Judy says:

Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could respond to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand. Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and that your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.


Email for Judy can be sent to:



For snail mail, write to:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040


Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


The webguy says:

We try to acknowledge all notes that include an email address. If you don’t hear back in a week or so, maybe there was a mistake in your email address. Please try again. Thanks.

Ideas? Suggestions? Something to share? Want to say hi?

Just click the "Add Your Message" button. You can also send a private message, but no links can be included.

(Entries are unedited. Messages posted through date of top message.)

Hometown: Easton, pa - Posted September 7, 2012 2:43 pm


Dear Judy Blume I,m sorry that you have cancer I wish It never happen. we read tales of a fourth grade nothing in are classroom its a cool book it rocks. I hope you feel better.

Hometown: Easton,PA - Posted September 7, 2012 2:42 pm


Dear Judy
All my class like your book 'Tales of 4 grade nothing'.It is really fun
I have some of yours books and I ready read all your books the I have.

Hometown: Easton,PA - Posted September 7, 2012 2:40 pm


Dear judy,
You are my favorite author.My favorite character is fudge i like him fudge because he is funny. Im in 4th grade and my class just started reading tales of a 4th grade nothing and we are starting to like it.I hope we get to read all of your books and your new ones.

Hometown: LaGrange - Posted September 7, 2012 11:57 am

Katherine OBrien

Hometown: Acton, MA - Posted September 7, 2012 11:04 am


Dear Judy--You continue to be an inspiration in all areas of my life, in particular in my roles as a mother and a professional writer. Thank you for sharing your news with us. Your blog post inspired me to make my latest column a tribute to you:



Hometown: Ponte Vedra Beach, Fl. - Posted September 7, 2012 10:37 am

Pat Langfelder

I took my granddaughter, age 7, to the library in Fairfax, Va. She immediately ran to your books saying "I love her illistrations". How wonderful that you can reach a seven year old.

Posted September 7, 2012 7:44 am



I just learned of your illness. I do hope the very best for you and your family. Confession: I am 43 years old and you are my favorite children author. I remember how I ate all your books when I was a child and a teenager. All these years later I still love your books. I cannot think of my childhood and not remember you. Thank you.

Hometown: Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, England - Posted September 7, 2012 5:45 am


I grew up reading your books. My favourite was 'are you there god, it's me margaret'. I remember when I was about 10 all the girls on my school read this book and we used it to teach us all about what being a girl entailed. It made me feel normal and that what I was going through and feeling was normal too. I have just had a daughter and I bought this book to give to her and I know she will love it and value it just as much as me and my friends did.

Thank you


Hometown: Houston - Posted September 6, 2012 11:30 pm

Karen Prante

Dear Judy,

I am a teacher in a Title I elementary school in Houston, Texas. I love your writing and wanted our students to read more and more. So I set up a personal quest and invited every 4th and 5th grader in the school to join my quest to read "every Judy Blume book" in our school library. I went from classroom to classroom with a personal invitation. I told the students about Fudge and his first day in kindergarten. They were hooked. Progress of my reading is posted in the school library. I am proud to report that every book authored by Judy Blume has been checked out, and we are searching for more. Students will stop me in the hallway to talk bout the book they are reading. A student coming off the bus this morning strongly suggested inviting Judy Blume to come for a visit. I cannot thank you enough for helping me to ignite the love of reading in our students.

I learned of your struggle with breast cancer from a student who stopped me in the hallway. She is a member of the quest and did some independent research. I know I speak for all the quest members when I say, we send you all our best.

If you ever find yourself in Houston, Texas, please accept our offer of hospitality.

Thank you again and again,

Karen Prante

Hometown: Sacramento - Posted September 6, 2012 10:17 pm


Dear Judy,
I just learned about your diagnosis and wanted to offer some additional words of support. I am turning 40 this year and you remain one of my all-time personal heroes for giving me a love of books that has stayed with me for a lifetime. In fact, I became an author too because I still love the magic of books.

I can't help but think that you are going to do something good with this diagnosis. You already have by writing about it candidly on your blog. No doubt many women will learn from your experience.

By the way, on the wall in my office is a signed photo of you that you sent me back in 2004 after I opened my bookstore in Sacramento. I also attended your presentation here that year and it remains one of the highlights of my life! (Better than an Elton John concert!)

Thank you for inspiring so many of us, and infusing humor into all you do. Sending you hugs and prayers. --Stephanie

Hometown: Las Vegas - Posted September 6, 2012 8:53 pm


One year ago, I too joined the club. The big bad tumor was in a difficult location so I did chemo first to reduce the size, mastectomy in May and then more chemo and soon radiation. I learned everyone in the club has a different journey but together we uplift each other. My sense of humor got me through the worst parts and I know that yours did the same for you. Thank you for sharing your story. PS had to laugh when I saw your blog about "Growing up and liking it".. that pamphlet was given to me at 16!

Hometown: Bono,AR - Posted September 6, 2012 8:11 pm


Hello Mrs Blume I'm sending this because I would like for you to know you have been my favorite Author since I was in gradeschool and you still are!!! Also I'm praying for you! My favorite, favorite book is "Are you there god it's me Margaret" I downloaded that book on my Kindle Fire which I won so very thankful and blessed for that because I couldn't afford to purchase one! Thank you for your time in reading this and for inspiring me!

Hometown: Stoning ton Conn - Posted September 6, 2012 8:06 pm


Best of luck with your recovery.

Hometown: Roanoke, VA - Posted September 6, 2012 8:02 pm


Just wanted to say that I had the same thing happen to me and chose the double mastectomy too. There was no question in doing what I needed to do to save my life....I am not my breasts! I have done well, also, and have just had my checkup last month...no reoccurrence. Thank God for the mammogram that found "a few grains of sand". Otherwise it would have been found too late! Bless you and I pray God's gifts to you and your family.

Hometown: Medford - Posted September 6, 2012 7:04 pm


Dear Ms. Blume,
I am a 30 year old recently diagnosed with ER+ Breast CA. Thank you for your post. It was amazing to see a nearly identical journey to my own (minus the fact that I found mine). I made a very similar joke to the radiologist about my barely size A's (I am sure I badly paraphrased Margret!). I too have started blogging about my experience and have found it a great release. Thank you again for sharing.

Hometown: Wildomar - Posted September 6, 2012 6:37 pm


Hi Judy,
I saw your story on the news. I found your blog and started reading some of that. I just want to wish you well, and let you know I will keep you in my prayers. Your books meant a lot to me, and I still have them packed away for safe keeping.
I love your attitude, and I think that you are an inspiration to women of all ages.
Wishing you happiness, HEALTH, and love
God Bless!

Hometown: brantford - Posted September 6, 2012 5:19 pm


i read forever it was a great book but the end "theo called" i just with there was more and a question is there going to be another forever i want to know more please and when my friends read the back they said but it is of sexual content i said it looks like a good book so i am reading it and there is talk about sex and in grade 7 we learn about sex anyway i am glad i read the book

Hometown: Tustin,CA - Posted September 6, 2012 5:04 pm


Judy, you've always been one of my favorite authors, both for myself and as a teacher. The coincidences between our BC situations are uncanny. On Friday morning, the last day of school, I felt a lump in my right breast. I, too, have small, dense, fibrocystic (lumpy) breasts and have been through multiple biopsies in the past dozen years, all coming back negative. We were scheduled to leave on our dream trip to Italy early that Sunday morning, so i made the decision to put it out of my mind until we got back. I didn't even tell my husband until we were at the Venice airport on our way home. In my case, the doctors said that the two weeks made no difference. I'm stage 2A invasive ductal, but i have to go through chemo before my mastectomy. It's all going to be OK, but certainly not fun in the meantime. I want to thank you for being so open and sharing your experiences with the world. We are both part of a huge amazing club that nobody ever wants to join. (The initiation is the pits!)
I know you have so much on your plate right now, but it would be so wonderful if you were to write a book where the protagonist goes through the breast cancer journey. It would be such an inspiration and comfort for so many of us, and I know that you could handle the topic in such a way that women the world over could benefit.
Wishing you continued healing!
PS I didn't cry until weeks after my diagnosis either, i was too numb!

Hometown: New York - Posted September 6, 2012 4:28 pm



I think you have been one of my Favorite authors since I was a kid. When I was 17 my first job was for a cleaning company. Your office was at the old Apple Bank on 72nd street your office was on the 2nd floor. How amazed was I to find out you were on my assigned route. One Christmas I left a note under your door telling you just this and the next day you had left a stack of all my favorite books for me at your door. It was one of the nicest and thoughtful thing I have ever received. I was reading another site and this came up, it made me sad and I had to jump on your site to just say that I am glad that you are doing better and that you had the support of your family and friends. Thanks for expanding my imagination and saving me from hours of boredom. I cant wait to share some of the books with my own 6 year old and show her that when you read you can go and do anything you please. Feel Better. - Mia

Hometown: New York - Posted September 6, 2012 3:59 pm

Vince (kw gardener)

Hey Judy , dont know if I ever thanked you for your major role in launching my landscape business ,and being able to retire at 50 . So THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!! Im sorry to hear about your brush with cancer , but am glad you caught it in time . Ive been meaning to write for years but lost my old address book . spent 4 yrs in horrible Perry fl , am now in lovely Palm Bay fl just south of Melbuurne fl . Glad youre ok ,love Vince

Hometown: Tulsa - Posted September 6, 2012 3:32 pm


Just heard about your cancer and wanted to ask Judy to check out Orgone energy. It works!! I have been using an Orgone blanket for awhile and it works for many physical problems. It is simply amazing. It sounds so simple and that it could not possibly work, but it does. It uses universal energy available everywhere.

Love and Blessings,

Hometown: Houma LA - Posted September 6, 2012 2:57 pm


I could not pass up the opportunity to tell you what a big help and inspiration your books have been to me. You tackled some of the real tough stuff growing up. And, your writing made it easier to see the humor, the joy, and even deal with the awkwardness of it all for me when I was a young girl. I have reccomended your writing to teens I know now, and will ALWAYS do so.

I wish I had known about your blog...I didnt find it til today. I will pray for you and follow your journey. Now is the time to draw strength from those of us who have grown up with you...let us give you our strength and courage to deal with your current path.

Know that you are so loved....and we are all here in your corner!


Hometown: Washington, Mo - Posted September 6, 2012 2:53 pm


Dear Judy,

I just heard the news of your cancer. I was sad
To hear of this but know you will do great and will
Win this fight!!

I've written to you 3 times over 30
Years as a young teacher with students who loved
Your books, as a young mom of a now 22 year old
Daughter and twin boys who just turned 18.
We read your books for our mom/daughter and
Mom/son book clubs. I also wrote when I volunteered
At our school library where your books are still
Favorites. As I tell the kids a good story lasts
The test of time . Your stories do that. You are
A wonderful story teller and so kind. Your
Fans of all ages have you in our thoughts and
Prayers! Thank you, stay strong, and God
Bless you , Judy!
Washington, MO

Hometown: Springfield MA - Posted September 6, 2012 2:45 pm

Amanikalish Brown

I'm so sad to just have read of your cancer. I'm a long time fan. My 1st book was Blubber and to this day I've told my kid's about how your books helped me read better, and kept me interested!

I pray that you will read/get this message, it comes from the heart. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out this information. www.gerson.org,
www.checkoutalkaline.com, www.kangendemo.com and www.enagic.com

This is info on how people have been getting rid of cancer(and countless other diseases) for decades without medicine or being cut. The Gerson Diet has been around longer than you and was banned in the US because American doctors couldn't make money off of healthy people. And Kangen Water is deemed a medical device in Japan. It's been around longer than me, they us it in hospital's, and clinic's. They even write prescription's for it.

Dr. Hiromi Shinya(the inventor of the colonoscopy) treat's his cancer paitent's with it. In his book "The Enzyme Factor" on page 7 he states he has 0% cancer re occurrence rate on his diet. Dr. Shinya is also on of Enagic's endorser for Kangen Water.

Kangen Water has healed me from more than 12 years of Fibromyalgia and more years of Migraines. I am pain free and medication free because of Kangen Water. PLEASE just find out about it and try the water. It cost you nothing except better health. God Bless.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA - Posted September 6, 2012 2:21 pm

Maureen Castro

Dear Judy, I'm at nearly 5 years post lumpectomy. No history of breast cancer either! Hang in there, and to counteract the chemo and radiation explore some of the alternative methods like Essiac Tea to build up the immune system. Know you can't respond, but so many of us are pulling for you. Stay strong!

Hometown: North Carolina - Posted September 6, 2012 2:15 pm


Hi, Judy--

Just read about your mastectomy and wanted to wish you well. My daughter and I have always enjoyed your writing and we need you to continue!

In my mailbox this morning was a letter from the imaging center where I just had a mammogram done, asking me to call for an appointment for additional imaging because they may have found something. Not good news and then I happened to read about you. It gave me the push I needed to call and make the appointment.

Thank you for all you have given us over the years and wishing you the best of health and happiness.

Hometown: Toronto - Posted September 6, 2012 1:33 pm


Just a short note to wish you well and hope for a good recover. I read your books when I was little and now my children read your books and love them very much. I have a beautiful funny little boy son with mild autism. He has an ther sisterwho is 4 years older who loves him but is completely exasperated with him most of the time. To say they relate to and act like Fudge and Peter is an understatment. When he was younger my son was a man of few words but he could and still qoutes from your books whhenever triggered. In pet stores " Bonjour Stupid" When counting his money he wouldn chant "money money money" Now he never stops talking. Anyhow. Thank you for your books, Take care and I hope you write many more.

Hometown: Arlington, VA - Posted September 6, 2012 12:42 pm


We are very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But wanted you to know some of the best medicine is reading your books. My daugther Becky now age 10 is 3 years post treatment for leukemia. We often read the Fudge series through out the treatment. Thank you for your hilarious and encouraging stories of truly memorable children. All the best of luck in your treatment and recovery.

Hometown: Little town, USA - Posted September 6, 2012 12:41 pm


I grew up reading your books along with Beverly Cleary, Choose Your Own Adventure, Which Way and many others. Your books really opened my eyes to the opposite sex in more ways than one and have helped me understand women better, although admittedly you all are still a complete mystery. I'm so glad to here you are doing better and am glad I get the chance to thank your properly, rather than posthumously. Thank you for giving us your best over all these years and please take some time to rest up. My positive thoughts are with you.

Hometown: whittier - Posted September 6, 2012 12:09 pm


Praying for you Judy! Your humorous attitude will get you through it!!! Just saw the play "are you there God; its me Karen Carpenter" in los angeles....your story set to carpenter songs...hilarious!! Please keep writing....xoxoxo

Hometown: NY - Posted September 6, 2012 11:53 am


Hi Judy,

Thanks for sharing your courageous story – stay strong, good luck! I recently received a very similar (too similar) diagnosis and would love to ask you a couple questions, pick your brain – is there any chance you would be willing to take this offline for a quick chat?
I’m in the middle of having to choose bw lumpectomy/radiation and/or mastectomy as well and am left feeling very confused….

All the best and keep fighting!

Hometown: North Carolina - Posted September 6, 2012 11:42 am


Ms. Blume:

OMGosh . .

I was watching TV and saw your name and the title of one of your books "Are you there God, it's me Margaret" and I almost started to cry! I remember this book when I was in elementary school and I read it over and over, just because it was so good. I now have twin girls that I will introduce your books to and I'm so excited to be able to do that. Thank you for inspiring me as a young girl with your writings and may God continue to bless you.

Hometown: arden - Posted September 6, 2012 11:19 am


where do you live

Hometown: UK - Posted September 6, 2012 11:02 am


Hello Judy,

I know that your books helped to give lots of people just like me strength and support whilst we were beginning to grow up (I'm still doing a lot of growing up at the age of 36) and I wanted to send a little positivity your way right now at a time when you might need some kindness instead of us. I hope that you feel much better very soon Judy and thanks for being a fab and inspirational part of my childhood. I look forward to hearing good things in your next blog update.

Love and warmth from the UK,

Jill x

Hometown: London - Posted September 6, 2012 10:55 am


Hi Judy,

I loved your books so much as a kid - just the titles still give me a shiver to this day. Was so sorry to hear about your breast cancer, I wish you all the luck in the world with beating it.


Posted September 6, 2012 10:44 am


Love your books for how they respect the abilities of children to grow, learn and think. Glad you are doing well post surgery

Hometown: Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada - Posted September 6, 2012 10:21 am


So sorry to hear about your cancer but I have faith that you will come through. My prayers are with you,=. As well, a long overdue and heart felt thank you for Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret. My grade 4 teacher read it to the girls in the classes and i will never forget the impact it had on me. "I must, I must increase my bust" exercise although not needed for me personally showed me that although i was embarrassed about my advanced development, the others secretly wanted to have what I had. Words can't truly express what that book meant to me and now that I have two girls (grades 5 & 3), we will be sharing that book together. There are three books i remember from my youth for various reasons and yours is there with "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "Snow" by Dr. Suess. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Hometown: Cranford, New Jersey - Posted September 6, 2012 10:15 am

Libby (Miller) Lulinski

Hello Judy,
Hope this note finds you feeling good and in good spirits. I'm so happy you were comfortable to go public. It's very helpful to others. My younger sister had BC surgery last week and is on the mend. It too was a shock for all of us as there is no history of BC and she does all the right things, as well. Hope your family is well. Warmest wishes for a healthful and sweet new year. I'll be leaving for three weeks on Oct 3. to visit two grandkids in Israel as well as attending the Hadassah 100th anniversary convention. Be well. Libby

Hometown: sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada - Posted September 6, 2012 10:09 am


I'm a retired teacher and you were my favorite author. Still hear from students I taught over 30 years ago saying how my expression reading Judy Blume books inspired them to become teachers. Just heard on news that you've been battling breast cancer. I wish you the best and cross my fingers for a speedy recovery!

Hometown: Pembroke Pines, FL - Posted September 6, 2012 10:07 am


Judy, Thank you so much for your blog about breast cancer. It could have been my own story, as I have a similar one. My summer plans were also interrupted by a surprise diagnosis of breast cancer, followed by the decision to have a single mastectomy and tram flap reconstruction. I am now 7 weeks away from the surgery and still in the process of healing, going for P.T. therapy on my arm due to lymph node removal. This is quite a journey, but like you, my cancer was found in early stages so I am looking forward to healing and moving on with life. I wish you all the best on your own journey and look forward to many more of your wonderful books!!

Hometown: Rochester MA - Posted September 6, 2012 10:01 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,

I just wanted you to know that your in my thoughts and prayers.

When I was growing up, I have to admit that I "hated" to read. I would rather be outside playing with friends than sitting in a corner and read a book. To me that was just boring. Until one day a friend told me about a book she was reading. She wanted to read instead of playing. I asked her who wrote it and she said Judy Blume. I had heard that name before from other friends. Well, I thought to myself if everyone is reading books by Judy, maybe, just maybe, I should take some time to check it out.
Well, my first book was Tale of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I got hooked on reading and now I consider myself an avid reader.

I thank you for being the person who "got me hooked" on reading. I have now introduced your books to my own children.

Thank you so much!!

Hometown: Amherst NY - Posted September 6, 2012 9:56 am


Just learned of your illness and wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. My children are not yet old enough to introduce to your books which I so loved as a child and young adult, but I look forward to the day I can discuss your writings with my own daughters. I remember your writing, like I remember watching Fred Rogers, both extremely influential to my emotional development as a child, to my understanding of the world beyond myself and my upbringing. Also, a great refuge from the realities of childhood crueties and bullying, a way for pre-adolescents to understand and discuss these difficult issues with each other.

Hometown: Long Island - Posted September 6, 2012 9:48 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
I wish you a speedy recovery. I was upset to hear that you are ill - you were my favourite writer throughout my junior and high school education. My copy of "Are you there God? It's Me, Margaret" was battered and torn from having read it so many times - it even travelled with me. There were times when I felt that my only "friends" were the characters in your books. Thank you for writing so well that you kept a loner of a teenage girl company with your books.
Wishing you and your family the very best,

Hometown: queens - Posted September 6, 2012 9:10 am


I enjoy reading your book

Hometown: Glendale Heights, IL - Posted September 6, 2012 8:19 am



I grew up reading your books. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Hometown: Hume, IL - Posted September 6, 2012 8:19 am


My journey very similar to yours but I choose not to have reconstruction. Haven't reggreted that. It' been 16 months since my mastectomy. Surgery was not an invasion of my body, it was a intervention! This scar saved my life and I won't be sad about it. Be strong and thank-you for writting, keep at it.

Hometown: Grand Rapids - Posted September 6, 2012 8:13 am


Thank you so much for your amazing blog post. I wish you everything you need for the journey you are taking. Even though I usually don't post on people's blogs or websites, I felt compelled to post because you made such a huge impact on my life. I was such a shy child growing up that books were my lifeline. Your books were the ones I kept on my bookshelf even as I was growing up. It was wonderful to be able to pass them on to my own daughter. Thanks so much.

Hometown: Canton - Posted September 6, 2012 7:56 am


I just saw online you are battling breast cancer. This filled me with sadness for you and I wish you the best and a speedy recovery. I have been a huge fan of yours since I was 10? I have read all of your books... multiple times! I even re-read Deanie last year... It was still a great read 30 plus years later. Your stories are timeless! And, helpful... as an adolescent, it's nice to 'know' that others feel the same as you and are going thru similar trials. I love your adult books too, of course. I just wish there were more of them I don't have a favorite book of yours, but you are definitely my favorite author!

Hometown: Wilmette - Posted September 6, 2012 7:27 am


Thank you for sharing your breast cancer story It is so important women know you don't have to have any risk factors to get cancer! I'd love to send you a copy of my book - its designed to empower women through their diagnosis. Perhaps you could share it with your treatment center. You can view it at Workingoutcancer.com Most importantly be well!

Hometown: Athens - Posted September 6, 2012 6:07 am


Dear Mrs. Blume,
I was sad to hear about your health ordeal, yet very glad to hear of your recovery. Wishing you all the best in the future, from a fan in Greece who got motivation and support from 'Deenie' for scoliosis many years ago.

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