Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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910 entries.
anna from dublin wrote on April 9, 2024
hello judy i love all of your books i have read so far are you there god its me margeret is my favourite book i have ever read at the minute i am reading just as long as we are toghether you are my inspiration i aspire to e as succsecful as you youare still putting smiles on young girls faces and you are 86 you are rolemodel to young girls
Hannah Brown from Jerusalem, Israel wrote on April 6, 2024
I am the movie critic for the Jerusalem Post, and I love your books and loved the movie, Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret?, which I put in first place on my list of the best movies from 2023. I like to tell people that when I was growing up, we didn’t have the Internet, but we had Judy Blume, and you answered so many of my questions and also helped me get through so many challenges – thanks for that! I published a novel, If I Could Tell You, about four mothers with children on the autism spectrum (I have a son who has autism), and I have written a novel for young adults, inspired by your books, called Your Everything, about a 15-year-old girl growing up in New York in 1977, the summer that Son of Sam ran wild, who is equally obsessed with Dostoevsky and Stevie Nicks. I’d love to send you these books, if you’d like. Thanks for reading this. All the best, Hannah Brown
Carrie R from Rapid City wrote on April 3, 2024
Hi, I just want to make sure you have heard this song written about you. Just in case you haven’t! Also, I loved your Master Class on writing!
Kathu from Pembroke Pinrs wrote on March 25, 2024
I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs Blume on Saturday. What a wonderful person. I wanted to say thank you to her for allowing me an escape as an adolescent. Unfortunately, I became emotional and barely got any words out. She's allowed me a few hours a day of a different reality. She also is credited with my love of reading and encourage me to teach 4 and 5 year olds the enjoyment of reading.
D. A. Quinton from LaCenter, KY 42056 wrote on March 22, 2024
On April 28, 2023, inside our living room at 6:50 p.m., I caught a segment of the PBS NewsHour, an interview of Judy Blume, the author of several somewhat controversial children's books, who has been the subject of a number of stories and news items lately, partly because so many parents (who apparently want their children to grow up clueless and unable to question life or face reality) want to ban her books from school libraries. One thing they want to avoid is the mention of menstruation before the middle grades. ------ But what about little girls who, at the age of only nine years old, faced (as I did) that enormous life-changing challenge completely naive about it? My poor mother hadn't even considered that I might need to be warned about such a thing at so young an age, and I cried in utter dismay to hear from her that this inconvenient and painful plague would visit me monthly for the rest of my young life. Growing up with two younger brothers, and a male best friend next door, I was a dyed-in-the-wool tomboy. At the time, I had just learned to swim, and was terribly dismayed that I would have to miss out on swimming if ever it happened at the wrong time. After the initial scare, I did have a six-month respite, and the periods were never reliably regular during my teen years, so planning for them was virtually impossible. Lucky for me, they never happened during my eight summers when I got a series of five-day-long vacations at 4-H camp. Eventually I even learned to water-ski, and became an avid horseback rider and bicyclist. During high school, while on the first-ever girls' track team, I ran 880-yard longest event available. During college, both before I had a car and afterward, I rode everywhere on my bicycle. Today, after trying my hand at teaching, I became a cattle farmer--and still manage to stay a girl at heart. Keep up the good work Judy Blume.
Wesley from Florida wrote on March 18, 2024
Dear Judy,
My name is Wesley and I’m in third grade. My mom and I have been reading your books together.
I think your books are funny and excellent and they make me like reading. My favorite part of Superfudge is when he says rat-face to his teacher. In Fudge-O-Mania it cracks me up when Fudge says he wants to marry Shiela. You are a great author. I hope you write more books.
I had to write a letter to an author for school and I picked you because you are my favorite author.
Thank you,
sarah from portage wrote on March 18, 2024
Hello! I recently read your book superfudge to my daughter and we absolutely love it!
My only heartfelt future publishing of this book, would you consider removing the text that references the friend being "adopted" and therefore may be an alien.
That is very hurtful language to our dear community of adopted children that love your books.
With kindest regards, I hope you are able to understand! And welcome any further conversations around this topic.
A mother of 3 because of the gift of adoption
Penny Turner from La Valle wrote on March 17, 2024
Hi Judy,
I am visiting Key west in early April. My daughter-in-law is a major fan of yours! She asked me to stop by your store during my trip to see if I can get an autograph copy of one of your books. She said this would be the best treasured Christmas gift ever. Is this possible? Do you have autograph copies in your available in your store or possibly purchase one online?
Penny Turner
Felicia Cahoon from Falmouth, MA wrote on March 17, 2024
Hi Judy,
I have been a fan of your books since I read Blubber, when I was around 10 years old. I recently watched the Forever documentary and I loved it. You really are an amazing woman and you've made significant changes and impacted the lives of countless people, especially women. It has been quite some time since I've read your work and I look forward to reading all the great books you have written,over the years. In the documentary you mentioned that you and George had a home or would visit MV for 20+ years and I was curious if you still visit? I live on the mainland and I would love the chance to meet you.
Thank you for being you and making a difference in my life.
Erika Wittlieb from Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada) wrote on March 14, 2024
Dear Judy: I simply can't describe enough how much your books meant to me throughout my childhood. I must have re-read each one at least a dozen times. You unwittingly inspired me to be a life-long reader, to the point that librarianship became my chosen career path.
Recently I watched your Amazon documentary, which was very moving and sweet...cementing my belief that you are a national treasure - not just in the U.S., but Canada as well!
I am so grateful for your talent, your compassion, and your generosity. Thank you a million times over for everything you've done to bring joy and understanding to the lives of children who may not have otherwise been able to find it.
Eric Hofstetter from Kettering wrote on March 10, 2024
Hello Judy!
I just wanted to write a quick note regarding my wife’s love of your work!
Her birthday is tomorrow (March 11th) and her gift is a weekend in Key West to visit your bookstore!
If you are at all able to take a moment and wish her a Happy Birthday… she would just explode!
Thank you for ALL you have done, and I thank you for your time!
Eric Hofstetter
Tomoko Hamabata from Tokyo wrote on March 8, 2024
Dear Judy
Here in Japan watching your documentary on Amazon, it reminded me of my first encounter with your books as a teenager in the 80s. I was an exchange student in New Zealand struggling with English. Your books made it so much easier for me to learn English, because it was so interesting!
I am also grateful to my host mother who introduced me to your books. I am just writing to say thank you! You certainly did a wonderful job in this corner of the planet!
With love,
R'Neta Hiebert from Foothill Ranch, CA wrote on March 8, 2024
I teach sixth grade, and every year (since 1990) I start my read-aloud stories with Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I do this because it is one of my favorite memories from elementary school. My sixth grade teacher read it to us. We loved it, and we couldn't wait for the next chapter. My students always feel the same. There is so much for kids to relate to in your story. I just want to say thank you for making reading fun for me and for my students. My students always beg me to read the sequels!
A from Decatur, GA wrote on March 7, 2024
Dear Judy,
I got my now 8-year-old daughter a box set of your books last year.
Diane from Boston, MA wrote on March 6, 2024
Any chance you’ll write another book in the Fudge series? We just read all 5 & adore them. We’ll keep our fingers crossed. Thank-you for all the joy you bring to this world!
Ann Erickson from Phoenix, AZ wrote on March 1, 2024
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing my 4th grade granddaughter present her presentation board and report on Judy Blume to the All Saints School community in Phoenix. I would love to send
Judy the pictures. As an art teacher for forty years, this is the most creative way I have ever seen a classroom teacher have students report their research findings. Is there a way to send Judy the pictures?
Yvonne from WILLIAMSTOWN, Australia wrote on March 1, 2024
Hi Judy Blume (I have to write your full name)
I write to u as a 49-year-old who avidly read and re-read every single one of your books endlessly as a kid/teenager.
But more importantly for me now, I am writing to you today as mum to an 11yo daughter. We just each read ‘Are you there god, it’s me Margaret’ (for her first time, for me a re-read after 30+ years) and tonight watched the new movie together. It was an event – matching pjs, popcorn, chocolate, analysis! Australian Style 😉
Thank you for Margaret. And for all the follow on characters – Deenie, Rachel/Stephanie/Alison, Katherine, Tony, Fudge, Sheila and the rest
You were such a critical part of my childhood and I’m so happy you’re here again with me as a mother while I help my amazing daughter navigate a new world. I feel grounded with you there
Many hugs xxx
CARISSA WELTON from Ann Arbor, MI, USA wrote on February 29, 2024
Dear Judy,
As a child I devoured all kinds of stories and when my dear aunt introduced me to yours, I collected them all from age 10 - 14. I grew up with your books, and I'm 100% certain they contributed to who I am today. Now, after watching "Judy Blume Forever", I realize that I am part of a wonderful and vast community you have created and positively touched through your writing. Currently I'm visiting Florida to continue working on an ocean exploration series I've created for middle readers (that grows chronologically into YA by the sequel) that I would love to share with you in person. I hope to catch you at your bookstore soon. Will you be around at the end of April? I truly hope so!
Love Always,
P.S. Congratulations on your Lifetime Achievement Awards -- you are such a treasure!!!
gregory bowman from carver wrote on February 29, 2024
dear judy reading your book concerning the plane crashes in elizabeth. i was 5 years old living on new york ave when the first plane crashed. my father took me to see burning buildings, i think i have suppressed memories and your book is helping me understand some of those memories stayed in elizabeth thru 5th grad at woodrow wilson psn18 thank you
A nameless fan wrote on February 29, 2024
Dear Mrs. Blume,
From one author to another, I'd like to tell you Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was one of my all-time favorite childhood books. I don't remember how my family got access to it. What I *do* remember is seeing a copy of it carelessly laying around my then-home on the floor. Just kind of forgotten. I randomly picked it up and started reading.
I read it over and over. It made me laugh so much! A lot of the things Peter thought were things I thought too (although looking back I did think he was a little rude, lol).
I also read The Pain and the Great One which I also enjoyed.
After reading these two books, I'm sorry to say I didn't really read much else of your work. I did hear about all the controversy surrounding your books which intrigued me but I couldn't find the time to read any of them.
Years later, though, I read Blubber which I found to be sad. I think bullying will always be a problem and it's awful to think that things haven't improved much since the book was first published fifty years ago. Things are slowly changing for the better I think but there's still lots of work to be done.
I could go on and on about your work, but I'll end it here. As an author who has a work officially published, I very much would like to thank you for the gift of a book (Tales) that I still remember fondly. It's also remarkable that it's still read today. I think you've achieved what so many authors only dream of. This is just a token of my appreciation and just know that this fan will forever be grateful for the works you've provided.
Thank you!

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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