Judy says:

Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could respond to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand. Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and that your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.


Email for Judy can be sent to:



For snail mail, write to:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040


Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


The webguy says:

We try to acknowledge all notes that include an email address. If you don’t hear back in a week or so, maybe there was a mistake in your email address. Please try again. Thanks.

Ideas? Suggestions? Something to share? Want to say hi?

Just click the "Add Your Message" button. You can also send a private message, but no links can be included.

(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)

Hometown: Simcoe - Posted November 18, 2014 4:28 pm


Hi my name is Tia and in school my teacher is reading us Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love the book and i was hopping i could read the other 4 I have 1 question why did you want to be a author.I really want to read SuperFudge because i want to read about the new baby and lean if it's going to be a girl or a boy. WELL BYE FOR NOW

Hometown: greenwood - Posted November 18, 2014 1:11 pm



Hometown: ar - Posted November 18, 2014 1:11 pm


how old are you

Hometown: monticello - Posted November 18, 2014 12:55 pm


please can you write a book call bully send it to Mrs.Arrington

Hometown: Monticello - Posted November 18, 2014 12:50 pm


Old were you when you wrote your first book?

Reply please

Hometown: Denver - Posted November 18, 2014 11:01 am


hey i like your books they are so cool

Hometown: Navasota - Posted November 17, 2014 4:16 pm


hi i like your freckle juice book we are reading it in class

Hometown: i live north river lane in panguitch - Posted November 17, 2014 10:53 am


hey i saw your video

Hometown: longview - Posted November 15, 2014 12:46 pm


dear judy blume im in sixth grade and I wanted to do a project on you. I have to act like I was interviewing you so I wanted to ask you what you would think about some of my questions please email back it would mean every thing to me. yur favorite fan madeline b

Hometown: detroit - Posted November 15, 2014 9:38 am


Just thinking of you and how much your stories taught me when I was young. I remember always being sad at the end of Forever when they saw each other at the store, and didn't speak. It was so hard to understand. Now that I am 44, it is still hard to understand, but it has happened to me, and somehow, maybe just a little bit, it helped me cope to have had experienced it in a book. Love is so complex, and so is growing up. Thank you for the good reads.

Hometown: vinita - Posted November 14, 2014 6:05 pm


hello my name is justine.my teacher has been reading fuge books we are very sad because we have raed all of them and I want to say please write more fuge books thank you ps our school address is will rogers elementary school 101 s.smith vinita OK

Hometown: Boone, North Carolina - Posted November 13, 2014 8:02 pm


My mom was going through some of her old books and told me to read Forever. I have never been into reading but I though I might give this book a chance. I read this book within just a few hours I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I love the romance that Katherine and Michael had. And may I say I absolutely love it!!!

Hometown: Sawyer - Posted November 13, 2014 3:56 pm


Hi I LOVE the Fudge books. I did not know that Fudge would eat Peter's pet turtle, Dribble.

Hometown: Normal - Posted November 11, 2014 10:27 pm


Dear Judy Blume, I just wanted to say I love all your book and I wanted to know when you are going to be coming near Illinois and when is your new book coming out because I can't wait for more

Hometown: Carle Place - Posted November 11, 2014 6:33 pm


I love your books. I think Fudge is funny. My mom reads your books to me at night. Are going to make more books about Fudge?

Hometown: Dubuque - Posted November 11, 2014 11:31 am

Melanie S

Thank you so much for this awesome website. I am a junior in college and have been asked to write a report on a famous children's author. I picked the famous Judy Blume. Thank you for all your contributions to literature. Sincerely, Melanie

Hometown: easton - Posted November 10, 2014 2:22 pm


what is your favorite book that you wrote and how do you come up with these great ideas for your awesome books,I mean your my favorite author and I just wish I could be so awesome like you.I just love all of your books I'm just speechless now.

Hometown: Scotch Plains - Posted November 9, 2014 5:00 pm

Richard Scotch Plains

Hello Mrs. Blume
I'm writing to you because you are close to my early childhood memories that have carried over to my adult life .I am from scotch plains nj and went to evergreen school and remember you visiting and being so patcient and giving both with your time and books you gave us. I recently got married and my wife is a first yr kindergarten teacher after 10 yrs as a end grade teacher we were both talking about how kids are so behind in her district (Roselle Park nj) and I was tell I g her how when u came to see us even though I was a 1rst grader and to this day gave me the inspiration to read more.Mrs Blume/Cooper I know you are retired and enjoying YOUR time...but if u could in any way contact my wife and or school with maybe a inspiring word or two it may give these kids the motivation they need..

Hometown: Okay - Posted November 9, 2014 3:23 pm


Hello Miss Judy!
I am 43, and well remember your books from when I was young. Our birth month and days are the same! I have since had my own children and now one granddaughter. I have always loved reading, and thanks to Mrs. Chalekien, my fourth grade teacher, I have very fond memories of several books she read us daily. So, as my children grew, 3 boys and 1 girl, I read to them. My first choices were your Fudge stories and Harry Potter. I was glad to learn you went to bat for our freedom to read your books and your freedom to write and distribute them. Thank you for sharing your wonderfully amazing imagination with us. I am in shock and awe of you! My life was truly blessed to have been touched by you. And I do remember the pamplets on menstruation in school. Funny how you couldn't be truthful about the ick. I guess there is no 'scientific' facts to substantiate the ick factors. I hope all is well. Love and blessings!

Hometown: Nederland south east texas - Posted November 6, 2014 6:45 pm


Dear Judy Blume

I love superfudge,tales of fourth grade nothing,otherwise none as sheela the grate and so on...

from riley

to Judy Blume

ps i am a girl

Hometown: Ottawa - Posted November 6, 2014 1:26 pm


Hi Judy,
last night I went to the bookstore and came across the book: Are You There God, It's Me Margaret. I had never read this book as a child, however I had been a huge fan of the Fudge books. In a bout of nostalgia I grabbed the book and sat down for two hours immersed in Margaret's life. The book really touched me, and I found myself laughing out loud at some of the things that I related to, things that I can remember happening to me around the time that I was Margaret's age. I found the whole experience of reading something that was so close to my own childhood very soothing, and I just wanted to thank you for writing such great children's books.
I can't wait to read the Fudge books to my own children one day.

Hometown: Roanoke,alabama - Posted November 6, 2014 1:05 pm


Hey, I love your books very much. I am glad that you became an author. Your books have really inspired me. When I grow up I would also love to be an author. I also write books of my own for my child life. I write them about my real life what goes on and everything. I write these books so I can remember what it was like from my childhood. I want to publish them when I grow up. I have this one book about my dad and I call it Tragdey at six. Anyways I would love for you to message me back!!!(:

Hometown: warham - Posted November 5, 2014 5:28 pm


I like your Fudge Books.

Hometown: Winchester, Va - Posted November 5, 2014 5:12 pm

Isaac C

Dear JudyBlume

oh please please please make more fudge books I
really think there my favorite books oh please!!!

Hometown: Lyerly - Posted November 5, 2014 1:33 pm


Hi, I'm Jordan and I read your book Summer Sisters! It was a really good book. I was wondering, what happened to Caitlin. Was she killed, or did she just go missing. What happened to Vix and Catlin's daughter? I have so many questions, but them are the main ones. Please write back.

Hometown: MI - Posted November 5, 2014 8:18 am


Hi my name is Lilly. . I read one of your books and I thought that book was realllllly COOL. I LOVE to read, and mater a fact my house has 3 library's in it. One in my room,one in my little sisters room, and one big one in the TV room, it has books all over the walls! Well I guess this is the

Hometown: winnipeg,mb - Posted November 4, 2014 7:52 pm


i love your books!
i finished reading your book "blubber" it's sad that she gets bullied
but i guess everybody goes thorough that at some point.

Hometown: New York, NY - Posted November 4, 2014 6:34 pm


P.P.P.S. I have Fudge Bucks at my house.

Hometown: New York, NY - Posted November 4, 2014 6:31 pm


Dear Judy Blume,

Let me say that I am India's twin brother. I really love your books, especially Double Fudge, but I do not like Also Known As Sheila the Great, because the part where they write the note "if you come in here and you are a girl, I am going to come after you one day" - that is scary. Can you write more awesome books, please? Like especially with Fudge? Like when he's older like Pete and also when Tootsie is older.


P.S. I am also Fox's big brother and India is Fox's big sister.

P.P.S. Our schools are Horace Mann, Ethical Culture Fieldston and the Barnard Toddler Center.

Hometown: New York, NY - Posted November 4, 2014 6:23 pm


Dear July Blume,

I love your books and I write books, too. Sometimes my brother is just like Fudge. He does stuff that is naughty and sometimes he says the words that you put in your book. My aunt writes books, too. And I really like your stories, especially the one where Fudge is still doing his usual mischief.

Love, India

Hometown: G.A - Posted November 4, 2014 3:41 pm


My mom gave me all the fudge books & I just wanted to
say I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hometown: indiapolis - Posted November 3, 2014 9:10 am


hi judy im looking for a website where i can read your book, i need answers quicly im in school and i forgot my book at home im on pages 62 please tell me a website.

Hometown: Korea, Won Ju - Posted November 3, 2014 7:25 am


Dear Judy blume,
I absuluty LOVE your books!! Our library teacher used to read us the book Freckle juice. I really felt like throwing up when the secret formula was read. Now I am reading the novel Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I actully didn't read the whole book, but I was so excited so I peeked a little at the last chapter. My brother suggested me to read this book, and he told me something very sad was going to happen at the end of the story, so I couldn't wait!!! That stinky Fudge! Swallowing Dribble and laughing!! I love your amazing books. U R my favorite auther!!!!!

Hometown: Manila - Posted November 2, 2014 6:39 am


Hello, Judy.
I really loved your books. I liked to read them since I was young, and loved to borrow your books from the library or purchase them. I really loved Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. It deals with the problems of young girls and preteens and teens like me can relate to it. I liked the book The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo, it is so relatable. I love to read your books at night.

Hometown: Terre haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:05 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Savannah H. I love your books so much!! They`re so good! What do you think is the best book you have written?
Your friend,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:05 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Addison B.Your books are wonderful! What is your favorite book?
Your fan,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:05 pm


Dear Judy, Oct. 31, 2014
I am Laila. I love your books. I wish you could write more. Could you write more?
Your book lover,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:04 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Bailey S.Your books are awesome!
Fudge is so funny!Ha!Ha!What is your new book about?
Your friend,
Bailey S

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:04 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Cammi V. Your books are really funny! Are you going to write more books?
Your fan, cammi


Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:04 pm

Noah H

Dear Judy,
My name is Noah. Your books are funny! What other books do you like?
Your friend,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:04 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Kamryn K. I really love your books, especially Double Fudge!!! How do you write your books and are you writing any new books? Your book lover, Kamryn K

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:04 pm


Dear Judy, oct. 31, 2014
My name is Allison M.I enjoy reading your books.What is your favorite book that you have written?
Your reader,
Allison M

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:03 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Logan B. Your books are funny and I think you are cool.How do you make your books so funny? your fan,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:03 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Hallie J.I think your books are hilarious!!!Judy, where do you get ideas for your books?
Your fan,

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:03 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Alex C. Your books are funny! How do you write long books?
Your friend,
Alex C

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:02 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Lila H.I think Fudge is hilarious!
How do you write your books.

Your friend,
Lila H

Hometown: Terre Haute - Posted October 31, 2014 1:02 pm


Dear Judy,
My name is Michael B. I love your books!!
If I could take Superfudge home . . . I would read it everyday! What new book are you writing?
Your best fan,

Hometown: Simi Valley - Posted October 30, 2014 10:15 pm


hello Judy please send me book prices

Hometown: bridgman - Posted October 30, 2014 5:51 pm


I love your books.

Hometown: sacremento - Posted October 29, 2014 9:55 pm


Dear Judy,
Im still reading it but so far its amazing but
Idont like the bad words you put in this book
that's only because im a CHRISTAN so I realy like
those but I love your books I also read the rest of your books you wrote

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