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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
I like Star Wars
How do you do such awesome books and how do you like being an author?
Nyan cat
I've read your books
Judy I think you are a good book writer
Dear Judy Blume,
I think the books that I've read so far are really interesting because in both books a toddler or someone swallows something (Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing; DoubleFudge). I really like it, I think you've made a good pattern. In DoubleFudge I like how you based your book on your grandson, Elliot, and I like in DoubleFudge that Fudge has a Myna bird. I knew that they could talk. I like what Fudge taught Uncle Feather to say.
Reese (as dictated to Mom)
I love the book Tiger Eyes because its really interesting
i really like the book freckle juice rate// 50 c:
Dear Judy Blume,
I liked your book "Are you there God, it's me Margaret." I read it with my mother. I've read two of your books one from my school library and I bought this last one from a store. Your book inspired me. It made me feel happy to read your book. I read it in two days. To Judy Blume from "Cloe".
Thanks so much for writing funny stories about fudge my sister loves them. Please write more about fudge and peter.
Hi I love your fudge books. Will you write more fudge books when fudge is like nine or ten?
Hope to read more of your books.
what book is your favorite that you have written?
also can you make a book about geting sucked into a computer and having a adventure.
Dear Judy Blume,
I read your book "Superfudge" and I really loved it. The words in the book that was making the whole sentence funny was the best part I liked. It would have been better if the book would have been longer and the story would have continued. I liked it so much that I would like to read all of your other books.
I wish you will continue writing such interesting books.
Yours Sincerely
Dear Judy Blume, I love your book
cale bosh
hi I like your books
I love your books so are you making anymore. ;.)
I moved to Alabama write back
Dear Judy Blume,
Hi my name is Josie. I love your books. When are you going to write another book? Fudge-a-Mania is my favorite book.
Josie N.
Dear Judy Blume, My class is reading Fudge-a-Mania. We love it so much
write back
I got 3 sons that realy like your books send a message back please.
i have 19 kids that love hi judy we love you
hey I like u books
I like your books.They make me
How do you think of all the stuff you put in your your books
LOVE your books
hi judy I love your books I am reading fudge mania I read all of your fudge and peater can you write more??????????????????????????????
hi judy I love your books I am reading fudge mania I read all of your fudge and peater can you write more??????????????????????????????
I love your Fudge books are you making anymore. ;.)
Are you going to right more Judy Blume books
how old are are you
Ethan downs
I love your books like fudge a Mania.
I like your books like Fuge-a-Mana
Aubrey M.
I love your books. My favorite one is Fudge
Where do you get all your spectacular ideas? Even though my teacher says I'm a good writer, I and willing to learn some tips from a real live author! And, Ms.Blume, will you visit my school someday? My classmates love your books!
Where did you grow up at
Dear Judy Blume,
My name is Amaya and i read your book Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing is aaas so awesome i really like the ending when Fudge eats Dribble and Peter gets a new pup pie and the dad told Fudge that he would not be able to eat the dog please write me back.
Hi Judy my class has been reading your books and they are awesome I love them
my class had to read different books in class.& I got stuck with fudge-a-mania. at first i thought it would suck. then i read it. it was good. bester then i thought.
THANKS! Ms. Blume, I was shy and introverted girl in my youth. My Mother was concerned about me because I was not coping well with my parents' divorce. She brought me a journal and encouraged me to write. And, she gave me your book, "Are you there God, it's me, Margaret." Interestingly enough, I often talked to God in my head. So, your book resonated with me loud and clear. Because of your work, I was inspired to become a writer. I've written 10 books. And, I owe it all to you. You planted the seed and many other great Authors and Novelists watered my ambition that grew into a full grown tree. Thank you again. And, congratulations on all of your success. You certainly deserve it.
My son and i just finished your book (tales of a fourth grade nothing). We were horrified that fudge actually ate the turtle. The whole book peter gets dumped on and fudge gets rewarded. The ending where fudge gets presents after eating his brothers turtle, and you replace his turtle with a puppy, wow! Enough bad things happen in real life and books should be an escape to a better place. I hope your other books are a bit more uplifting and light hearted.
At school were reading Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing.
I love it so much!
Judy who is Washington Irving from Judy Blume otherwise known as sheila the great.
Dear Judy Blume,
I really enjoy the books from the Fudge series!
They are very funny. My favorite part \from Super Fudge was when Fudge rides all the way to the highway and goes with Daniel Sam's Deli. Did that actually happen to your younger son? If it did you must gone thru a lot of pain trying to find him.My favorite book was Fudge-a-Mania, it is amazing.I truly love it so far. Do you actually call your younger son Fudge? I hope you reply to me.
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