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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Hello Judy Blume,
I love all over your books, and i dont even read many books. I have read Forever,all the superfudge and many others. I loved Forever when I got older but when I was little I loved all of the superfudge collection and Are you there got its me margret. Youre books have helped me so much, you should keep writing.
Dear Mrs. Judy,
Hi, this is Riwoo. My family is from South-Korea, but I and my parents live in Norway.
I have read: Deenie, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, and Tiger Eyes. I'm considering reading Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing or I can't remember what the title was, because as I went through what others had written in the Guest Book that one seemed the most popular
You always inspire me to write stuff, Mrs. Judy. It's nice, I guess, and I've always written poems and little stories (me too! Only on paper, though) when I learned to write and read. I really, really want to be an author!
Well, I hope you have a nice day, Mrs.Judy.
Love Riwoo
Dear Judy Bloom,
I appsolutly love your books and am begining to write on my own. My mother is an elementry school teacher and i run a bookclub for some of her students and this year we are going to read through your " Fudge" series. Your writing has always been an inspiration to me.
Thank you,
Helen Gazis
Dear Ms Blume
My name is Helen Gazis and I am a teacher at Brighton Le Sands Public School in Sydney.
My class is currently studying your book 'Tales of a fourth grade nothing'. They love it and as they are a year 4 (grade4) class they can relate. We have just finished making invitations to Fudge's party and the class is writing an acrostic poem about him as well.
We have googled his home address and the dentist opffice and the class is fascinated.
We had difficulty connecting to your email address so we thought of trying the guest book. 4G would love to send some pictures of their work if possible.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
We all came up with main characters
Jacob Bushman
Dear Mrs. Blume,
I am a big fan of your work. One of my favorite books is Superfudge. Mrs. Blume I was wondering if you were making a movie to that book?
Jacob Bushman.
Jill Jill
Just read: Then again, mabey i won't and Loved it! Keep on writing!
Jill Jill
Hi!!! I'm a girl.I love your books. When I grow up I want to be a writer and actor.I love all your "Tales of a fourth grade nothing " books. There very funny and fun! .loooooovvvvvveeee to draw and sometimes to write. If I'm sad I like to write . It makes me feel better .Sometimes I like to write in my drawings.Your a very talented writer.
Dear Mrs.Blume,
I have wrote two books! You inspired me too! But I just finished reading your two novels bff. I loved it! You are a brave women. I wish to grow up and be like you I really hope you reaspond! You are the best auther (dont know how to spell)
Wish I was you,
P.s. well I love my life but I wish I was a good author like you! ♡♥
Dear Judy Blume, I got some of your books from my mom. They were hers when she was little and she loved them and passed them to me. I will be in second grade. I loved tales of a fourth grade nothing and I am reading SUPERFUDGE!They are great. I would like you to make a book about Jimmy Fargo. Have a nice day.And keep on being cool. Your fan, Blake
I have been a fan all mylife and also my daughters, any future book sigining apperances?
dear miss bloom
i love your books a lot i just keep on reading them .i just cant put the book down until i am done. pls keep on writing.
your greatest fan hanaa
Hello i am Maya and i love reading your books they are incredible.I just finished reading Otherwise know as Shiela the great it is amazing and i also read Iggies House they are all amazing and i would love to read more of your books.Thank You!
Judy Blume,
I started reading because of your books (Tales of the 4th Grade Nothing) and as an adult I have loved your adult series. I was wondering if/when you are going to write another book for your adult series?
Hi Judy,
I just finished reading Tiger Eyes and had to take a moment by myself. It was such a wonderful, exceptional, and lovely book. I lost someone dear to me this year too and every word of the story rang true, particularly the part where Davey calls for her father in the canyon. Thank you so much for writing this. I think your husband and son are right; this is your best work. Thank you again. -- L
Dear Ms Blume,
I really enjoyed TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING.My favourite bit was when Fudge swallowed
Dribble.My class is looking forward to otherwise Known As Sheila The Great.My favourite character
is Jennifer because at night she was making ghost
noises. it made our grade laugh a lot.My class is looking forward to reading the next book Super
Fudge. I hope its going to be fabulous
Dear ms. Blume,
Your book you made Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
made my class giggle so hard. They love it! My
favourite character is Fudge. My favourite chapter
is 3 The family dog.I like the way that Peter's
dad said to Fudge "Eat it or wear it!"
Dear Ms Blum
I love Tales of a Fourth Grad Nothing msblume and now my class is reding Othrwise Knwn as Sheila the Great. it beginning to get funny the class cant wait for the next book. The class loves your book. My favourite characters are Peter Fude and Jennifar. I hink Shila is is too bossy and mean. The part did not like is when dribble the tirtle died. The crazy part was when Fudge ate the flowers.
Dear Judy Blume,
I love your books. our classis reading 'TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING. When Fudge thought he was a dog and he was baking I thought that was hilarious. my favourite charcter is sheila because sheis very very funny. peter and sheila are friends. I like when fudge ate the flowers. I Like whan peter and sheila had to do a project togather.
Dear Judy Blume,
I really love your book Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing. My favourite character is Fudge. He is funny,clumsy and silly.My favourite part was when Fudge ate dribble I wonder what the Juicy-O tasted like? my class and I are reading Otherwise Known as Sheila The Great. We are really injoying it
From Laetitia
Dear Judy Blume,
I am a big fan! I'm a big fan of the book "Are you there god its me margaret?" I was wondering if you would ever write like a sequel? It was a great book and I would love to read more.
Please Respond Soon
From Barney2
Dear Ms Blume
I love your stories and I must say that your books are remarkable,entertaning made up
stories.I think you should get the award of the funniest greatest books that I have every heard and read.My class loves your books.We loved the
book called Tales of a fourth Grade nothing by you.I liked the part when Fudge scribbled on Peters project poster and when Fudge ate the floweers and some rose petals.But my favourite part was when Fudge ate Peters turtle called
My favourite character is Fugde because he is very very funny and he gets in lots of trouble.My class is starting on the book that you wrote called Otherwise known as Sheila the graet.
I am looking forward to the other book that was called Double Fugde.I think that the book Double Fugde is about 2 Fugdes.
from kersikka
Dear Judy Blume,
I am so I happy I discovered your books. I love them so much I just started reading the Fudge Series and I love them so much. Thank You, Judy for sharing your great and Awesome stories.
HI Judy I just want to say that I am reading Sally J. Freedman as Herself and i love it so much. I have read from your sight and now I've learned that it was kind of your childhood memories
You are one of my favorite authors I grew up reading your books including Forever (before it was banned from school libraries) I hate censorship of books in schools because I feel it impedes the imagination of children who are going to become the next generation of authors like myself thank you for your brilliant work!
Thanks Judy dor being an inspiration for many years and for many young girls and women! I have your book "Wifey" several times and love "Summer Sisters". You have inspired me to write. Thanks so much!
Hi Judy,
I just finished Summer Sisters for, seriously, like the 25th time! It is absolutely my favorite book; I feel like I know the characters personally!
Although every time I finish it, I always am wishing for more! Do you think you'll ever write a sequel? Or...something?! What happened to Caitlin?! This novel is so good in so many ways that I can't put it down after I start it again. Please write another chapter! <smile>
Thank you for writing this book! I'm sure there will be any more Vineyard escapes in the future!
Kyeong nam
Hi, Judy Blume
I'm Kyeong-nam. I live in Seoul, South Korea.
I'm a housewife.
Theseday, I am reading your book "tales of a fourth grade nothing" with my friends. By the way I saw a sentence not to be able to understand on page 17. That is "I don't know who my mother thought she was fooling." I don't know "who" and "she" in this expression. "who" is just interrogative? "she" is only his mother? You're very busy but please explain this meaning.
Dear ms blume
I like your book Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing beacaus it is funny,cool,silly.You would have to be pretty funny to writen your AWESOME AMAZING WONDERFUL BOOK.
My favuorite part of your book Tales of A Fourth grade nothing is when Sheila is meant to being looking after fudg .well fudg is pretending to be a bird and falls and braiks his front to teeth .
My favourite character is sheila beacause she is nearly ois what she did for the project.they did together.she is smart ,nice,pretty and Awesome. It is sort of like my life exept my brother is older.
Dear Judy Blume,
I like your book named Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing because,there are lots of funny bits like
when Fudge dressed up as a gorilla and scared the
And my favourite character in the book is Fudge
because he is funny and makes everybody laugh.
like in the parts when he lost his two front
teeth and when he ate Dribble the turtle.
I really like the story Tales of a Fourth Grade
Nothing and I hope that all the other stories will be funny and interesting like Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
By Lara
Dear Judy Blume,
I have read your book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing It's AMZING and my Teacher is staring otherwise known as Shelia the Grate.I like how you made Peter name his dog at the end Turtle.
I like Fudge he sounds rally funny,he is pretty naughty too. I also wonder how the Juice-O would taste.
Fudge's belly must be rally strong because he ate two roses and Dribble,Peter's Turtle.If I had that I bet I would be sick for about 2 weeks.
From Jonathan
Dear Judy Blume,
I think that Tales of The Fourth Grade Nothing is fantabulous. I love the bit when Fudge think he is a bird, and when Peter gets a dog and named it Turtle.
My favourite funny part is when Fudge pretended to be a dog and started to eat under the table . i also liked when fudge show Mrs. yube Dribble the turtle.
My favourite character is Fudge. I think that in the book Sheila is annoying to Peter. i think Fudge is funny because he messes things up, eats fower and bangs pots and pans.
Hi Judy!
I'm Amilie!your my all time favourite author! My parents are splitting you have any advice?I don't know what to do.
Love Amilie
Hey Judy Blume I love you fudge books you write i am reading the Book Double Fudge about Fudge talking about money all the time! it is a really good book you are really a good writer! I love your book!
Dear Mrs. Blume,
Tonight my son and I finished reading Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing. He is entering fourth grade this fall and I thought it would be a fun summer read for him (re-read for me). He loved it and can't wait to read the rest of the series! As we read the book and found Fudge (aka Fang) had covered the suitcase with green stamps, I turned to my son and asked him if he knew what a green stamp was? He shrugged his shoulders and said no. Lucky for both of us I still had two unfinished books of green stamps filed away from 20 years ago and I knew exactly where they were. I showed him the unfinished green stamp books and explained what they were used for, how you earned them, etc. I love that we now share a love for your books and I love that this book gave me an opportunity to share history of my generation with him and it didn't bore him one bit! Thank you and bless you for building a new common bond between mother and son.
PS the next time we go to NYC we plan on taking this tour
Renata Suerth
I was a big fan of your humorous and helpful books many moons ago. Recently, I wrote two middle-grade books "THE WIG" series and would LOVE to send you one of them as a gift. I'm sure you are inundated with such offers from fledgling authors so I would not dare ask for your thoughts on the book. But I think you would enjoy it.
Best wishes and thank you,
Renata Suerth
I decided to read my way through some of your classics, Are You There God?, Forever, Wifey & Smart Women. They were all wonderful & timeless in their messages, I found myself identifying w/ a lot of your characters! Thanks for the trip back in time, Lisa.
I love your books so much.
And I read all your books I like the part were fudge screamed .
Peter and Sasha
We have just finished reading the last of the Fudge books. My six year old daughter Sasha was asking about you, so we looked up your website. We have really enjoyed your books, and I hope we read them again in a few years when our new baby is old enough to enjoy them. This year her favorite character is Fudge. I usually read his spoken parts in a high pitched scratchy voice. We read them all out of order, finishing with Fudge-a-mania, which is a great book to end the series since it ends with a wedding.
My daughter asked me if she could meet you, I told her if we ever go to New York we could try to see if you have any speaking engagements.
Dear Just Blume,
You are a true inspiration to me. I love to be able to turn to your books and fall into a wonderful world of imagination and creation. You are my idol and I hope to be like you when I grow up. Your books helped me to grow up and gave me a place to go whenever something was upsetting me. You helped me throughout my life with your books. I love your writing!
Dear Judy Blume,
I wasn't a very big reader, but one day my Mom gave me your book Blubber, once I started reading it I couldn't put it down and now Ie read them all the time! One of my favorites is, are you there God? Its me Margaret. But I LOVE all of your books! You really got me in to reading. Thank you so much! - Maria
Dear Mrs. Blume,
I have read a few of your books and I am amazed at how they are so honest. I wish that someday I could be as great a writer as you. Because of you and other great writers. I have attempted writing. Thank you for the inspiration.
Hello I'm in 5th grade and I love the book you wrote called " it's not the end of the world" after I read it I made it my favorite book. I was wondering if you could make a "it's not the end of the world 2". I really like your books and I'm a about the read "blubber" I think I really like it because I enjoy reading your books !
Judy Blume, I have read the Fudge series over and over and over again. I just love it. Did you have any ideas to making any other Fudge books after Double Fudge, and do you want to write another Fudge book.
Dear judy Blume,
Hello! My name is Emily and you are my favourite author of all time! I can relate a lot to your book are you there god? It's me Margaret. I started to read all of your books in the 2rd grade and now that I am going in to 7th grade I still love you books! You the best author in the world!! You really got me into reading so thanks a lot!
Hey it's Yana again if u want you could write a book about me I'm that in need of your help
I am 5 and I read all of your books about Fudge all by myself. They are the best! Can you write more about Fudge?
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