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I grew up reading your books and have alwasys loved them. My favorite was "tiger eyes". I was so surprised to find it at my local video store in a movie. I honestly loved it. Thanks for the great works over the years.
What's your new book called that your writing
Hi judy I did are port on u at school did you have two children Judy and john??
sofie m
its me again sofie just letting you know theres alot of mispelling words soo please try your best to understand what i wrote to you my fraviorte author
I like the books about Peter and his famiy
sofie m
dear judy its me again sofie ypur books are so great that when i read then my cat sits right bext to me and when i read it outloud he purrs no lie
sofie m
hi its me again its sofie jsut one more thing i really want to become a writer like really inspire me to write.i used to think writing is boring but now its not to already working on a new book calles triple fudge its about this kid [peter] who has to survive another little brother just like peter has to brothers and ther driving him crazy.they both lose turttle while thw mom isnt looking. i hope u like it it was be soo amazing if u actually did wewll i gotta go i hope u read my comment and respond that would be a dream come true.
sofie m
i love your fudge books everytime im sad i read your fudge books and they cheer me up.i think you are a amazing writer because not even dr.suess can make up such a funny character like fudge.i just have one quetion the movie fudge a manina the grandmother of anne u know the one that can do chartwheels was that you playing as muriel.i read alll of your fudge books and there so funny i hope u respond i would be soo exited to get a respond of my quetion from my faviorte author byee
Your books as a young lady growing up really nailed all the confusion of physical and emotional changes. Now at the age of 44 with 2 daughters, 10 and 14 and the world so different-I would really like to address the issues of today not only for young girls, but for us mothers who are going through their own emotional and physical changes! Are you there God, it's me Tracy, I'm 44 with 2 teenage daughters and really need your help! Would love to hear your opinion and thoughts on this! Thanks for your contribution to the life of many!!
i love your book!i actually want to be a writer myself. i wrote a play recently and entered it into a contest! and i am one of the people who won!
yours truly,
lupita and rosie
Dear Judy,
i like your books they are very funny my favorite book is super fudge because when Peter gets from school his parents that is going to have a baby and peter and freaks out and chokes on a carrot
your friend Lupita and Rosie
I love your books and I grew up with all of them! The problem is I'm getting kind of old now haha... Are you writing anymore adult/YA books? I hope so!!!! PLEASE DO!!!
Hello, I just read the Double Fudge. It is very funny and very serious at the same time. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you for your work.
Thanks for having "Tiger Eyes" on lifetime! What a well executed, fresh, exciting movie!
Dear Judy: I am thrilled to say that one of my nieces is now reading the Fudge books! When I was her age, I remember loving your work. I wonder how many generations in a family have enjoyed your stories. In ours, at least 2. Perhaps in some, there are even 3 or 4!
I love your books!
I love all your books specialy double fuge
My kids want to know if there will be at least one more Fudge book. He can't be out of escapades yet. Personally I think Peter and Sheila need to go to prom together!
Mr. Esquibel
I think you are the best author ever!
Hi, I love your books.I have a book report are you there god its me margrert .I need help! on you thanks, Cayleigh
Judy! Do what you do- I love your style. Thank you for writing.
My daughter who is now 43 thinks she remembers reading a book written by you when she was in junior high school it had a boys name "Skip Svoboda" in it. She would now like for her daughter to read the book. (because there is a family member named Skip Svoboda)Thank you.
you could write about Alex.
What is your husband's name?
Dear Judy ,
I'm doing A Project on "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" and I'm having trouble Looking For the information about the book so if any body have some information text on the web and I'm looking for Tales of the Fourth Grade nothing don't Forget and i need the information by tomorrow thanks for the help if u help me!
Dear Mrs.bloom,
WHEN I am older I want to be an author like you
I love writing mini story's
Your friend nessa
Dear Judy Blume, I love your books, especially Fudge books. They are the best books. I like it when Pete faints and then Fudge says, "When Pete faints that means he's happy." It was funny. Very funny. Love,
i love ur books i frist rewad forever and it something my life story but he didnt breack up with me because never cheated on him but we did have sex and it was lovely
Dear, Mrs.blume
My teacher read us tales of a fourth grade nothing, are class enjoyed it so much that we read super fudge by are selves and so many people wanted to read it that were having a lunch club in the classroom and talk about the book.
elise b
is there going to be more book`s I love them. I am reading fudge a mania I love the book
Do you know where I can buy the movie forever? I have read your book so many times. It is my favorite book.
How old we're you when you started writing
Thank you for sharing your gift of writing. My mother would buy me your books and I could not put them down. It was her way of talking to me about difficult subjects, without actually talking to me. As a one of few African-American girls in a small town, your books help me to see, as isolated as I was - I wasn't alone. I think of your books all the time. As a woman, I hold a deeper appreciation for every word, moment, piece of paper, thought, edit, rewrite, meeting, struggle, idea and everything else that went into each book. Thank you Ms. Blume, thank you.
the interview you did with ellen forney was fantastic! you're a wonderful, thoughtful writer and you tell it exactly like it is.
I love your books and my class and techer loves them,to can you write more books a preter and fuge?
Hello Judy Blume,
I just wanted to say your books are amazing.
Hi Mrs.blume I am your NUMBER ONE FAN!!!!!!!!!!&!!!!! I think that you should make more fudge books he is hilarious!
Gillianne L.
Hi! I read your book 'Double Fudge.' And I loved it. I actually got the book when I was 7 and it was just sitting on my desk and I just decided to read it. I have no regrets. One of the best books I've read.
-some bookworm
I was so happy when I got your e-mail for the frist time. How did you find time to write a reply.
You are inspiring me.I`m sure my Engish will get
better soon. Then I will go to your hometown and
I will meet you. Am I too brave? But you are
special for me. I really appreciate your e-mail.
You make me feel special.
Alice k
Hello. I`m Alice k. I live in Busan Korea. I really enjoy reading your book, tales of a fourth grade nothing. It`s really fun. I love Fudge. He is cute.I want you to write more fun books. My English is getting better after reading your book. So I want to get your reply.Is it winter in New York? Because I like New York. Fudge is New Yorker. Do you like New York? Please send me a reply.
I loved Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Keith Tinsley
My wife introduce me to your work. I found it to be very interesting. I am a student at the University of Southern California (USC). I am doing an internship with the Youth Policy Institute, which is a non-profit organization. We work with hard to reach youth. We are starting a book-club and we are seeking donations. We can provide you with the 501(C)3 documentations.
Judy Blume was a great book writer she still might be writing good books for children so they keep reading..
Hi you should make a story that a girl gos to middle school and had troubles like can,t fit in or needing to do a party to get fit in but gets in trouble
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