Questions for Judy

Click on one of the four categories below to see answers to questions I’m frequently asked.
When were you born?
February 12, 1938
Where were you born?
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Where did you go to school?
Public schools in Elizabeth, New Jersey. B.S., New York University, 1961
What were your favorite books?
The Betsy-Tacy series by Maud Hart Lovelace.
Were you a good student?
Yes, especially when the teacher made the subject come alive!
English was my favorite subject because I always liked reading and writing. I wasn’t that good at science and I gave up on math long before I should have. I like to think if I were in school today that would be different.
What were you like when you were growing up?I was small, skinny, a late developer. At first, very shy and fearful. Then, around fourth grade, much more outgoing. I can’t explain the change. I enjoyed drama, dancing, singing, painting and performing.
I loved to roller skate (we didn’t have roller blades then) and to ride my bike. I also loved going to the movies, and browsing at the public library. I was always reading something!