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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Dear Judy Blume, I just wanted to say that I love your Fudge and Peter books! There like my favorite books that you made! There just so funny and entertaining! Me and my class are certainly on the 3rd book. I just wanted ask, was Fudge and Peter based on your real children? If they were, You must have gone on some crazy adventures with Fudge. I also wanted to know if you retired from making books. I sometimes wish there was a movie with Fudge and Peter! Then, I would have a better visual of them. My favorite part in the whole Fudge and Peter series is when Fudge ate the turtle. I mean, how does he eat a turtle? That would totally taste nasty to me! Now I wonder if a turtle does taste good? And, was that a true event that happened with you in real life? ( ;p; ) I also like when Fudge took Daniel to Sam's deli. I was a bit surprised. I mean, how could they find their way? I would get lost! I just wanted to say, that you did great job on the books! You surly did make it super funny!! :-)
Meghan ;u;
Hi judy the are you?i have been wondering how did you decide to be an writer....a illistrater or both i think i want to be an author when i grow up can you give me some tips i really hope that you will type back thanks for inspiring me yours truly Delanie.......................P.S.are you writing any new books?
Hi judy my class enjoded your books like the pain and the great one you are great at what you do can you give me some tips YOUR fan Delanie
Hi Judy Blume i had red the pain and the great one books and i really liked them you are great at writing could you give me some tips?
Hi Judy! I have started reading your book called Are You There, God? It's me Margaret! It is amazing! I have also read Blubber and it was so good! You are 1 of the best authors in the world! You are an inspiration. Thanks so much for your time! Love Always, Fia
L Jackson 4th Grade Class Chickasaw, Al
We are just beginning our unit on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. This is the first novel study that many of my students have ever had. We look forward to learning through your literature. Thanks for your contributions.
Mrs. Jackson's 4th Grade Class
Chickasaw City Schools
Chickasaw, Al
Sami K
1) What got you interested in writing stories?
2) What real-life people have you based your stories on?
3) How do you choose your characters names?
4) What is the hardest part about writing your stories?
5) How old were you and what year did you start writing?
6) Were your parents supportive as you wrote stories? If so, how?
7) How many books have you published?
8) What's your favorite book of yours?
9) Do you receive lots of fan-mail?
10) Do you have a notebook that includes random stories and not your plans of a book?
Judy . i love your story.
Fudge is cute isn't him?
Judy , i love your books.
I love Freckle juice .
I am hungry of it !
I'm korean
i love your books !
I am korean
I really love your caracter in double fudge fudge is very funny and his favorite thing is money
Dear Judy,
I got your letter today and I really love it. I really like that brochure very much and I thank you for sending them. I wish you good luck.
You are a great author! my favorite was Just As Long As We're Together. Keep Writing!
My class is reading this book love it
How do you order books
judy blume please write more books in the fudge series. I would love to read more.
Dear judy bloom, my name is emily xxx and I read your book tales of a fourth grade nothing and it was funny expt for the part when fudge jumped off the monkey bars but I still liked it.What I think is amazing is that your book is about a fouth grader when i'm ten years old and a fouth grader.I hope you willwrite more books. Love, emily
Mrs. Fernandez's Class
Our class read your novel, Freckle Juice and we really enjoyed it. We loved the book so much. The story about Andrew drinking freckle juice was funny!! We think you are a great author. Keep writing more books for kids!!
Hi Bridget again so far i am reading Dobble Fudge it is awsome!
I have a daughter named Sally who will turning 28 years old. Starring Sally J. Freidman is her most favorite book and she has read it dozens of times. Where can I get an autographed copy of this book?
I was 12 years old when I first discovered your books, and in two days I'm going to turn 20. 8 years later, I'm still waiting for Alison's story.
(if it wasn't clear, i'm a huge fan.)
Dear Judy,
I just wanted you to know that your books had a big impact on me as a child/teenager, especially Forever, which I was personally able to relate to. At the age of 35 I've decided to re-read my favourite ones again. Thank you
I loved your books when I was a kid and still love them!
i love your book freckle jouce.
y love yore books bot the book that y love more is Freckle Juice
ilove your books
Dear Ms. Bloom,
I have a school requirement i need to fill in which i ask a person that works in the career field i want to pursue and ask them a few questions. Its basically an interview, and i was wondering if you would mind answering a few. It would be a great honor in having such a great author accept an interview with me for my project.
Thank you for your time
PS: i read your books growing up, and i still love them
Dear Judy many you could write a book about and called The Bird who Couln't fly and at the end he learns how.
Dear Judy,
My name is Faith and I have two brother's named Skyler and Kaiden. It is hard to get my things back from them sometimes. I love your books and I was so interested in them that I decided to write you. When I read "Freckle Juice", I was worried about Andrew. I hoped he didn't get really sick when he drank the recipe. I was happy that he didn't get really sick. My favorite part of the book was when Andrew warned Nicky about Sharon and her recipes. When I read "The Pain and the Great One", the brother reminded me of my younger brother. The sister reminded me of myself because she got to do stuff that her little brother couldn't do. I am getting ready to read "The One in the Middle is the Green Kangaroo". I wonder what it will be like. Can't wait to get started! Faith
Hello Judy,
I work at a local Middle School of several Middle Schools in this town. I came across one of your books, "Superfudge", in one of the science classrooms and I asked myself,"She's still writing books or is this book from the early 80's?"
I read your books when I was in my early/mid teens in the early 80's, when I was in private school in Central Florida. I really enjoyed reading your books when I was a little girl. I remember one day I was sitting in a bus reading one of your books on my way to a class/fieldtrip and I asked one of my teachers,"What is a wetdream?" Isn't that funny?
I wish I could go back to the 80's in Florida, reading your books, and going on weekend trips with my classmates and friends. You could write a book about me?!
Maddy Lederman
Dear Judy,
I am a first-time author (of Edna In The Desert), and I am excited and humbled that someone compared me to you in a review. I can see how they might, I grew up reading your books. I never imagined, in my youth before the Internet, that I could someday come to a website where you would share your thoughts about the writing life. Your advice is great. I'm encouraged by the fact that you didn't have an agent until your third book (I don't have one!) and from what you said about rejection. This is really helpful as I begin my next book.
Thanks again for your books and for being you!
Maddy Lederman
Dear Judy Blume
I'm from Sri Lanka. I started reading English books when I was 10 after reading your book Sheila The Great. I have almost all your books and still read them. My favorite is the Fudge series. I would be really glad if I can have an autograph from you.
Hi, I'm writing to ask if there's any "questions for discussion" for tiger eyes, which could be used to beater analyze the book.
PS. I love your books so much, and Tiger Eyes is one of my most favorite books ever
Hi, I am Anayah and I am doing a report on u do u have any advice.????
Dear,Judy Blume
I think,since you have wrote four books about Fudge and one about Sheila you should write a story about Jimmy Fargo. About how he goes to Vermont to see his mother see if his parents will get back together. I love your books and that's why I want you to write a new one. I've read the whole Fudge series and I love it.
from, Isaiah
What is the name for the 6'th fudge book? &, Also, I have3/5 or,3/6 in this case. P.S. YOU ARE AWESOME!
Ryan & Matthew
Hi Mrs. Blume,
My brother and me have been reading all of the Fudge books and we just finished our first pain & the great one book - we really love your characters. And we noticed that we act the same way as the pain and the great one and we're the same ages. We think you write about really funny things and just wanted to say thank you for helping us enjoy our reading every day!
dr mrs blume or my dear judy i love your books they are a great inspiration to me i have read your this is not the end of the world. i will next read are u there god its me margaraet. but its about bras dates and love so i am not involed in it so what should i do????? plz nswer i am very excited to read this book but will my parents allow me to read this book ????? plz reply very important leave other messages but answer mine ok bye bye love u
Dear Judy,
I don't know what to say really besides the fact that I love your books. They're so funny and I can relate to them in so many ways. One of my favorite books of yours is double fudge because I too have a younger sibling who, I love of course ,but still drives me crazy. Anyways just wanted to let you know I enjoy reading your books
did you do any thing beside WRITE BOOKS?!?!
I totes love your books.They are like totaly awesome.You are the best writer in the world. You are totes my favorite!
dear judy blume i think u should write more books until u have like 5,000 bokks because ur books are so funny and awsome to ready in my classroom we read tals of a fourth grade nothing.
ms.blume,would my dad like your book's? Could you give me some tips.? Thank you.
One last thing judy, you should make a book where Peter, fudge, tootsie, and Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher face a very, very serious ice storm (which breaks the Windows in the building and blocking people's doors, including the Hatcher's) and are snowed in for the entire month of December. Now Peter must survive a month in isolation with Fudge, something he has feared his whole life. It could be called Fudge-tastrophe (putting the word ''Fudge" in catastrophe).
Hi Judy I love all your books im doing a report on you with my friend and wanted to know your favorite color, food, and place to visit also wanted to know what its like to be an author? please email me
What are your favourite snack/food/kind of food?
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