Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

Want a signed book? Autographed books can be ordered from the non-profit bookstore Judy founded, Books and Books at The Studios of Key West. Click here for more information. We cannot accept books purchased elsewhere and shipped to us. Thanks for understanding.

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1007 entries.
Sheila Rasmussen from Cincinnati wrote on January 13, 2025
Dear Judy, I grew up with your books like many other girls in the 70's. I have kept them all, especially my copy of "Otherwise known as Sheila the Great" in hardcover that was given to me on one of my birthdays complete with inscription on the inside cover from the gift giver. I have recently realized that my niece's children can call me 'Sheila the Great,' since I'm their Great Aunt. It's so cute to hear them call me that in their little voices. I can't wait to read your new book you're working on. Thanks for all the great memories.
jodie g from fareham UK wrote on January 11, 2025
Hi Judy, i wanted to write to you to firstly express my appreciation for the almost lifelong impact Super fudge has had on my life. I first discovered him in 1986 to 87 in my year 3 of junior school (which i think is 5/6 grade in USA terms?) we had a brand new teacher that school year, Mr Hunter. he was quirky and introduced down time weds and fri afternoons to our close.. in these sessions he would read to us.. Suoerfudge from book 1 to 5.. he would change his voice for all characters.. we were mesmirised!! no teacher had ever done this before. It left an imprint in my heart and when i had my darling twins in 2002 i couldnt wait for them to be that little bit older to read the books to them myself. Imnow 47 years old and re-reading the complete series which brings so many memories of my childhood back to me. Thank you Judy <3
Michelle from Dover wrote on January 10, 2025
Hello!! Fellow Jersey Girl here who is now 62 and grew up reading your wonderful books!! One book that stood out for me is “It’s Not The End Of The World.” The character that stood out for me was the mother, Eleanor. It would be great if you could write an adult book about her life from her point of view! It would be pretty powerful!! Take care of yourself!!
Autumn from Sylvania wrote on January 5, 2025
I’m ten my favorite book is your their god it’s me Margret I hope you can get back to me on my book idea about a girl that has a low thyroid.

Thanks, Autumn
Autumn from Sylvania wrote on January 5, 2025
I am a big fan I I would love it if you could write about a tween girl with a low thyroid like me I know a lot more of peaple must send you book ideas but it would mean so much to me
Charles Johnson Jr from Marrero wrote on January 4, 2025
Dear Ms. Judy Blume,
Hi. How are you doing? My name is Charles Johnson Jr and I remember seeing you in person as a young child at my old elementary school called Norco Elementary School (located in Norco, Louisiana) back in the late 70's or early 80's. I remember how special it was to have a writer visit us and read to us from her book. Today, I too am a writer, I am in the process of having my first book formatted before being published under my pen name "J. Ca'Zonti" and the title is called "Steampunk Jungle-The Whispers of Destiny." It will be available as a hard cover, soft cover, e-book and as an Audiobook. As I got involved in writing I thought about you and wondered what had happened to you. Norco Elementary School is no longer around but the memories I would always treasure. Thank you for being an inspiration to me all of these years. I am planning to write several books as this is part of a series and would be privileged to see what you think of it once the first book releases within a month or two on several platforms including Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, etc.
In closing, Thank you for your time and consideration. Your work has been a part of my childhood and the memories of being able to be lost inside of a book will always be what I remember with great fondness. Take care and God bless.
Sincerely yours,
Charles Johnson Jr
Rose from Niagara Falls, Canada wrote on January 4, 2025
Hello Judy! I have been a fan for more than 45 years! This past holiday, I finally watched “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret.”, my favourite book as a kid! Watching the movie took me back to the days that I spent reading all of your books, over and over and over! This was an especially happy “trip down memory lane”. Earlier this year, I lost my Mother, who instilled in me a lifelong love of reading! Your writing is a gift to the world! Thank you, thank you, thank you! -Rose
Ava P from Fresno C.A wrote on December 31, 2024
Dear Judy Blume,
I am so grateful for you and your wondrous books! It all started when I was 9 and received a huge selection of your books from my fun aunt, but I wasn't immediately interested. Years later, at 11, I finally decided to read one of them, Are You There God? It's Me Margaret, and instantly fell in love with the story and the fact that Margaret,(who was my age at the time) was much similar to me.
Within that school year, I continued to read more of your books, often finishing them within days. Some of my favorites/books I have read include Blubber, Then Again, Maybe I Won't, Deenie, Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself, Tiger Eyes, and, of course, Are You There God? It's Me Margaret.
I loved reading every single book and enjoyed each character's unique personality and way of thinking. I hope to continue devouring every word of the legendary Judy Blume as I grow older and choose to read your adult books.
Ava P your 1# fan 😉
Catherine from Chell wrote on December 30, 2024
Hello Mrs. Blume,
My name is Catherine Chell and I am a community member of the small, rural town of Fredonia, AZ. I am also a member of our local PTO organization. This year we have been encouraging our students to meet the challenge of reading 400 minutes per month. We have several who have completed this task on a regular basis. In March we'll join the nation with "Read Across America", starting the month with a Read-a-Thon on March 3rd, and then concluding with a Book Fair in the middle of March.

I have always thought it would be fun for our students to have an author come to our school, we live in such a small community that this is not something we have been able to do. I am writing in hopes that maybe we could arrange for a visit from you to our school in March of 2025. Our school has limited resources for guest speakers, however we could arrange for your hotel stay and possibly a few meals. I may also be able to work with our local town librarian and the elementary school in Kanab, Utah for a visit with them, too. Hopefully making a trip like this is worth your time.
I look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for taking the time to read my email and respond to it.
Catherine Chell
Kimberly Lerch from Downers grove wrote on December 28, 2024
I'd like to let you know how much your books inspired me as a child and I still continue to enjoy reading them. I grew up in Glenview Illinois and during grades School I want a contest for a short novel I had written. As a prize I actually had lunch with you and it was a wonderful experience. I stopped writing for many many years as I got into the workforce and had to focus on that. I'm going through a bit of a rough patch of my life right now but it's allowing me time to start writing again. You are my inspiration!
Robert Lazo, MD from Elk Creek, Va wrote on December 20, 2024
Just finished Are you there God? It’s me, Margaret. My first time! I’m a 70 yo husband, father, grandfather, doctor, artist, farmer, and diog lover. My life is rich with love and joy. It’s richer now, tho, having finally read this marvelous book.

Rosie from United Kingdom wrote on December 15, 2024
Dear Judy,
I am writing to you from the UK. I am a 48 year old mother of 2 and recently listened to your podcast with Hilary Clinton and learnt you had a bookshop. I felt compelled write to you and thank you so very much for your incredible books. There is one in particular that made a huge impact of me and that’s “Just as long as we’re together”. I got a copy from school library. I borrowed it over and over until I “forgot” to return it. Not great I realise but at 12 I felt I could not part with it and I never have. I’ve reread this book at various states of my life. I’ve just finished reading it again for the first time in about 15 years. It’s interesting to read it again later in life as mother of an 11 year old daughter. It’s incredible how we can forgot as mothers what it was like to be that age:
I think the book offered me an escape and took me to a different world and I just loved it. It’s my absolute place of comfort nothing beats it.
I have just bought your boxset for my daughter to enjoy and doing so realise there is a sequel to Just as long as we’re together!! All this time my favourite book had a sequel and I never ever realised. I’m now reading “Here’s to you Rachel Robinson”. I find it amazing that 36 years after reading the first book I’m here reading this at the age of 48!
You have made such a profound and positive impact on me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for providing solice and comfort throughout my life.
With much admiration and respect
Rosie x
Hollis Pearsall from Norman wrote on December 15, 2024
Hello, Judy. I wanted to thank you for Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret. It brought my daughter and I together with your book and then the movie (which I loved seeing you in the cameo:)). I have a question for you. My sister and I have been going through our parents'deaths and mid- life things, but with humor. We were thinking it would be HILARIOUS to have a Are You Still There, God? It's Still Me Margaret where she's all grown up and in her mid life crisis (perimenopause, parents' deaths, teen kids, etc.). I think it would bring so much joy and humor to the original audience who loved your first classic. I already have ideas, but know it would have to be by you. Would love to see this!
Maryam from Mazar_e_ sharif wrote on December 12, 2024
Hello miss Judy hope you being well
I want to say in this days of despire in my country Afghanistan
seeing you makes me motivated you are living my dream I want to start writhing my story tommarow I hope I can live my dream one day wish you best wishes❤️
Janet from Greenville Texas wrote on December 11, 2024
I just want to say that I disagree with you Judy that ALL books should not be banned. Some of the very inappropriate books with inappropriate subject matter should NOT be in school libraries for young children. If they want to put them in public libraries I dont care but dear God in Heaven please leave our young children alone and away from inappropriate subject matter for their young innocence. It is wrong. This is the only place that I found to write my opinion but it had to be said.
James B. from New York City wrote on December 11, 2024
I am around Abby Ryder Fortson's age and I'm not necessarily ready to call myself a fan since I have only read summer sisters but while I was reading it I had very clear visuals of how it would look like on film (I am interested in filmmaking and writing). I think summer sisters is my favorite book. I hope whoever receives this letter can make their way to give this to Judy and send feedback to my gmail account. Thank you.
Gus and Winston B from Piney Flats, TN wrote on December 6, 2024
We just finished reading Double Fudge and are dying to know why Uncle Feather stopped talking.
J. Hill from Alexandria VA wrote on December 6, 2024
I just wanted to thank you for the impact your writings had upon my life growing up. I’m in my mid 50s now but as a child read all of your books. You were my favorite author.

I’ve learned the importance of expressing gratitude to others and to let them know they made a difference. We’ve never met but YOU made a difference in my life. Thank you!
Chey Osborne from Big Stone Gap, VA wrote on December 5, 2024
Judy, I am one of your biggest fans. I read Tales of a 4th grade Nothing and Superfudge growing up. I now read them to all of my classes. I can really relate to Fudge growing up. Just wanted to take a minute and let you know that myself and my classes love your work.
Scarlett wrote on December 4, 2024
Hi Judy! You are the best author ever and I want to have a amazing imagination like you when I grow up. I have read the whole Fudge series, Are You There God It's Me, Margaret? , and I am currently reading Starring Sally J. Freedman as herself. You are so talented!

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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