Cool Zone with the Pain & the Great One

The story
The Pain and the Great One hardly agree on anything. But deep down this brother and sister duo know they can count on each other, especially at school, where it sometimes takes two to figure things out—like when that first loose tooth falls out on the school bus. Or when an unwanted visitor on “Bring Your Pet to School Day” needs to be caught. And worst of all, when a scary bully says you’re burnt toast.
Seven laugh-out-loud adventures in seven brand-new stories. With hilarious illustrations by James Stevenson. The companion book to Soupy Saturdays.
Judy says
This is the second chapter book in the series. In this one all the stories take place at school. One of the stories, The Breaf-kast Café, was inspired by a visit to my friend’s school. She’s a first grade teacher and the kids in her class study food and where it comes from. At the end of the year they run their own restaurant. Another story was inspired by a girl I met who told me about her favorite stuffed animal and what happened when the dog next door carried it away. A story about a bully on the school bus came from an incident in my kids’ lives. And then there’s the magnifying glass – don’t ask what my son did with his first real magnifying glass! Ouch! Again, with funny illustrations by James Stevenson.
You know the sign that says School Zone? Well, if you mark out the S and the H you get Cool Zone.
Levi and Reed are my grand-nephews.
“Jake and Abigail, Blume’s ever-sparring siblings, return with six new stories filled with laughter, provocation and, most of all, affectionate loyalty…. Stevenson’s lively black-and-white cartoon art enhance the short chapters, which epitomize the best in sibling relationships.”
–Kirkus Reviews