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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Thanku Judy for doing a delicious freckle juice I drank 3 cups but I didn't got more freckles but the book showed me awesome lessons thank for letting me drink a little bit but someone threw up 2 times. it was awesome judy,loved your book we had to say the recepe first. We love to read judy thats why we read the awesome book
hello Judy, Yestarday I drinked freckle jucie...Ilike your books.
your fan Alexa K
dear judy yesterday i drink frarakle juce dering [ari time] it was foul
your book is awesome it was very good !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
y didt try your jus
I DRANK YOUR FRECKL juice it taste very good I all most drink it all
hi my name is faith I love your books I was if you could come and Vist my school I live in Texas in the colany at Morningside. and I love your daughter Amanda because I love horses two love faith.
Mrs Blume, I just wanted to know if you would ever make anymore books about kids now.
hi judy blume you are my favorite author and my moms favorite author! for a book idea, you should write a book about a girl nicknamed Bear that is the teachers pet, gets lots of of attention and goes on lots of trips. she also has an annoying brother named Jo and a sister named Clara. the book should talk about her weird and unexpected adventures and her life processes.another idea is that she should be a gymnast and a dancer and is in chorus and wants to do all these activities but she figures out she cannot do them all. PLEASE RESPOND BACK AND PLEASE WRITE THIS BOOK!thanks for reading,Tasha (Bear)
My 6 year old daughter is an avid reader and has fallen in love with the Fudge books. I loved them as a child too! My mother bought them for her and she is hooked. We were wondering if you do book signings and if so where. I love to make the book-author connection for our girls as much as possible. Ever in the Louisville area? Wondering if you ever make guest appearances at schools? Our girls attend a small private school. We would be over the moon to host you!
I love your book The Pain and The Great One,at school my teacher read it to me.I never have read it before but when I did it was amazing.I have a question are you going to make a diffrent story yet.
I love your book The Pain and The Great One,at school my teacher read it to me.I never have read it before but when I did it was amazing.I have a question are you going to make a diffrent book
Dear Judy, apologies, my mistake, it wasn't Fudge (although I did read those too) it was Blubber! that book was my introduction to my love of books!
I definitely have to read it again as an adult!
Many thanks
Dear Judy, I just wanted to say that I loved your books growing up. Fudge was the first book I ever read and absolutely loved it! I have just recommended you to my 11 year old Niece, she may be a bit too old now as I remember reading your books in primary school! I wonder what it would be like to read them again now, as a 38 year old!!!
hi judy blume,
i am a big fan of your books i especially love Fudge he is such a great character he is so funny. sometimes i think you are one of my best insparations becausee your books make me want to write like you.
Idranke your freckle juse
Dear Judy,today I drank freckle juice at library time [Air]. It was nice,
I put a little bit more of salt and it taste better!
Your friend,
Hello Judy how do you writ all of that books?
Dear: Judy
I love your book of Freckle juice and today in school we drank your awesome Freckle juice you are awesome!
Hi Judy Today I drank freckle juice at the library in [Air] it was little bit good bye Judy.
8/28/13 Today I drank l freckle juice and I love it
who gave you the idia to write the story?
I loved your booke!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Judy,I read your book,freckle juice.I love it!I have a question,
where do you live?I'm a ballerina,I like to dance too.
Dear Judy i love all of your books I think they are great!!!
When i was little i make a lot of resepis. I love your book freckle juce
Dear Judy I had a great time reading your books and drinking the frekle juce you are awesome!
Tasia Schmitz
Hello! Today was our first day of school and I am planning an author study with my 2nd grade students using your books to help motivate my students to write. I'm having a lot of fun creating activities around books that I loved to read when I was in school. Your website is chock full of great information I can use with my students. Thanks for being our "subject-matter" expert in the field of writing.
How long does it take u to write one book I really like your books!
You write amazing Books with Great meaning. How did u become such a great writer? What or who inspired you?
Chris Tyburski
Dear Ms. Blume,
The students at Sacred Heart School love your books. You inspire them to read more for the pure joy of it. We are celebrating National Young Readers Day on Nov. 14, 2013. For the last 6 years, we have invited parents, grandparents, local community leaders & celebrities to come read to our children. It has become a wonderful event.
We write to authors, hoping that they will be able to send a letter or e- mail for our scrapbook. This will be displayed the day of the event and books by that author are showcased.
We hope that you can send something to encourage our students to continue reading.
Sincerely, Chris Tyburski (Coordinator)
Sacred Heart School
540 Central Blvd.
Danville, VA 24540
Matthew Kim
Hello Mrs.blumes. My name is Matthew kim, In 6th grade I read your fudge series books, and I loved it. I'm not good writer, like you In fact, I'm not better writer then the majoardy of 5th Graders. So I want to ask you for some tips to writing a good essay. My dream is to be a great writer like you. Thank you.
I just dove headfirst back into my teen years; I watched the film adaptation of "Tiger Eyes" (goodness, I wish I could italicize or underline that!) and it was amazing. I am *definitely* inspired to read the book... again... for the 25th or 30th time.
I've enjoyed your work for many years, Ms. Blume. I've managed to pass this on to my own two daughters as well. Through your writing, you've given us another way to connect. Your books spark great conversations with us where they really understand that Mom knows exactly what they're going through. It's a new, different, beautiful and sometimes very weird depth to our relationships... and we are better people for it.
With Sincerest Thanks,
i love your books so much that i read all of then all ready and i think you should write new ones for me to read
Mrs.Blume I have to ask you if you can com to my school and read with u answer questions just answer me back please yes I love you books
Hello Judy Blume!
Our 4th grade class is beginning the new year reading; are you ready? - wait for it, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing". How appropriate! We will be spending our first day learning more about you, the author, before we begin reading the book.
Thanks for all of your wonderful stories.
Mr. James' 4th grade class
Piedmont Elementary School
Dear Judy,i love your books i have four books of yours and i love them
I can help if you need any i writing a story right now
you are the best
are making any new book cause if you,you should make about your life in school or make it advaugers and a funny scary.That is all i wanted to say
Dear Judy,
I love your books. And I love to read. I've read 18 books this summer. I have some questions. What is your favorite book? Do you have time to read? Are authors celebrities? What is your favorite book that you've written? Do books put you in a certain mood when you read them? Like for instance, you read a book and there is this drunken jerk being mean to people. Do you get put in an angry mood for what he says? I'm just curious. I want to be an author when I grow up so maybe I might not need these answers, but I would love them anyway.
Thank you for reading this if you do!
Judy Blume,you rock. I LOVE all of your books.I'm almost done reading all of the series. Thanks again. Once again, YOU ROCK!!!
Dear Judy Blume,
happy to share your birthday February 12th 1938. I know some other friends and writers among them born on this day but you are the only one I found being born the same year. I still teach Hebrew literature and have also sminars on books and songs for children, and I was glad to find many of your books were translated into hebrew as well.
Wishing you all the best, sincerely, Ruben
I am among your 1st generation of readers and have had my girls read you too. You were a huge part of my fondest childhood memories and I am hoping you will be in my children's as well
Hi Judy,
I read your 'Are you there,God? It's me,Margaret.'. I really liked it a lot.It brought out the girl in me.I would like it if you replied to me at my e-mail address.I really loved the part where Margaret knows Nancy lied to her about her periods at the restaurant.
Mrs. Talley's Second Grade
We are beginning your book Fudge-a-mania today. We are so excited!!
wish you could write a new book series about tootsie growing like fudge the series I hope this also inspires you signed coco
Hi Judy Blume!
I am writing a Book Report on Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing..I really like the book. My Mother read the book when she was my age and she remember the book like yesterday.
You got me through my teen years please get me through menopause!!! Please write books about menopause, aging and grand parenthood!! The world needs you.
Thank you!
Ps My friend Rowan says "hi"
Dear Judy,
I started reading and fell in love with your books when I was 9 years old. Now a mother of 2, a 5 year old girl and 10 month old boy, I've been thinking of all my great childhood memories and all the amazing books I read as a kid. I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy "Are you there God, it's me Margaret?". It was my first "big girl" book and I will never forget that point in my life.
I'm writing you because when I was about 9 years old I remember a book being on our 5th grade reading list but that year it was banned. Somehow though, my Dad was able to get a copy mailed to him and I was able to read it. I remember being so proud that I was able to read it and own it! I can not for the life of me remember the name of the book. This was probably 1997 or 1998. I remember there being a bad word in the title, so at that age it was probably "stupid" or "shut up". If you could, I would love to know the name of it and if there is ANY way possible for me to get a copy of it to pass down to my daughter that would be AMAZING!!!
Thank you for all that you do, your words, stories and passion for open minded books is inspiring!!
Dear Judy,
I love your books they are so inspiring I read tales of a fourth grad nothing now my class and I are reading I think its otherwise known as Sheila the great. We are hoping to follow the odder. that's all for now from a girl named laetitia
I love your books a lot if you can, can you please put it in mail for Woodbridge avenue in Edison. also if you want to mail it put it as xxx. I live in Lenaar Homes. House number is xx.
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