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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
I'm sure you hear this a lot, but I grew up with your books and they've inspired me to tell stories of my own! I am now at USC film school looking to make a career in making young adult/children's movies. Thanks for the inspiration over the years
Hi Judy I love your fudge books and I almost read all of them and I was wondering if you were going to write a new the way my fourth grad class is reading the tales of a fourth grade nothing and I love it
November 7, 2012
Dear Mrs. Blume,
I love your books, especially the Fudge books. My favorite book is Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love it because Peter Hatcher is in 4th grade and so am I. We have a lot in common. For example, we both have siblings and they both drive us nuts! Also our siblings are both the same age (after Fudge's birthday party). In SuperFudge, they have a baby. We also have a baby. Once I had started the Fudge books, I couldn't stop and finished the whole series in one week! What is your favorite food?
Most importantly, I hope my sister doesn't eat my frog! I hope you are feeling better from Cancer.
Judy: I wrote to you a few years ago about the book "Blubber." That book is more relevant than ever these days, with cases like the suicide of cyber-bullied teen Amanda Todd in Canada.
I also recently bought and read the book "Double-Fudge", though I haven't yet read Fudge-A-Mania. I like how you made the former more modern with references to the Internet, ethnic foods like couscous etc.
Please check out the book "Cancer: Step Outside the Box" by Ty Bollinger. He admits that he is not a physcicians. but he has some good ideas about cancer prevention and treatment IMO.
Thanks, God bless and ttyl.
Seoul, ROK.
rylie t.
hi judy!i love your books.i love double fuge!i have one question for you ? do you have any new books coming out or not?the books and you are amasing!the books you have out are realy good!you are a good book writer.
dear mrs. blume,
i have a book report where we have to write about the author, which really isnt a book report but anyways, my author cant be/live in the usa or in brittan... gotta know as soon as posible where u r from. so if u can write me back really soon that would make me happy... thx byeee
hi Judy Blume i am reading your books and i am loving them i wish you can come to my house can you? i would love to meet you in person or talk to you on the phone can you give me your phone number ? thanks bye
Hi Judy Blume,I love the book Freckle Juice.
ilove all your books. by the way where is your birthplace its for a project
Ms Duff
Hello Judy
I am a grade four teacher that has been reading your book "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" aloud to my students for a few years now. I want to say thank you because the students and I get to laugh at some of the comical events and some of my new students become more interested in challenging themselves to read more frequently, and many of them begin choosing some of your other books to add to their independent reading repetoire. Thank you so much!
Just wanted to say how much I loved reading your books as a kid. My all time favourite was Are you there god its me Margaret. Over the years I had lost my copy and am now searching book stores so I can give a copy yo my 10 year old daughter. I know she will love it as much as I did.
i just wanted to know the plot of this book because i am doing a project of my own on books that i like and what is the plot og these stories
Dear Judy,
I have been reintroduced to your work through my daughters reading of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. My 8 year old reluctant enjoyed the book immensely as part of a Battle of the Books assignment and is now working on Shelia, without it being an assignment! Now that your books are coming back to me, I can't wait to get my 10 year old to read about Margaret.
I was saddened by your last Blog post and heartened by your attitude as you were going through the experience. I wish you the best in your recovery.
i think your books are soooooooo good you should make movies out of them i would love to watch them over and over again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Mrs. Blume,
I love your books! My favorites are Fudge-a-Mania, Super Fudge, and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. If you can respond, please answer these few questions. Where do you get your inspiration from? How do you come up with certain characters and their traits? What do you like most about being an author. Lastly, do you like the editing and revision process? I love your books and my favorite is the Fudge series and I enjoyed it SO MUCH! Keep writing!I'll keep reading!
Dear Judy- I hope you are recovering well from your cancer. I loved your books as a child and have now passed them on to my kids. Currently, my 5th grade son is doing report on censorship- he had to pick a banned book and write a report and read your article on censorship. He chose Blubber and its been an interesting conversation in the house. Thank you for your books- I wish I could put into succinct words how much I love your books and am thrilled they are continuing to be beloved in my home by my kids.
All the best,
I recently re-bought copies of a few of your books, since I loved them as a child and teenager and wanted to re-experience them. To this day, as a 24 year old woman, I simply adore them. Here's To You, Rachel Robinson is definitely a top favorite, but it's so hard to pick just one. The topics and how relatable they are for young girls (and boys!) is awesome. You have truly given excellent perspective to young people experiencing hardships and realities in life. Thank you SO much for sharing your talent. I adore you, Judy!!
Dear Judy Blume,
you are my favoite author and also my mom's favoite.She got me started with you books and I now have read all but 2 or your books.Whats your favorite color?i wish i had more to say but im a slow typer so please resopnd to me...
Kerie "Ki"
I am a Cherokee/celtic woman doing research for a graduate class in literature and chose you as my author for a banned books topic. I am going to check out some of your books for my daughter and I will read them too! I am writing a book about the moon lodge. I saw you have had some health challenges and would like to share with you that we (American Indians) use paw paw leaves and twigs made into tea with great success in treating challenges similar to yours. Paw paw tea drank on a regular basis also helps prevent ailments! Blessings on your journey and may you be on the beauty in all your endeavors! Ki
Nastassja Delliss
Hey =] I Loved your book Forever!!! It was amazing! Do you think you could send me a copy? If you can please email me and i'll give you my address. Thanks! <3
i love your books.
Dear Judy Blume ,
I love your books because they are funny and entertaining. Who inspired you to write the book about Sheila??I have one sister and one brother. My name means happiness ( Khushi is my name by the way ) in my language. My parents named me. I think you should write a book about yourself and your life.
Please write back to me and thank you for taking some time to read my letter.
Your Friend,
Dear Judy Blume,
My name is Mia and I have some questions for you. What made you think you wanted to be a writer? How old are you? Why did you use those names in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing? I have 2 more books. I love that you are a another.
Dear Judy
How are you? Your books are super funny. You are the best author. I am eight years old. I am into hockey, Pokemon, and cartoons. Some of my dislikes would be my annoying younger brother, Darius, and what he does. I hope you read this and write me back . take care !
from conner
Dear Judy Blume,
I like your books like Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. It was funny, cool, and awesome. I like Peter and Fudge Hatcher and Jimmy Fargo. I like to bike on my BMX (United) and I like to play hockey and watch TV.You should make a book about Jimmy Fargo. I want to know what you like?
+++++++++++++++++++by Ashten Nichols
To Judy,
Hi my name is Megan. I love your books. How many books did you write? How old are you? Can you keep writing books? How are you with animals?
From Megan
October 30, 2012
To Judy Blume,
Judy how old are you? When did write the book? I am 9 years old. I really liked the book. The book is really funny. When did you publish it? What is your favorite color? What is your favorite thing to do?
What is your favorite animal?
From Sami
Oct 30 2012
Dear Judy,
So Judy, how do you make every chapter of Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing so funny? I have a pretty funny store. Once my brother tried to flick an elastic band at me and did it the wrong way and flicked his self in the eye. I was laughing my head off.
Ps. I love your books!
October 30, 2012.
Dear Judy,
I read your book and I loved it! It was one of the funniest books I have ever read. I liked the ending the when Fudge ate Dribble. I also liked the part when Fudge went to the shoe store. I am 9 years old and I am in grade four. I was born in India. How old are you? Where did you get the ideas for this book?
Dear Judy Blume,
I am happy that you got your book published it is really funny and great . How old are you? I am in grade four just like you wrote called Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing . I was sad when you got rejected but happy when you got ecstatic. I was born in India. I am 9 years old and my cousin lives in India too. When you were in school did you like writing.
Thanks Parthiv,
Hi Judy! Im doing a author study in my class and I picked you. I was wondering if i could ask you some questions about your book?, It would mean alot to me. Please email me
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