double Fudge.I plan on reading more once I get the chance.Books I would like to read are Freckle Juice,Super Fudge,Tales of a forth grade nothing and Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.Buy!

Hometown: medellin - Posted March 7, 2014 5:20 pm

maria antonia

H im a big fan of your books especialy the books about peter and fudge. i wold really love another book about them it wold be great.

Hometown: NYC - Posted March 7, 2014 3:53 pm


I like your book Blubber because it talks about bullying and how you might feel and are there God, its Margaret because it talks about kids in puberty stage. Also it helped me by it shows me that not to be afraid to tell who you like because this boy in my class Tylik, I likedbhim and it turns out he likes me.

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