Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Emma T from Cardiff by the Sea wrote on January 30, 2024
Dear Mrs. Judy Blume,
My name is Emma, I am in 4th grade and live in Cardiff by the Sea, California. I just finished your book "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret"
I love it and highly recommend it to all of my friends. My favorite parts about the book are when Margaret first moves to New Jersey and meets Nancy. I love how they made the friend group PTS. I also love what Margaret Loves, the smell of rain, tuna fist, and long hair.
I am sending this letter to you for a school book report project. I chose writing a letter because I thought it would be cool to write to you. I have never written a letter to an author before but it is very fun.
I have one question for you about the book, why did Margaret and her family not have a pet?
I hope you get this letter.
Elena from Miami, FL wrote on January 29, 2024
Hi Judy,
Growing up, I loved to read your books. In elementary school, when I had to do a biography project, I chose YOU and even dressed up like you (I still have a picture of me on my school stage dressed us as Judy Blume). Now I have a daughter in 3rd grade. We just started reading “Otherwise known as Sheila the Great” before bed. She reads a page and then I read a page. Believe it or not, we’re actually reading my copy of your book (I kept all of my books written by you because they were my FAVORITE!). Last week, she had to pick someone to do a biography project on and she chose YOU! Thank you for creating timeless classics that girls, young and old, can forever relate to! I am so happy to be sharing these moments with my daughter, thanks to you! Is there any way we can get an autographed book or photo that she can use for her biography project? Thank you!
Katie H from Hope Mills wrote on January 26, 2024
Dear Judy,
I never write to famous people but I just finished your masterclass videos. Thank you so much for just being you. I read fudge when i was in the 3rd grade. That and fudgemania were my 2 favorite books! I remember laughing so hard when I read them...and i read them over and over. Ive read most of your books and now im working on one of my own. Please wish me luck. You are an inspiration! And you are just an awesome person. When i was 20 at a business lunch someone asked me who my favorite author was. It was you.
Katie H
Inez from Edmonton AB, wrote on January 26, 2024
My name is Inez I’m in the fifth grade and I love your books I especially love are you there god it’s Margret.
I have one question to ask and would be so grateful if you could respond (if you want to).
When writing as an adult how can you make your books so realistic through young eyes?
Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. I hope you have an amazing day!

Yours truly
Robin Halterman from Westfield wrote on January 24, 2024
Hi Judy- wondering if you are able to speak at a Women's Day dinner in Cranford NJ? This area is your old stomping grounds- we would love to have you speak at an annual dinner. Please email back at:
Thank you! Thank you!
Katie from Little Rock wrote on January 24, 2024
I wanted to know what if today, Kath friended Michael on Facebook as a grown woman of 66, after not seeing him for all those years, what would the interaction be like? I just read Forever for the second time…I’ve read all your books! You’re my favorite author. Thank you 😊
Elodie from Tarboro wrote on January 20, 2024
I love fudge a mania
Elodie from Tarboro NC wrote on January 20, 2024
I love superfudge
Elodie from Tarboro NC wrote on January 20, 2024
Hi Judy Bloom, I love your books I especially love the fudge series
Jane from Menomonee Falls wrote on January 19, 2024
Hi Judy, I am watching Judy Blume forever. What a gift you gave to millions of girls. I only wish I had access to your books growing up. I would have know what “ normal” girls were like during their blooming years I was abused through those precious years by a man. A relative. I can only think I would have gained courage in knowing what feelings other girls had. I am quite sure you have helped other girls in my situation. God bless you.
Miss Thievin from Savant Lake wrote on January 15, 2024
Hello Mrs. Blume, I am a teacher and my student in grade 4 just read Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing. As part of her final writing project she chose to write you a letter.
Dear Judy Blume,
I liked your book because it was so funny. I see how much work you put into this book. Peter is like me, but my brother has autism and ADHD. When he was six he lost his two front teeth like Fudge did, and I cut my own hair like Fudge did. I am turning ten soon and I wish to see you in real life. From, *Elizabeth
PS: I’m ten now hehe
thank you for all that you do and all the laughter that you infuse into your books. Have a wonderful day
Kenley Jane F. from Charleston, SC wrote on January 15, 2024
Dear Judy Blume,
I LOVED the Sheila the Great book. I could relate to Sheila because I also get frustrated at times. Shelia's best friend, Mouse, kept her under control, just like how my best friend, Babe, keeps me under control. I read another one of your books, The One in the Middle is a Green Kangaroo, that I could also relate to. I liked how the teacher kept the kids under control like my teacher does. You are a great author!
Sincerely, Kenley Jane
Alex Fernandez from Ft. Lauderdale wrote on January 14, 2024
Hello Judy, I've been a fan for years! It began at age 10 with "Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great". Judy i loved this book, still do...I'm 54 now! While I love many genres I still revert back to this particular book when feeling nostalgic. It always, without fail, brings the humor, joy and warmth into my heart that it always has. I'm always on the lookout for a first edition. I have one and 3 reprints just receiving the Yearling box collection of Sheila, Fudge, Blubber, Margaret and Tony. Thank you Judy, thank you for being part of the dearest childhood memories I hold close to my heart.
Sharon S from Knoxville wrote on January 12, 2024
Mrs. Judy Blume
I was recently on my way back from vacation and watched your documentary on the plane. I thought to myself, I must have been living under a rock. Not to have read one of your books. I sat and pondered why don’t I know whom this person is? Then it hit me, As a young girl, I wasn’t allowed to read books or given the opportunity unless it was school related. I was work mule of six kids. There were simply to many chores to read. While watching the documentary I laughed, & cried, and I became very angry all at once. My husband looked over at me & asked ; are you ok? I replied yes as I wiped the tears from my face,not realizing I still had my Bluetooth headphones in ;I yelled out! we have to go to key west I’ve got to meet JUDY BLUME . My husband pointed at my Bluetooth & gave me the she’s 🤫 symbol. I scanned the plane of all the other passengers & wandered what their childhood was like. When I returned home I began to ask others if they read your books as a young adult they replied , well of course I did. How can you not know who Judy BLUME? Is? So I’ve made it my mission in life to visit your bookstore and purchase every book you’ve written,with hopes of meeting you in your bookstore in February 2024. I know actually getting an autograph is far fetched. Nevertheless that my goal in life. MY PRAYER is that you are doing well and I get to meet you. Nurse from TENNESSEE
Mrs Lawrences SFA Class wrote on January 12, 2024
We are reading Freckle Juice and it is so good so far. We would like to know if you have freckles. What made you write about freckles? We love your books. Please write us back.
Simon Kang from Carol Stream, IL wrote on January 11, 2024
Hello Judy,

I find your work to be very inspiring. I am also a children’s book writer and I had many of my stories published last year. You can look me up on Simon Sien Kang on Amazon and Audible.

Emily from Naples, Florida wrote on January 7, 2024
Stopping by to let you know that I brought my daughter into the fold with “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret”, and I personally just finished “Summer Sisters”.
What is astounding is you have captured every single stage of my life. As a young girl, and now as a mother myself, to be thinking of your work that touched and affected me as a young girl, and frankly, triggering (in a good and profound way) as an adult with “Summer Sisters” you have reached into my soul and stirred up so many memories this year. My Summer Sister ending was nearly the same as your book. Something I’ve been attempting to process for almost 30 years.
Thank you for your insight and ability to continue to hit just the right nerve. Always hold a special place for you,
Faye from Plainfield wrote on January 6, 2024
Hi Judy, I am nearly 40 years old and the earliest memory I have of feeling that someone Truly understood me is when I was about 6 years old and I picked out The Pain and the Great One at a garage sale. I thought "OMG this is ME!" I was the big sister with the younger brother and to this day I look over the book and my scribbles I had drawn on the inside cover and I still feel the same, even through all these years gone by, even as I became the age of the sister in the illustrations and then older... The thing is is that You GOT me and the natural frustration of having a sibling. I am so grateful for you and the writing you have gifted us all. Much love always
Krista from Wichita wrote on January 5, 2024
I must have been sheltered when I grew up in in Sandy, Utah. Which is a suburb of Salt Lake City. I have never heard of your books. I read a lot in my childhood which has continued into my adulthood. Now as a mother I am always looking for good reads for my kids. I came across a documentary about Judy Blume on an American flight. I had no idea who she was and watched it. I was absolutely excited to hear about her. I sure wish I had her books when I was a pre-teen / teen. I am pre reading them for my 11 year old daughter and I think she would actually like to read these if she ever Catches the reading bug. Thank you for writing these books.
Emma from Gyeonggi-do, Korea wrote on December 29, 2023
I want to thank you for making up for my childhood! I still remember the days when I would visit the local library - also the only library in town - to see if there were any more of the fudge series. Recently I found this site and wanted to express gratitude for the beautiful memories.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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