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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Hi Judy! Its been a long time since I've sent you another message. I read almost all of the Fudge series except for Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I've been enjoying your books a lot. My favorite book was Fudge-A-Mania.
I have reread Summer Sisters every four or five months since I read it for the first time almost four years ago. It doesn't lose its magic and I ever stop falling in love witn the story. That's something so special, thank you for creating that.
Hello Mrs. Blume:
First, I just wanted to let you know that I am praying for you to be healed from your breast cancer. You are my all-time favorite author! When I was coming home from school, the reporter said, "Author Judy Blume has breast cancer", I mentall responded and started praying for you right then and there in my head. I just wanted to let you know that you are ALWAYS in my prayers.
Secondly, I just want to let you know that your books are the best so far ON THE PLANET. My sister and I absolutely LOVE THEM!! In my opinion, of course, the Fudge Series, and these two books- "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" and "It's Not the End of the World" are my favorites so far by you. I want to read all your books since you are my favorite author.
Mrs. Blume, I'd like to be a writer and write books like the Fudge Books one day, and I've already started my writing career by getting in A in my Language Arts class in school. Are there any tips that you can give me for and aspiring writer? I love you and I really love your writing! You must tell me where you have gotten your ideas for each of the Fudge Books, and the two books I had mentioned earlier.
Thank you so much for inspiring me to keep writing and you are always in my prayers!
Trinity Bland
Hi Judy,
I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing since I am in 4th grade! It is so funny! I also liked Freckle Juice. Thank you for writing wonderful books.
From, Lucy
I love the book call tall of a fourth grader nothing. It was funny. You Judy Blume are a gret writer. Thank you for reading this
Hi Judy Blume. Your one of my favourite writers. I like reading you books alot. One of my most wanted book of yours is Deenie.
I love all the judy blume books. I read the Fudge books ever since I was four years old all by myself. Now Im reading books like "Deenie" and "Heres to you Rachel Robinson" and those types of mature books.
hi Iam selam and I want yor book for grad nothig
book yor book is fun good ples giv me the book
Ms. Theodore
Hey Judy, I had to read It's me Margaret for a classand i was wondering you should come out with a part two of the book!!!!! What you think??????
hello mrs judy!!i am reading magret now with all those hello god are u theres!!its so fun i just sooooo luv ur books thnx for starting the job mwah>> luv u lots>>live long***
Juana M. F.
Dear Judy,
Thank you for sharing your stories with the world. I cannot begin to express how your work has made me feel throughout the years. I grew up reading your books. My depression, and anxiety seemed to disappear when I buried myself in your work, and bcs of you I want to share my stories. Who knows, maybe I might inspire a 12 year old and help her deal with every day life struggles.
i love your fudge books they are so cool what gave you ideas about the peter and fudgie book?
I think you should make more books about fudge and peter
Dear Judy,
Thank you for your wonderful gift to the reading world. I am a huge reader, and when I'm not in school or singing and dancing, or arguing with my little sister I'm reading.Thank you.
Thank you for your post on breast cancer. My husband came across it one day - I was diagnosed recently and will undergo a mastectomy in just a few weeks. I grew up reading your books, and so is my daughter. Thank you for your wisdom, strength and humor. xoxo
Hey Judy Blume! I love your Fudge series. I've read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Double Fudge. Right now I'm reading Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great. Sheila is so funny. Thanks for reading.
Dear Ms.Blume,
My name is Teja.
I am a 3rd grade student at Ridgecrest Elementary Shoreline WA.
My teacher read to the class the book called 'The Pain and the Great One.
I really liked it because me and my brother kind of do the same thing.
Could I please ask you a couple of questions?.......
1.What was your first book you ever wrote and how many pages was it?
2.What inspired you to start writing?
I am really looking forward to hear from you!
Thank you!
dear judy blume i love your books expessurly soupy saturdays whith the pain and the great one tank you four the books love emily
i love how you come up with wacky ideas email me
I love all of your books. My all-time favorite is Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing. You have inspired me so much . When Im older I would love to write storys but I dont know where to start!
Shailja & Raadha Pandey
Dear Ms. Blume,
Hello! I have grown up reading your books and have enjoyed and cherished each one! I have passed on my love for your books to my children - my 9 year old daughter and my 8 year old son. Thank you for touching our lives through your work!
Every year, I participate in the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation Run for the Cure. When I woke up early this morning to get ready to go to the event, I was surprised to see that my daughter was also up and ready to join me for the 5km walk/run. At the event, we were given t-shirts with "I am running for..." on them and she insisted on writing your name on her shirt and dedicating her walk/run to you.
I was not aware that your are battling breast cancer and was surprised to see this. We wish you good health and are sending healing thoughts from Guelph, Ontario, Canada and pray for your triumph over this cancer.
Stay strong and positive. Wishing you all the best,
Shailja & Raadha Pandey
Rachel Slosberg
Hi Ms. Blume,
You have been my favorite author since I read my first book,Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing at age 4. I read and re-read your books over and over again and always enjoyed the escapism they provided. My son is now reading your books and I am so glad that I get to enjoy them all over again. You inspired my love for reading and writing, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart,
I read that you were diagnosed with breast cancer recently. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you that I am sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. I am a five year survivor and while it hasn't been an easy journey, it's been a true learning experience. Please know that you are supported and loved. You've made a difference in so many lives and I know you will continue to do so.
Sending hugs, best wishes, and strength
Rachel (survivor sister and HUGE Judy Blume fan) xoxo
I'm reading "Wifey" again for the first time in almost 30 years. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I've been happily single for 5 years & reading this book...looking back at the way things were when I was just makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore when those old memories surface. You're wonderful.
Maybe I'll pick up Ramona or Superfudge next. ; )
hi Judy blume i am your biggest fan of your books my favoritebook is are u there god its me margaret i loved it it thought me aboutgrowing up thank u for writting that book crystal out
joseph James L.
Hi judy this is joseph and I and my class are now reading ''sheila the great'' and the first book i am sorry for the now dead dribble. ''I am sorry for your loss Peter.
DEAR judy I love tales of a 4th grade nothing and my favorite character is fudge and now we are on Shelia the great
Dear Judy,
I just got done reading tales of a fourth grade
nothing. It was funny because fudge had a party and jenny peed on the floor.
we are about to read sheila the great. oh and my birthday is feb.12.
I just finished reading the tails of a 4 grade nothing it was good now i am reading otherwise known as sheila the great
Dear Judy,Are class just finished tales of a fourth grade nothing it was very good my favorite character is fudge he is the funnest character in the book and my favorite part is when he says eat it or where it and where reading otherwise know as sheila the great
Dear Judy Blume
I am Rodrigo Maguina and I love yours book my class and me are done with Tales of fourth grade nothing,My favorite character is fudge because hi is really fun and are next book is 'Otherwise know as sheila the grate' I know that its going to be fun because you write the book.
Rodrigo Maguina
Dear Judy we finished tales of a 4th grade nothing.we,rreading
Dear, Judy
We just finished your book it was really good.
Please wright more books.We are going to start Sheila the great.I
wonder how good it will be.Thank you for righting all the books.
dear judy blume
we just finished Tales of a fourth grade nothing now we are starting sheila the great i wounder what it is about
by trayton
I have messaged you before ,and we reading you book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing ,now we are done with it and we are starting one of your other book Otherwise none as Shiela the Great,we all went crazy trying to find the book in the library.were are gonna read all of you book ,and series. Your books are very funny & crazy at some points . I now somebody who said your books are stupid but i think otherwise.
we have finished the Tales Of The Fourth Grade Nothing it was good.We are reading sheila the great . My favorite character is Fudge because does bad thing and it is funny. I like the part when fudge ate the turtle.But peter didnt bleave him.
Dear Judy,
My classroom finished your book Tales of a 4 grade nothing.We are
making a poster and we wrote about it.I got one of your books double fudge im on chapter 1 and im starting to like it.When i go to libary again im getting fudge a mania.And then im getting otherwise known as sheila the great.
DEAR.Judy we haved finished the Tales of a forth grade nothing its so funny when fudge ate the turrtle but its okay because Peters dad bught him a dog and named him turttle to remind him adout dribble.
Dear Judy,Our class just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.The last chapter was funny and weird but the whole book was funny.We are going to read Otherwise Know as Sheila the Great.
my teacher mrs hutnik finshed tales of a fourth nothing and we did a book report for the first time.i finish my book report on the >< your books are good!
DEAR,Judy my class is done reading tales of a fourth grade nothing. my favorite character is class is going to read sheila the great.
your biggest fan nicholas.
Hi Judy,I hope your feeling better. I really can empathize with you. My wife and I have also gone through the anguish of that dreaded c word.I hurt every time i hear about people living with this. I am going to send you a song that I wrote and produced for my wife. {SNAIL MAIL} Yes Judy there is a God and he loves you. Look for it soon, It will comfort your inner most being! P.S. Kathy Giusti executive officer of the Multiple Mycloma Research Foundation {MMRF} loved the song and played it for her children and they loved it. Hope you listen to it as well. Thanks Bill Roberts
Tales of fourth grade nothing rocks its very funny. my favorite part is when fudge swallows a turtle.Judy Blume your my favorite author.
biggest fan , MARINA
Dear Judy,
I have fun reading your books. They are really funny. My favorite book is "The Pain and the Great One".
I like writing stories also. I hope to one day be able to have a book of my own.
Thank you for all of your great books.
Natalie Lichtenthal
Hi Judy,
I have been reading your books since I was a kid. my first one was Are You There God its Me margaret, tehn of course the juicer ones. Forever, Wifey which at the time we werent supposed to read. Which is waht made them more fun.
I am now a teacher and have been reading the Fudge series to my class for years. I have always had the burnig question as to how a book written in 1974 (Tales)makes mention of MP3 players and lap top computers which didn't exist at the time? Also why is Double Fudge copyrighted in 2002 and Fudgemania 1990. There is also mention of harry Potter in Double fudge?
Dear Judy Blume,
Your books are awesome. I especially like Freckle Juice and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
Hi i love tales of a fourth grade nothing it is funny is it fun writing books fudge is out of control he could tear the house down if he wanted to but shella is a know it all fudge lost his two front teeth that was sad but its just a book he is not real dribble needs to be left alone he is always being picked up but what can we do about it thats dribbles life not mine thats all i need to say
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