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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
I love your books, Judy. Till now I've read only Blubber and Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself, but now I'm hooked up to your books! Love you!
Mary @ A Teachable Mom
Hi, Judy! I just tweeted you with a link to a story I wrote about talking with my daughter about menstruation. Your books were my only source of puberty education and while I'm grateful I had you, I wanted to offer my daughter a bit more! Thank you for all your wonderful words!
Thank you for Tiger Eyes...reading it marked a very specific time of my youth. I just finished watching the movie and was reminded of how much the book had meant to me. Truthfully, I was a little afraid to watch the movie for fear of it tainting my memory of the book, but I did watch it and am very glad I did. So, thank you again for both the book and movie...
I am 49 and still LOVE your" Fudgie" books :-) Since, 2005 have you written a new Fudgie book? :-)
I'm the same Julia from SD. I love your books!
Dear Judy Blume,
Thanks for writing great books! I love your Fudge series.I love reading your books. Thank you very much!
Dear JudyBlume,
I love your Fuge books there hilarious i realy like
fuge-a-mania it's realy funny thank you for putting all your hardwork into these books
hi i love your books
Judy, I am reading As Long as we're together. Love it! I just checked out Rachel Robinson from my library! Can't wait to read it!
I watched a Video about you on BrainPop. I have read freckle Juice, Super fudge, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, and Fudgeimania. I LOVE your books! By the way, To me, I think your Epic.
I love Tales Of Fourth Grade Nothing. Its amazing.
Dear Ms. Blume,
I liked your book Soupy Saturdays. One of my favorite parts is when Jacob is home at night giving Olive their pet dog a bath. I thought it was the funniest part in the book, especially when he had to call his friends over to help him with giving the dog a bath.
Another funny part of Soupy Saturday was when Jacob wore earmuffs before getting a haircut. This is so Jacob could have long hair. I could imagine he looked very silly wearing earmuffs in the middle of summer.
I liked Jacob the best because he is picky on what he does and acts silly most of the time.
Soupy Saturday is one of my favorite books and I know I will be reading more book by you Ms. Blume. Thank you!
Your friend,
I Love your fudge books so much! I cant stop reading them!
Dear judy blume,
I have only read a few of your books but still I love them. The books I have read are "otherwise known as sheila the great"my favorite character is mouse. The other book I have read is "double fudge" my favorite characters are melissa and the natural beauties , and ofcourse fudge. Thank you for working hardfor all the woncerful books
titanium crisp
Hey,just watched Tiger Eyes. What a beautiful story. You ability to convey emotion through your script was amazing. One day i'l write like you..
Dear Judy Blume,
in 2nd grade we read tales of a 4th grade nothing in a reading group. Then i started loving the Fudge series. It so fun that we also got to do an author research and i picked u it was fun to research your life and i love u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Reese
I have read all of your book and now my 10 year old daughter is well on her way to finishing them also. I began reading them in second grade and just fell in love with each one. Thank you soooooooo much!!!
Dear Mrs. Blume,
Thank you for being such an inspiration to me throughout those awkward middle school years. You have sincerely taught me that I am not alone with all of the problems I face in my everyday life. You have also let me be comfortable in my own skin by showing me that all girls go through the same stages in growing up. Also, you have let me love who I really am as well as develop a pure love for reading. My mom introduced me to your book "Are you there God, it's me, Margaret?" when I was in third grade and in all honesty, I have read that book probably close to twenty times by now. I am unexplainably thankful to have had your books to turn to whenever I had a question about growing up. It was much less embarrassing than asking my mother. I will continue to read your books as I am finishing up high school, and once I am done with all of them, I will just continue to reread again and again. I actually decided to write my research paper on you a few years ago because that's just how inspiring you are to me. I hope that one day my children are blessed with having the pleasure to read your brilliant works while growing up. You will forever be my favorite author.
I have a book collection of yours it has 3 stories. Deenie,It's not the end of the world'and Then again,maybe I won't.I started reading it last to first. So i just got done with then again maybe I won't it was an amazing book I just wanted to tell you.
Dear Judy, I've been reading your books since 1974(5th grade)and enjoy sharing them with my nieces today. My mother gave me my copy of "Forever" when I was in the 8th grade. She also liked your books and the conversations that came along with me reading them. Thank you for putting words to paper and changing the lives of so many young adults. Wishing you good health any many more years of writing.
Hi! I love your books and am one of your biggest fans. I have written 258 stories in the past three years. Do you have any tips on getting any of my stories published? Thank you!
Maddy Hommel
I love your books.
hello,judy arthur,I am amy. I was excited to read your book.^^thank you for writing books for kids.
HI JUDY,I really love your books
all fudge serious
Mike XXX
You are an amazing storyteller. Thank you for all your hard work.
Judy anymore novels planned geared toward the adult crowd enjoyed wifey many years ago.
Hey Judy, I will like you to make a continuation of the book Forever.... I will like to see what happens next in the book after Theo called. I'm also looking forward to your book and movie Tiger Eyes. You are an inspiration to me Judy, and I will love to be a writer someday.
Hi Judy I just want to say I am a huge fan of yours. Your books helped me so much when I was growing up. They answered so many of my questions I wouldn't dare ask my parents. They were a big part of my childhood and adolescence and I have introduced my 9 year old son to the fudge books which he absolutely loves. He gets so excited going to bed at night to read them and its lovely to pass a part of my childhood down to him.
I just wanted to tell you that growing up your books were so wonderful for me to read. I absolutely loved "Forever". I am having my teen daughter read it. Thanks for writing such wonderful books.
3/4B Orana Heights Public School
To Judy,
It's 3/4B here. We have just finished reading your first book in the series of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It was a great book. We have really enjoyed it and have been very inspired. Our class would often sit around our classroom and practice our reading aloud skills. Each day that we read your book we wrote about it in our reflection journals.
For some of us, it was the funniest book we have ever read in our classroom. We thought the funniest part was when Fudge ate Dribble.Some of us also thought it was hilarious when Fudge jumped off the jungle gym and lost his two front teeth.
You have so many original ideas. Where do you get them from? We are really interested in watching a movie on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Have you ever thought about having one made? We also wanted to know if it is a fun job writing books?
We will always remember your books. Thanks for reading our letter.
Yours Sincerely,
I like the book. Thank you very much for writing the book. I really liked the part when Andrew painted the freckles on his face and went to school.
I love Freckle Juice. I don't like Sharon in Freckle Juice though. It's funny in the part when Andrew gets tricked. I love the book.
Hi, just wanted you to know another generation of readers is engrossed in your books. I'm enjoying re-reading them to kids ages 8 and 10; but was disappointed to see the edits made to update the content. A book is written in a certain time and place and to try to alter it thirty years later takes away from the experience of learning about that time and place. I credit Sally J. Freedman with exposing me to a time and culture I never would have known in rural Louisiana in the seventies. It may seem a small thing to give the Hatchers laptops, MP3 players and CDs, but it confuses the setting. Should the Ingalls family pile into a Suburban and zone out in front of their DVD players as they move across the prairie? I think not. Please reconsider for future editions.
we read all your tales of the fourth grade nothing series. you should make another book like fuge goes to 4th grade. peter goes to college. tootsie grows up. fuge gets a dog. there is alot of things and more books you could write.write like a different kind of book like a town that it is sunny all winter and snows all summer.and there is school all summer and no school when it is not summer.clouds are on the ground and the ground is in the sky. and houses are upside down.and people talk back wards but not all the time.and there is not a hill that goes down but the biggest one is called the big one.and everyone is scared to go down it but one person was riding there bike and lost controll and rode down and they never saw him again that is why everyone is scared to go down it. i hope you make it if you make it make more then one book make a serie of 1 or 6 books bye
My favorite book is out of all is double fudge.We just finished the book double fudge.My favorite character is Peter because he is like me I have a younger brother.When are you going to make another book?You should make the book called Fudge goes to High School.Do you like writing books as a hobby.We like reading your books.Can you make another series so my class can read it before the end of the school year.Thank you answer back.Thank you for reading the letter.
Dear Judy Blume;
My class and I read the entire series about Peter,Sheila,and Fudge .I think you should write another Fudge book about Jimmy Fargo,Peter's best friend and how he feels about his dad getting remarried .This was just an idea to make another Fudge book.
Hi,My class has been reading your Hatcher family books and we love them.We were wondering if you were having any plans for a new 5th book because my class was having many ideas like Peter goes to College,a separate book about Jimmy,Peter and his family go to Hawii to see the ''Natural Beauties'',or start the book series over as ''Tales of a fourth grade Tootsie'',or when Tootsie becomes Peter's age.I hope some of these ideas are helpful to you and that they make it into a book.
Hi Judy! I really enjoy your books they are hilarious!!! I really enjoyed your last book Double Fudge with the heavenly hatchers.I really wanted to know if you are making a new book.It could be about Tootsie. I hope you make a book about Tootsie.
Hi Judy,
I love your books.I have read all your books.I hope you are going to make more if you are planning to make another book I have lots of great ideas like when Tootise grows up and she's in fourth grade and Peter in Collage
I have read your Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. I loved all of them.
please make another one. Your birthday is my birthday. My favorite book is double Fudge.
GREAT JOB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear.Judy Blume
I like all the fudge books they are hilarious the book i liked was super fudge we read the whole series can you make another book like fudge has his own family or fudge goes to 4th grade or Tootsie goes to 4th grade or Peter has his own family.
Hi Judy Blume . I am a fan of your books .In my class we read the whole series of your books. I have sent you a message before and i doubt that you read it .i really like your books especially the double fudge, Fudge is really funny. Me and my classmates were wondering if you are going to or are working on writing a 5th book about Peter , Fudge , Tootsie all grown and going to college maybe???
I'm a student Paxinosa Elementary and my class was impressed when we read the first book you wrote and we read all the books.
I would like to read another fabulous book.If a would write I would
write 'Tootsie growing up!'.Thank you for making fabulous book and making as have fun.
Thank you
Rodrigo xxxx
i read all your books they are great and's near the end of the year for pax just two more days left.I Think you should make a book about peter and fudge when they grow up and when peter sister growns up to.
Dear judy my class and I read all of the tales of a 4th grade nothing
series it was hilarious
Ms. Bloom I liked your series. Are you making a new book
I hope you are making a new book.
Dear judy I've listened to all your fudge books and i'm wandering if you are going to write another book but when tootises in 4th grade.
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