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(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just got done reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I loved it. I read a lot of books about Fudge and Peter. One guestion: Can a three year old swallow a turtle and its shell?
Makenzie #1 reader
Dear Judy Blume,
I just got done reading your book Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing. My favorite part is when Fudge swallowed Dribble. It is the first book of yours that I have read. Now I am reading Blubber. It is good so far. I think your books are very good. I think they are good because it is very humorous. It is also funny how Fudge calls Peter Pet-ah. My other favorite part is when Jenn makes it on the floor.
Dear Judy Blume,
I really liked Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, it was really funny. I liked the part when Fudge had the birthday party. It was funny when Jennie tinkled on the carpet during the party. It was also funny when Fudge pretended to be a bird and tried to fly like a bird. The last thing I thought that Fudge was very disrespectful to every body in the book.
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just got done reading your book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love how you made Fudge lose his tow front teeth and how Sheila started to cry when Fudge lost his teeth. I liked at the end how Fudge swollowed Dribble and Peter's parents got a dog for him.
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing. It was a good book my favorite part was when Fudge ate Dribble. He's so funny. I can't wait to read the next book.
Dear Judy Blume,
My class was reading Fourth Grade Nothing.
It is one of my favorite books. My favorite character is Fudge. He is so funny. I love the part where Fudge gets lost in the movies and he thinks the bears are real. It is sad when Fudge eats Dribble its sad and funny at the same time.It is a really fun book to read. I enjoyed it
Dear Judy,
Am sending you a warm hug of health and happiness. Your books have meant the world to me and I hope the good you have done for millions of girls all over the world come back to you twofold.
Vividly, I remember discovering "Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret" in my new school's 7th Grade Library (I had just moved to NJ from NY) among hushed whispers with my new girlfriends. Seems like the second I moved, my whole being changed to dorkiness and all of a sudden I was so awkward. I had gotten my period when I was away at summer camp with my best friends and made them promise not to write home and tell their Moms until I went home and could some how summon the courage to tell her in person. Well, imagine my surprise when I'm in Grand Central, returning from camp... surrounded by about 20 adults & my best friends when my bff's Mom yell's "Jill, I heard you got your period" in front of everyone! My Mom started crying, my friend's brother started hysterical laughing & taunting me, my Dad started yelling at me for not telling my Mom. I started yelling at my best friend for not only humiliating me but for breaking our promise. I pretty much wanted to die. Reading your book was such a treat, helped me feel better about my self, made me smile and give me the courage to face, not only teenage life, but the girl looking back in the mirror.
Be well!
Hi, Judy! I know you heard from me recently, but I felt the need to drop you a line again. I was shocked when I recently read about your breast cancer diagnosis and surgery in our newspaper-I didn't realize you had so much going on at this time!
Thank you for sharing all the information you do in your blog! I find it very interesting and helpful. I was sent for my first mammogram and ultrasound when I was 35. I had 2 cysts removed then and had 2 more removed last year. My maternal grandmother had a breast removed due to cancer and a paternal aunt was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.
Thanks for being such a fighter! You have my love and support and you're in my prayers.
Love, Barbie
Hi Judy;
First, I want to thank you for helping to shape my life through your novels. Since I was very young you have been my favorite author. When I was 12 I read Summer Sisters for the first time; since then I have reread it around 40 times! I was instantly drawn to the book because I grew up coming to the Vineyard. I never could have imagined the long term impact this story would have on my life. After my freshman year of college I decided to move to MV for the summer, without knowing a soul other than my family (who only visits for a few weeks every summer). This leap into the unknown was a tough decision-- while pondering this move I read Summer Sisters 4 times. I truly believe your words lead me to my final decision. That was 6 years ago. I have spent every summer since on the island.
I decided to move here full time last May. I could not be happier... I am sure I do not have to tell you that!
I was just at Bunch of Grapes picking up a new copy of Summer Sisters- my old copy had to be replaced after an accidental swim in Tashmoo! I always ask the sales team if you have any scheduled appearances; when i was told you didn't I decided to reach out to you to thank you for changing my life! I truly could not imagine where I would be in my life without your writing. I will continue to follow you on twitter and hopefully, one day I can thank you in person.
Hi Judy. I just wanted to say thank you for opening a new world again for me. I grew up reading your books when I was in 5th grade, I am 45 years old. My daughter is 11 years old and she struggles with reading. I'll take her to the library and introduce to her different children's authors but usually the author does not appeal to her. She'll she come home and let the books sit until there until it's time for me to return beck to the libray. The other day I was browsing through the internet that you were diagnosed with breast cancer. Of course I was saddened to hear the news but I was also empowered by your lifestory and it brought back childhood memories for me. Please forgive me...I read your empowering story and was compelled to go back to my local library and search for your books, since I can recall I used to read your books throughout H.S. however in our local library in Georgia they don't promote your books and I had forgotten what an avid reader I was with your books. Well...I started introducing my 11 year old daughter to one of your books "Are you there God it's Me Margaret" she cannot put this book down. I hsvw witnessed her reading while she's getting off and on the school bus, bathroom, before she gets up in the morning etc. Thank you Judy Blume and God Bless You and your family with all that you are going through. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You are truly an inspiration! Melanie
Hi Judy
, I'm Amy I would just like to message you and say I really loved your book Are you there god, It's me Margret. I thought it was really good. I am hoping to get another one of your books Forever for my christmas. I also started to check out your website at least once a after decovering it not long ago.
Yours Amy
Sending you best wishes as you recover and continue forward in good health with a smile on your face. Thank you for being such a huge part of my growing up.
I love your book [are you there god it's me margret it is great].
michelle a.
I love the book you wrote the pain and the great one.What other books have you wrote?
Ohh my gosh!!!!!! Judy Blume, your the only person that writes not afraid to take a risk. I dont know a single writer that would Is Me God Margret. Just to let you know my top 2favorite books was writen by you. tiger eyes,and its not the end of the world.
dear Judy Blume,
im a big fan from malaysia, my childhood was made up of your books (besides chocolate) and your books were my sources of entertainment and laughs. hope to read from you more!
my thoughts and prayers are with you, GET WELL SOON <3
Dear Judy,
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Know that you are a beloved book presence in our family. Get better soon!!!!
I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your books while growing up, especially the books about Peter and Fudge, and "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret". I also wanted to let you know I am the sister of a breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed last year, and that you can beat it too! My thoughts and prayers are with you, and I will be looking foward to your new book. Much love and admiration.
I love your books. They are the best!!!
Send you love and healing energy- we need you here where youake such a difference in so many lives- best of luck, and lots of love!!!!!!!
Judy, This morning I saw the news about your breast cancer diagnosis. I was diagnosed four years ago. My treatment was bilateral lumpectomy, chemo, radiation. I admire your brave choice of mastectomy. It might cut down the fear of recurrance. I've spent some time this morning reading your blog. Indeed, welcome to the Sisterhood! Quite true that it's not a club any of us would have volunteered to join, but the strength of self and those around us becomes astounding as we make the journey.
I thank you for your strength and bravery in sharing your "adventure" with us. I am an elementary school teacher (5th grade). Read aloud time is my favorite part of the school day. We've just finished "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing," and have just opened "SuperFudge." I again thank you, for the sparkle in the eyes of my students as they hear your stories. It's a time when I feel really connected to them, and for that I will be always grateful to you, who has given us these hilarious stories to share! (They say I should be an actor, as I give Fudge a little kid voice and attitude.) This is my 28th year of teaching, and I've been reading this series to my students for most of those years. I appreciate the light, funny stories that draw kids in and let them see the value of books. I've managed to accumulate almost enough copies of "Double Fudge" to do a class literature circle! Some of us have to share books, but we love your characters so much that we happily share (for once!)!
Prayers and best wishes for a wonderful recuperation, and I look forward to your next book. Not only have I enjoyed your children's books with my classes, but I love your adult reads for myself!!
God bless!
Gerry, better known as Nonny
Dear Judy, I heard about your struggle on the Today show this morning. I am a breast cancer survivor twice. First diagnosis was January, 2003. In order to have a lumpectomy, I went through chemo to shrink the tumor (mango seed size), then the surgery. It was discovered that I was Stage 4 after the lymph nodes were analyzed, so another round of a stronger chemo which took my hair again but also finger and toe nails and left peripheral neuropathy behind in feet and legs.All of that was followed by 38 radiation treatments and 5 years of anti-estrogen treatment with Arimidex. Second diagnosis came January, 2012, 9 years to the month. Same breast, same incision, so mastectomy was only real solution. All going well, spirit's are high, no problems, right??? Wrong!!! No clue and no advisement that radiated skin is like scar tissue and has no ability to heal itself like regular skin. Consequently, a wound developed at each end of the scar from the mastectomy and a tunnel formed from one wound to the other UNDER the length of the scar. Then my real battle began. After 3 stays in the hospital and 2 1/2 months in a specialty hospital for 24/7 IV therapy and hyperbarics, my wound finally closed and I was officially discharged from doctor's care THIS week - 7 months after surgery. I have always been large-busted (my remaining boob requires an "H" cup to contain it), but I agree with you: an "A" cup sounds awesome to me, so my next process will be reduction of the right boob down as small as I can convince the surgeon to go with it. I would also like to add at this point that the reduction was my precious supportive husband's idea. He actually lifted his own t-shirt and told the doc to "make it the same size as mine, then we'll match". Is that awesome, or what? I've had 47 wonderful years of this. My husband truly is my best friend - such a blessing he has been throughout our lives together, but especially through all the cancer ordeals we have had.
W#hat I would like to tell you is to rest a lot, eat a lot of protein to keep you strong and help you heal, and most important of all, be your own advocate!!! If what you are told or a treatment you are offered doesn't sound right to you, opt immediately for a second opinion. It is your right and also in your best interest. Trust your instincts. Times we did not do that ended up not so good and when we went back over it, we both were uncomfortable, but kept quiet and went along, only to either prolong the agony because it didn't work, OR actually suffered a set back! So trust your gut and be gutsy enough to speak up - it is your body, and never expect anyone else to care about you as much as you should. Be the one in control and guess what happens? You take your power back from the cancer. You gather the info, you make the decisions for your own treatment and you are no longer the victim but the victor! Even when the outcome is not what you hoped, you retain your power because it was YOUR choice. I hope my experience helps you and anyone else who reads it. Many people throughout my treatments have commented on my spirit. I have had many down days, but, really, I view it somewhat like childbirth. Unpleasant to get through, but at the end, you get this sweet little bundle of preciousness. Well, cancer treatment and wound treatment can be very difficult to endure, but at the end, you get to live and be with the people you love a little longer! Quite a trade-off, right??!! You have my email if you'dlike to respond, I'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for your blog...I was diagnosed in much the same way on June 18; had the same decisions, I am barely an A, told the surgeon, work with what I whatever is easiest and quickest. I went with double mastectomy on July 9th, nipple sparing on one...oh, the jokes we could come up with! I am currently undergoing radiation as they did find cancer in lymph nodes. It's not a club I wanted to join either, but I'm thankful for the sisterhood...keep the blog going...thanks again
Judy I am a retired reading teacher. Your books were always in my classroom and loved by my students. My own girls also read and cherished your books. Last September I was diagnosed with breast and cervical cancer. The breast cancer was small, and early. However, I had to a have a masectomy and choose a double without reconstruction. Following the hysterectomy it was discovered it was not cancer. I am feeling great today. Thank you for being public, you are helping so many women face this fightening disease. You are in my prayers. A total stranger made my day when I was recovering by saying "Keep on Keeping on". I say those words everyday.
I love your book of Are You There God It's Me Margaret
Dear Judy,
I love your books. I love your
Web site
I just want to thank you for naming your book "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret". I read that book when I was a kid and because of that book, I started a relationship with God. I would find myself saying every night while I was lying in bed, "Are you there God, it's me Raven". I've been talking to God ever since. For that Ms. Blume, I am eternally grateful to you! I just read on your site where you said that had you known how often you'd have to say the title of the book, you'd of named it just "Margaret". Thank God you didn't realize how big that book would actually become. I'd make a bet that because of that book, many relationships with God began. Thanks again!
judy blume i love this book that you made the book called judy blume otherwise known as sheila the great.i hope i see another book like this.its almost like junie b. jones only it got no pictures i love this book.
Dear,Judy i want to read all your new books. We are reading a tales of a fourth grade nothing.My favorite charater is fudge.
alex S
Dear Judy,my class and I are reading Tales of a fourth grade nothing. My favorite character is fudge because he's funny when he ate a flower in chapter 5.I want to read more of your books . from ,Alex s.
anthony a
Dear Judy,I just started 4th grade. We are reading your
book Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing it is a very good book
thank you. Anthony.
Joseph James LaValva
Dear Judy,
You are my favorite writer.My class is reading ''Tales of a fourth grade nothing''.I hope to get to read all of your books.They are so so so so so cool,fun,and hilarious.Thank you for being an author you are the best author EVER!
Dear, Judy
We are reading Tales of a forth grade nothing.My favorite character is Fudge.My favorite character is Fudge because Fudge he is funny and bad sometimes.
Dear Judy Blume
I just started fourth grade & my class is reading your book the Tales of a Fourth grade nothing. I heard about your cancer and i`m very very sorry . sometimes your books are funny . You were born and raised in New Jersey so was i . You are a role model to all author`s , and i hope you get right some more books.i hope you get to right me back, i`m gonna right again with my E-mail address . my favorite character is fudge , and peter . My favorite chapter in Tales of a Fourth grade nothing is the birthday party bash . Your website is very nice , i like in the begging when you first go the website and it shows you pretending to row a boat . I wanna get the chance to read some more of your books . I would like to meet you one day ,because all the stuff i heard about you you sound like a wonderful person. I heard a couple of people say they don`t like your book but do .
yizelle O
I just started Tales of a fourth grade nothing & my class is reading your book it is really good. i heard about your cancer i hope you feel better and i'm very very sorry about your cancer. the books you make are sometimes funny and i like that.when i was born and when i was 7 i liked your books a lot and i always liked your books and in tales of a fourth grade nothing the character i liked most was fudge a lot he is mostly funny and his family are funny sometimes.your website is very nice and decorated very nicely done and nice i liked all your books.i hope i get a chance to read more of your books and i hope you feel better. your a wonderful person and makes funny books sometimes.hope you feel better about your cancer. i liked you and your books a lot.
Dear Judy,
I love your books. you did a good job at writing.
I am in fourth grade.
I am reading Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing.
That is my favorite book ever.
My favorite character is fudge.
Thank you for making all of these wonderful books.
Dear judy
I just started 4th grade it is fun my class is reading your book tales of a of a 4th grade nothing like fudge he is vary funny the chapter 5
birthday bash the part where jenny peed.
Dear,Judy I like your book it is so good.Im in 4th grade and we are reading the Tales of a 4th Grade noting.You are a good writer. My favorite character is Fudge he is funny.And my favorite part is when Jennie peaed on the floor.I really like this story so far it is really good.
dear judy
how did you start with tales of 4th grade nothing because I like it and other people like it
Dear Judy,
I love your books my class is reading Tales of a 4 grade nothing.
My class loves your books.Fudge is my favorite character.He is my
favorite because he is really funny.
Asha D
Hi Ms Blume I like your book Tales of a 4th grade nothing. I am in 4th grade. I like writing cute little story's. I am sorry you had cancer. Judy Blume I hope you have fun!! I am reading tales of a 4th grade nothing!!
dear judy i love your books they are real funny and my class like them.My teacher is reading the tales of a 4 grade nothing.My friend serenty birthday is just like yours february am sorry you have B] :] slide the competer slide ways then you find the happy face and the cool face.
I really like the book tales of a fourth grade nothing!!!!!!!!! That is my favorite book so far.I am just starting fourth grade and I have already made several friends. My favorite show is Austin and Ally. that is my favorite show in the whole wide world. I love your books so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Judy I am in forth classmates and I are reading tales of a forth grade nothing.I like your book
Dear Judy, I am in 4th Grade . Me and my class are reading your book. Tales of a 4th grade Nothing some of the class like I like it to.
Dear Judy,i'm in 4th grade i love your book tales of a 4th grade nothing.My teacher has been reading it.I hope to read all your books.They sound very interesting and funny.My favorite character is fudge.He is funny and crazy.I hope you write back.
Dear Judy, I just started reading tales of a 4 grad Nothing.I like your books i think you are a good writer i like fudge.
DEAR Judy,i really like the book Tales of a fourth grade nothing. my favorite character is fudge and Peter. my class is reading Tales of a fourth grade nothing. you are my favorite author.i'm in fourth grade.
Hi Judy in our school we are reading your book Tales of a forth grade Nothing its so funny my favorite character is fudge he is so funny and silly.
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