Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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1012 entries.
Mollie from Mount Vernon wrote on September 11, 2024
Dear Judy Blume,
I just read Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing with my classmates in fourth grade! I LOVED it! My favorite part was when Mr. Hatcher dumped cereal on Fudge's head. My other favorite part was when Fudge jumped off the jungle gym and lost his front teeth. Alough it probably hurt.
Erin Caouette from Plantsville wrote on September 11, 2024
Dear Ms. Blume,
I am a 50-year-old mother, wife, and teacher. But I was also at one time a preteen/teen who became an avid reader and sometime writer because of you. Ask my husband or kids who I consider my greatest role model (besides my mother), and they will tell you without question it is you.
I hope someday to come to your bookstore in Key West and run into you.
Thank you for all that you have done for girls and young women. You are such an inspiration.
Erin Caouette

P.S. My daughter and I recently watched the Margaret movie. She is obsessed with puberty and getting her period, and it helped her to understand it all a bit better. Thank you!
Ian Mordant from Cambridge England wrote on September 1, 2024
Dear Judy, I saw you interviewed about your writing and I was surprised that you missed out what I think your books are all about. This is honesty, simple as that.

Agree? Ian Mordant
Peggy W from Los Angeles wrote on August 29, 2024
Dear Judy,
I was reminded of your influence on my daughter's career, when she recently was awarded a Tin House Residency for Writers in Portland, OR...When my daughter was in second grade, her English teacher recommended that she be thrown out of school for reading "lewd and lascivious' material to girls in the school's lavatory...The book was 'Are You There God, It's Me Margaret.' She was later dismissed from her teaching position for this action...In second grade, my daughter, who reads with a very soothing voice and, delighted in reading to other children...She won her first writing award at age 04 while a full-time kindergarten student...She loved your books...It would mean a great deal to me if you would communicate with her - name is Catherine J, cell phone: xxx...Respectfully, Peggy
Melissa wrote on August 29, 2024
I’ve always believed that everything I needed to know in life I learned from Judy Blume. I am now stumped. Please write a follow-up to Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret, but about menopause. Your fans need this!
Jane from Denver wrote on August 28, 2024
How about a book on menopause?
Your girls from the 70s are now in their 50s and since you got them through puberty you could help them through menopause now.
Marynn from Chesapeake,VA wrote on August 28, 2024
Hi Judy! I am a long time fan of your books as they played an integral part in my childhood. I am now 23 years old and my little sister (13) and I have begun to read your books together . Thank you for bringing us together!!
Mrs. McGukin's Third Grade Class from Peachtree Corners, GA wrote on August 27, 2024
Hello! We Love your books! We just read The Pain and the Great One and we enjoyed it and can definitely relate to it! Thank you for sharing your imagination with us! Do you have any new ideas for a book? If not, we would love to share some of ours.
P.S. What is your favorite book you've written?
Alan from Oakland wrote on August 24, 2024
Hello Mrs. Blume,
I just got done reading Then Again Maybe I won't for the third time and I'm more impressed than ever at how accurately you captured the axieties and excitement of a boy going through puberty.
I'm curious about the research you did. Did you talk to professionals or boys themselves? Did you read any books about male adolescence? I feel like the book deserves greater attention. (I'm late 40s and read the book as a boy and again in college).
Best regards,
Gracie K from Peachtree Corners wrote on August 24, 2024
My name is Gracie King. I am 16.5 years old. My mom and I just finished reading the “Who is Judy Blume” book. We are going to read some of your books soon.
Florence B from Hull wrote on August 23, 2024
Dear Judy,
I'm 11 years old and I love your books, but I have to say my favourite is ‘Just as long as we're together’ it has inspired me. It's my favourite book in the world. I read it all the time.It has been really hard for me to find books that I really love, and know I have.
I have started to write my own book and some day I hope to publish it and another girl or boy will enjoy it as much as I enjoy your books.
It has made me so happy to be able to write to you. If you are not too busy ,which I bet you are, maybe you could write back.
Delaney wrote on August 22, 2024
Dear Judy,
I began reading your books in the 5th grade when I started puberty. it was a very weird time of my life but a family friend offered to let me borrow her copy of your book, ‘Are you there god? it’s me, Margret’ and it definitely helped me understand that it was normal. as i’m now growing up and changing a lot more your book ‘Forever…’ has definitely helped me. Kathrine’s relationship with Michael shows that there is a lot to expect and experience when you fall in love. Some of your other books have also helped me through things like change and growing up, but those two were the most impactful. I just really would like to thank you and all of your amazing work throughout the years for helping grow into the person I will become one day. Thank you Judy!
Sincerely, Delaney
Yvonne Watson from Pataskala wrote on August 22, 2024
I wanted to write and tell you how thankful I have been to you over my lifetime for your work. The impact your work has had on the lives of so many people and in particular young women, is immeasurable. I remember reading your books when I was in the fourth grade in the 70s. I felt like you had reached out right across the pages to touch my shoulder and tell me that everything was OK and that I was going to be fine. Now my granddaughter loves you as much as I. I'm so grateful that she gets to have that feeling too in a time where kids feel they can't tell the adults around them their inner thoughts. So, now that I'm crying happy tears, from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU and We Love You!
Audrey and Dad from Stratford upon Avon, UK wrote on August 21, 2024
Audrey, my 10 year old daughter absolutely loves the film adaptation of Are you there God? It's me, Margaret. I've recently started reading her the book at bedtime and she also loves the written story (and all the details and differences to the film.) She sent me this audio note to transcribe...
Since you have written "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret." in the 1970s, maybe you should write one in nowadays (in the present day). It would be very interesting to see the differences and I really like the one you did in the 1970s. I really enjoyed watching it and I really wanna see a nowadays version to see the differences and I really like the film and I watch it all the time every day.
I've watched the film about like 30 times. On a usual daily basis I watched it like two times. Not all the time but most of the time and I really enjoy it a lot. It's very interesting and I'm the same age as Margaret well similar age because I'm 10 years old soon going to turn 11. I really love it so so much and it's so interesting.
My favourite character is probably Margaret and Nancy because they have a lot of personality. So hopefully you enjoyed my message. Thank you from Audrey. 

So it would be pretty nice if you did an hour version one and if maybe I could be in it, I don't have to, but it would be really nice and really fun thank you.

Hello, Dad again. Thank you for your wonderful story and for the way it communicates with my daughter's experience. (And mine, actually. I spent most of the scene in the film where Margaret gets angry with God in floods of tears having a flashback to my own teenage years).
Jay wrote on August 20, 2024
Of the many covers of "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" there have been over the years, which one is your favorite and why?
ERIN BOYLE from arvada wrote on August 19, 2024
I love your books and thrilled to share them with a new generation.
AND can you write one about menopause? I would love to read that book.
Holly from Vancouver, BC wrote on August 17, 2024
I’m 34 and was an avid Blume reader in my adolescence.

Today, I was oddly reflecting (I don’t like to “reflect” on things; I find it terrifying) on my heroes in this life. My life has gone straight downhill since high school, so my most powerful sources of joy were found before then.

Your books, Judy, as well as your peers—Lowry, Cleary, Dahl and Rowling (I grew up the same age as Harry Potter)—have given me such happiness; now in nostalgic retrospect as well as the sheer joy you brought to me as a younger person. I can’t thank you enough.
Barbara Khan from Tallahassee wrote on August 16, 2024
I saw someone else wrote about this, so maybe we are in the same Facebook group for Gen X, but there is a memo going around which say, we wish you would write about what happens to Margaret in menopause! Please say you’ll write it?! Or record it as a documentary. I loved the one you made recently. Thanks for being a real treasure!
Jennifer DeGroff from Bangor, Maine wrote on August 15, 2024
Please consider a sequel for the adults who grew up reading your books. Something like Menopausal Margaret.
Alexis from Alpharetta wrote on August 14, 2024
Hi! We love your books. We are third grade class and we read The Pain and the Great One. We like that it was based on your real life and kids. It was interesting and funny! We liked reading about how you didn't originally dream of being an author, but you ended up becoming one. We think it would be cool if you wrote a book based on a class. We hope to read some more of your books this year!

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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