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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Hi Judy,I wanted to say I love your books and hi!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been reading your books with my daughter. It started with my old copy of SuperFudge and then Double Fudge and we just finished FudgeAMania. We have laughed and have had a great time reading these together nightly! She is eight and in the third grade. Thank you for continuing to write and inspiring another generation of readers!
dear Judy,
I really like super Fuge and fuge mania I Just started reading them there really good I haven't not read all of them but they are good go to my gmail and wirte back
your only one havana,
Dear Judy Blume,
I loved Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It encouraged me and my sister to be like Fudge and Peter. I would be Peter and my sister wood be Fudge. It was the best 4th grade book I ever read in my life.
Dear Judy Blume,
I like your Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. My favorite part was when Peter got a dog. I was sad when Fudge ate Peter's little Dribble. That was a bad thing that he did. From your friend,
Agam Polad
Dear Judy,I love the book Freckle Juice how did you come up with the story for the book?
Dear Judy,
I have read almost all of your books and they've inspired me so much. I believe my favorite book of yours is Forever. It was just so heartwarming. I felt like I was a character in the book and so my question here is: What do you recommend for people who want to become authors and how to pursue their dream of becoming one.
Dear Judy Blume,
This is my first time reading your books. My dad told me that my grandpa was your teacher. I really like your books! My favorite characters are Fudge and Jimmy Fargo. I liked the part when Fudge ate Dribble.
Dear Judy Blume,
I loved your books. I can't wait to read another book. How do you write books? I'm going to read more books that you wrote. At school my class read a Judy Blume book. My class wrote you a note too.
28 years ago I embarked on an amazing journey, when I discovered Judy Blume books. I wasn't a great reader, but I remember falling asleep reading, because I couldn't put them down. Now I have my own 12 year old and she is also hooked! I have received the long list of Judy Blume books wanterd for Christmas. I'm glad they can bring her the pleasure I remember so many years ago. Thank you Judy Blume. x
Dear Juby
my name is linda and before I have read your books i was more like a sport girl and did not like to read and today i steal like sports but I also like reading only your books. I have read all of your fudge books and I like all of them, the one I most liked was otherwise known as sheila the great.
I revisited your beloved novel Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. with my 10-year-old daughter. We discussed as much as we read. A great experience. Girls today still identify with Margaret.
We blogged about it here:
I like the book Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. I like the part when Dribble ate the turtle. i hope you never stop writing. I'm reading your next book to. I like it so far to. your books are very good. Me and my class were wondering why you called Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. Your one of my favorite writer so far. O also like sports. I'm a very athletic person. I like Baseball and Swimming. As I said i'm a very athletic person. I'm not that good a running. I also have azma and sweating problems. I sweat all the time. In gym Today I felt like i was gonna sweat to death. We did are pacers. I got twenty-one. I also did popcorn for a school fundraiser. I was sweating as much as I was in gym.
Hi, why did you name Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. i also do swimming and i'm gonna win for you
Dear Mrs.Judy Blume I loved your book of Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing this is my first time writing to a writer so I would like to say hi. I would like to know if it is hard being a writer? What is it like? I would like to know because I'm thinking about being a writer when I grow up. I'm wondering what I should make a book out of. I'm a animal person so I would like to get some advice from you. Hope I get to hear from you! Sincerely,
Dear Judy Bloom,
I loved the part that when Fudge ate Dribbles now that was crazy and had to go to the hospital. I also liked it when Fudge now that was really really funny. I thought that a pet turtle would be a good pet.How long have you been a writer? And did you have your sons name in the book? If you did my teacher said that you did.
Dear Judy Blume,
I loved the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I liked the part were Fudge ate Peter's turtle.I laughed when he popped his balloon when they were out eating.I loved the book so much.
Yours truly,
Dear Judy Blume, I loved the way Fudge talked in Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.I think it's weird that Fudge ate Dribble. Naming a dog Turtle is a good name for a dog in my book. Peter's cool I like the way he has to do things for fudge to do it. You're the best book writer in the world.
Dear Judy Blume,
I loved your book Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing.I loved the part when Fudge jumped off the jungle gym.It was funny.I loved it.
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I loved the part when Fudge ate Peters turtle and when Fudge smashed potatoes on the wall.
Dear Judy Blume,
We just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I thought it was the funniest and cutest book ever. It was funny and sad at same time when Fudge ate Dribble. Also I thought it was funny when Fudge thought he was a bird and he tried to fly. How do you write such funny books? I bet your're a really funny person.I will try to read another book of yours,bye.
Yours truly,
Dear Judy Blume,
I really loved your book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It was really amazing. Fudge was really funny he made me laugh. It was funny when Fudge wanted shoes like Peters. You are an amazing author. I hope that you write more books about Fudge, and Peter.
Yours Truly,
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing it is a great book.I liked how instead of calling Fudge Farley Drexel Hatcher you called him Fudge.I love reading your books.My favorite is Fudge-a-Mania.The Fudge books are so hilarious.
Dear Judy,
Hi my name is Tiffany. We just got done reading your book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love the part when Fudge smears mashed potatoes on the wall. That was funny. Judy I think that I am going to read more of your books. I hope I talk to you soon.
Dear Judy Blume,
My class gust finished Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing. I loved it! My favorite part was when Fudge ate the Dribble.
Dear Judy Blume,
my class has just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I have to say it was AWESOME!!! My favorite part was when Fudge wanted to fly and fell. Did he ever grow his teeth back? Is your life ever hard when you write books? How long have you been a writer?
Your friend,
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading tales of a fourtF Grade Nothing. I LOVED it! My favorite character is Fudge when he says Pee-tah it sounds like the hunger games. I also read the book Fudge-a-mania. It was a funny book. Fudge is crazy in that one too.
Sincerely, Jordan
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I REALLY liked it! I laughed so hard when Fudge said " Dribble in tummy!" I think I am like Shelia. In my past grades I have almost always been paired with at least one boy! I also like I am like her because I am a HUGE bookworm. I took it from your book that Shelia is too. As I said I really liked your book!
Yours truly,
dear Judy,
I read forever about 5 years ago for the first time, since then I read it at least once a month, it is my favorite book in the world and I referenced all throughout my high school years, I've searched and waited, and honestly I am dying for a sequel or even just to know what happened with Katherine and michael, did they end up together? Did they meet other people? Your book is the only book that has ever made me cry, the ending made me have an outburst in my 8th grade science class, I started screaming and crying and through the book (I'm sorry) so I am just curious, is there a sequel? Will we ever know what happens?
Dear Judy
My name is Tien, and I have read a few books of yours. And I have to say, they are fantastic and hilarious. And they are vey enjoyable. I have such a great moment reading them. Other than that, your books can help me to relax when I'm bored, because I love reading, and I love your books too. So I thank you so much for writing an publishing them. And I cannot wait to read more books that are written by you.
Judy, I have been trying to buy some of your books like : Are you there God? It's me Margaret, or freckle juice... All of them, but honestly I don't know where to find them. Can you please give me some suggestions on where should I come to buy them? Somewhere in San Diego that you might know? Or any website that I can buy them online? Please let me know, because I really want to read them, and I want to spend my last few years of childhood reading them. Because I know that when I get older, I might not have enough time to read them all the time, unless I have free time. So please let me know. Thank you
Lastly, I just want to say that I admire you and your writing. And I really appreciate and enjoy all of your books. I always look forward to read them, because like I said, they are really enjoy reading, and a good way for me relax and have fun. So thank you very much for writing and publish all of them. And also, I hope to meet you in person someday.
Sincerely, Tien
Grade 4 Gold
Dear Judy Blume,
We had a great time reading your book "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" during our book week. We especially liked the character Fudge and we laughed as we read about him breaking his teeth and cutting his hair. We also decorated our class door about the scene where Fudge gets Corn Flakes poured on his head. We even used real Corn Flakes! We also created trivia board games about the story. Here are a few more of our favourite parts of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing":
- When Fudge tried to fly like a bird
- When Fudge swallowed Dribble
- When Fudge whispered a funny noise in the night
Thanks so much. Keep writing stories!
Grade 4 Gold
Dear Ms. Judy Blume,
I love to read the series that you wrote called, "The Pain and the Great One." It is one of my favorite series to read. So I was wondering if it's possible for you to write another book for this series. If you could make another one of those books, that would be wonderful.
Your inspired reader,
Grace, age 11
Hi Judy,
Thank you very much for inspiring young readers and writers. My daughter came home tonight very excited that she posted to your blog and that she got a note back. It's nice to know she's enjoying the books that I also enjoyed as a child!Thank you very much! PS: I teach fourth grade...
Dear Miss Judy Blume
I love your books. I can not believe how many books you have wrote. Right now I am reading Deenie, so far it is a really good book. I really want to meat you. I hope you respond to me.
Dear Judy Blume, My favorite character is Peter. I like how he is in fourth grade like me. I really like your books and I wish you could make a second book because the first book is funny at the end. It was a cliff hanger. I also like your pictures in the book. Thank you for reading my book.
Dear Judy Blume, My favorite character is Fudge. I think it is funny when he talks. He is so cute. You are one of my favorite authors. I really enjoyed the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I like how Peter is in fourth grade like me.
Hi Judy my name is Emme and I was wondering how is your writing going I hope you had a fun time writing Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing because I sure had fun reading it I think reading is really fun do you!!!
Dear Judy I'm a second grader and my teacher wants to read tales of a froth grade nothing so far we haven't finshed it but so far its AWSOME!!!! So far i like the part when Jenny bit peters grandma well that's all please keep on makeing these wonderful books P.S my class loves tales of a fourth grade nothing even my teacher
Hi Judy,
I'm reading Just as long as we are together for a school project. I'm usually not a big fan of those sorts of books, but surprisingly this one has interested me a little. Thanks for reading! Bye!
Alejandra M
Hi Judy its Alejandra may I ask a question if you do, have you ever thought of making a movie for "are you there God?its me Margaret" because I thought if you do I want you to email me and if your are pleased with my question I want to star as Margaret Ann Simon. If that's a possibility thank you.
I love your books I read tales of a fourth grade nothing twice
Hi Ms. Blume,
I liked your booK Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing.
I liked when Jimmy stood up to Shelia for being too bossy to, him and Peter. But, I didn't like when Fudge fell off the jungle gym and broke his two front teeth.
Dear Judy
I really love your books. I have read at least ten of them. My teacher has also read us Fudge a Mainia. My second grade teacher used to read us loads of your books .I LOVE YOUR BOOKS!!!!!!!
your BEST fan,
wow you are a great writer i am writing my own book so far i have read Deenie,are you there god its me Margret,all of the fudge books, staring sally jay Friedman as herself, its not the end of the world AND SO ON i love your books but i have 1 question i read your teen books and there awesome are you ever gonna make a sequel to one of your books (teen books)and another fudge book
Chloe Rose
I just finished Are You There God? It's Me Margaret and It was AMAZING!!!!! I just couldn't believe the ending it was just so awesome.
Dear Judy Blume I love your book the first one we have been reading it in class and I finished it but not only me but my friends Hannah and others.I was amazed by your book its my favorite I am moving on to super Fudge but I loved the part were Fudge swallowed the turtle.
Why did you name Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing?
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