Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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910 entries.
Madalyn Mincks from Seattle wrote on May 18, 2024
I am happily aware that you will be presenting - in person - at the Community Library in Ketchum, ID.

Since I live in Seattle, I'm wondering if you have any other presentations.
Brooke from Clarence wrote on May 17, 2024
I've known about your books since the summer of 2021. They helped me be patient with uh, what Margaret wanted to happen, and also are super fun to just reread and relate to! Censorship of books isn't right, especially since anyone's books can be helpful to others. I just found out you had a web page, due to a school project, I appreciate all the information so much because there's no doubt I'll get a 100! Keep slaying (teenage slang for like being amazing)
abby from natick wrote on May 14, 2024
Dear Judy,
I am doing a wax museum progect I need to know about you and the prodgect is due a week from tomorrow please answer my question.
-Abby age 10
Carole from Paris wrote on May 14, 2024
Dear Judy Blume,
I have been meaning to write to you since the first time I read the French translation for “Just as long as we’re together”, back in 1993, in the French Caribbean. (I’ve read it multiples times after that). I was 6 years old and my older sister had tried to get my mother to forbid me from reading the novel, saying I was too young for the content, because, she whispered, it talked about periods, which I knew almost nothing about, being a 6 year-old. Luckily, she lost the battle, my mother being against limiting access to written content.
I was a scrawny, frail kid with weird, niche interests and no ability in sports. School felt utterly boring because I already knew how to read and write. I didn’t have any close friends, and I was bullied both by my teacher and classmates.
When I secretly read the story of Stephanie and her friendships during class, with the book hidden under long-ago completed schoolwork, it allowed me to dream of a better future where I would be a teenage girl with some freedom and true friendships. Living in the world of your books both helped me understand the issues your characters were facing and hold the hope that there would one day be a life beyond my childhood feelings of lonliness and estrangement. That hope kept me going through everyday struggles.
In the following years, I would read every book from you that I found at the local bookstore. They were paper companions. Knowing that they were translations, I started wondering how these stories sounded in English, how you had written them. I made a pledge that I would study seriously to become proficient enough in English to read the original versions of your work. That the day would come when I would be able to write you a note thanking you for your novels and asking you advice on how to become a good writer, as it was my childhood dream.
This is the story of how I stayed at the top of my classes in English from middle school to university. It led me to discover great literature (Toni Morrison, James Baldwin, Oscar Wild, James Joyce among many others) and it allowed me to communicate with many people from different cultures around the world.
For years, I have felt too shy to write you a letter. Through the press I have learned how busy you were. I got to know more information about you and it looks like you are a great human being. I am glad I have the opportunity to tell you how much your work matters, how thankful I am that you wrote it and I found it on my older sister’s shelves 31 years ago.
This is it, as we say in French, “finalement, je me suis jetée à l’eau” Have a good day.
Greylyn from Charlotte wrote on May 11, 2024
Dear Judy Blum
Hi I’m Greylyn I’m eight years old I love your books the fudge books we just got done with are you there god it’s me Margaret and it’s not the end of the World Mach 2nd.If you could write a book about me please? I love to play tennis I’m really good too at tennis I won most of my matches!You have been inspiring me to write my own book in my note book in school!It’s called the World and me on the universes shoulder! I just love your books so much I cannot wait to read bubbler I read chapter one!I think about you in my tennis matches to get it all done when I think about you I win!You get me through school make me smarter every day!In are you there god it’s me Margaret I cannot believe her mom and dad got a divorce!My mom told me you got a divorce I just want to hug you to tell you it’s ok!I really want to meet you!I have a tennis match on every Sunday! I’m going to think about you to win!You are the person I’m going to look up to be a person to write book because of you!!!!!Thank you for reading this love you byeee!💕💕💕
Michele from Nashville, TN wrote on May 9, 2024
Hi Ms. Blume. I am 52yo. I remember reading your beloved books in the 1980s and how much they helped me through my coming of age experiences. Now I am transitioning again, this time through menopause and there are so many similar challenges that no one talks about with the candor and humor and actually informational wisdom you always have brought in your coming of age books for women. I wish you you'd write a book for those of us who leaned on your books as preteens who are now going through menopause. If you have and I missed it - please point me in that direction. Anyway - thought I would write because a girlfriend of mine and I were talking about this and so I thought I would send a note. Anyway - thanks for being part of my childhood and for the support you gave all of us GenX gals and those who came after. XO,
Adya Vaidehi Sah (Ginni Pickle) from Kathmandu, Nepal wrote on May 4, 2024
Hello Judy! I'm an eleven-year-old girl from Nepal. In the 4th Grade, we were introduced to one of your books, "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing". It was the most interesting book I have ever read. I have probably read it a hundred times. This is the book that has inspired me to become an author. I wrote and illustrated my first book, Double Trouble under the pen name, Ginni Pickle. My parents published it on March 2nd, 2024. I wish I could send you a copy. Thank you for spreading creativity to countless children in the world that also include me. I'd be immensely pleased if you read and responded to this letter.
Anne Paulson from Bloomingdale, NY wrote on May 3, 2024
Firstly, I've loved your books for a very very long time. I was a school librarian for 20 years, now a public librarian and have made sure all your books are available to my young (and not so young) readers. My question: How do you stay in such excellent shape? You're such an inspiration! I hope I remain as active and passionate as you as time goes on. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all you've done as an author and anti-censorship activist. You are greatly loved!
Barbara from Gahanna wrote on April 30, 2024
I loved!!! Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, the movie.
I saw it recently and the casting is perfect, especially Abby Ryder Fortson as Margaret, Rachel McAdams & Benny Safdie as her parents and Kathy Bates. Is there any chance you would have another movie made with them as Margaret continues her life?? There are such good learning lessons in the original along with the humor. Thanks Judy! Barbara from Gahanna
Anonymous from Evanston wrote on April 27, 2024
Hi Judy. Don’t expect you to reply but I searched for your Judy Blume Diary and finally found a copy which I treasure. Your books saved my life, as did this journal. I received it as a gift during a period when I was getting sexually molested by my babysitter. Many years later, I am using the copy I now have to revisit this time and write a novel about it (I’m a writer and a magazine publisher today). I would love to get in touch, but understand it’s unlikely!
Best to you. And thank you for Blubber as well. It will always be my favorite book of all time. ❤️
James from Everywhere, man, wrote on April 26, 2024
This is a couple-year-old story, but I was thinking about books today, and I wanted to come tell it. I’m an adult child of alcoholics, and I was having a rough time during a visit with my parents, who live in a different state. I was just reliving a lot of past trauma and I needed to get out of their house for a while. I didn’t really have anywhere to go, so I just drove to the mall. “Are You There God?” was playing at the movie theater, so I grabbed a ticket. I remembered reading every Judy Blume book as a kid, so I figured what the heck. I was surprised to see almost everyone in the theater was a mom around my age with a daughter. It warmed my heart so much. I loved the movie, of course, and I hope to see many more JB books adapted for screen. As a boy, I was especially fond of the Farley Drexel Hatcher (yes, I still remember his full name 30ish years later…) series.
Lillian wrote on April 25, 2024
To: Judy Blume
From: Lillian
Hi, I'm Lillian and I'm 10 years old. I love your books. I think you're a great author and my favorite book of yours is 'Are you there God it's me Margaret'.
I'm doing a project on how we pick a book, read it and then pick a project to do on that book. I picked your book because it's my favorite and my project is writing a letter to the author so that's how I got to this point.
Now I have some questions:
#1 Did you write when you were little like me?
#2 When did you start writing?
#3 How old are you?
#4 What made you start writing?
And lastly,
#5 Do you have any pets? I have one pet and her name is Madison. She's a cat.
I love your books and think you're a great author. Thank you for reading my letter.
P.s. don't feel like you have to respond to my letter.
Rachel Rowan from Port Orange wrote on April 24, 2024
We will be in Key West May 7 and wondering if you will be in your bookstore? My mom and her best friend really enjoy your books
Clay Jenkins from Dallas wrote on April 22, 2024
Thank you for the care package of books for Ace and Grace! That was very thoughtful. Can you please share your mailing address?
Ramsey and Clay Jenkins
Maddie wrote on April 22, 2024
I really enjoyed your book "are you there god? It's me, Margaret." The story was very enjoyable and fun to read. I also like the books "SuperFudge" and "Tales from a Fourth Grade Nothing" with hilarious and relatable events. You are a wonderful author and storyteller, probably the best I've ever seen.
Diana K from Matamoras wrote on April 16, 2024
You inspire one of my 5th graders, Hazel Enjoy!
💜 The Best Book Writer In The Universe, Judy Blume 💜
A person who inspires me is Judy Blume because she is such a detailed writer and I LOVE her books. I believe she is a fantastic novelist and she is so creative with her ideas. I can relate to her books sometimes because they have this special and miraculous touch that makes you feel different{But in a good way}! She participated in many sorts of innovative activities such as piano and dance, I guess that’s where she got all of her gifted intelligence. I nearly read all of her books in one day because all of her books are so brilliant and original.
One reason Judy Blume inspires me is because a lot of her books are personal and fun to read. I think that her books are unreal and unbelievable and full of elements. My bookcase is full of sensational Judy Blume books. I’m always so excited when I go to the library and find eye-catching Judy Blume books that I haven’t read yet. I think Judy Blume is really personal with her books too, including,” Are You There God?” It’s Me Margaret because it’s about Margret’s exclusive life. I consider her a spectacular writer and has a mind of a genius.
Another reason Judy Blume inspires me is because she is because Judy Blume is NOT afraid to speak her mind. I think she is such a powerful woman with a lot of capability. I love her brilliance of speaking her mind and not being afraid of who she is, which I think is astonishing. I just can’t believe all of her accomplishments she has succeeded, it just blows me away like a balloon.
The last reason Judy Blume inspires me is because she can do anything! And when I say anything I mean anything and everything . Her books are insane and ludicrous. Her chimera is so big and full of awe that I probably would want to have when I’m older. I consider her as a fabulous writer and is full of inspiration.
That’s why Judy Blume inspires me because of her breathtaking books that have so much ingenuity. I appreciate everything about her and her motivation for her books. I hope she has many more to come.
Christine Farrow-Noble from Cambridge wrote on April 16, 2024
On a recent flight I saw the enlightening film "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret." I was delighted to see Margaret and her friends experience many issues that I wrote about in my first published novel, "Marta's Mission." Do you have a consignment program at Books & Books? I learned about such an opportunity at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena, CA. I'd like to participate at Books & Books with "Marta's Mission." Please advise about next steps. Thank you! Chris
Carolina Hermosillo from Pomona Ca wrote on April 16, 2024
Hi Judy,

It is an ABSOLUTE HONOR to write you this. I am 26 years old and I have read your books when I was in third grade. Almost two decades ago! Anyways. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your books because it opened my love for reading. Now that I am a mom I can’t wait to introduce my two little ones to your amazing books 📚 THANK YOU. 🙏
Kinsley Favor from Abilene wrote on April 11, 2024
Mrs. Blume,
I grew up hating my freckles, until my grandma bought me a special book written apparently just for me. Now that I'm an old lady looking back, they are what keeps my grandma alive in me. Even though she's gone, I still have the freckles she gave me and I wouldn't have it any other way. 💗
Brenda Lege from Livonia La wrote on April 9, 2024
Can you believe that I'm 63 and I love reading your books, I just finished reading deenie..Please keep writing..your friend Brenda

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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