Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Ann Erickson from Phoenix, AZ wrote on March 1, 2024
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing my 4th grade granddaughter present her presentation board and report on Judy Blume to the All Saints School community in Phoenix. I would love to send
Judy the pictures. As an art teacher for forty years, this is the most creative way I have ever seen a classroom teacher have students report their research findings. Is there a way to send Judy the pictures?
Yvonne from WILLIAMSTOWN, Australia wrote on March 1, 2024
Hi Judy Blume (I have to write your full name)
I write to u as a 49-year-old who avidly read and re-read every single one of your books endlessly as a kid/teenager.
But more importantly for me now, I am writing to you today as mum to an 11yo daughter. We just each read ‘Are you there god, it’s me Margaret’ (for her first time, for me a re-read after 30+ years) and tonight watched the new movie together. It was an event – matching pjs, popcorn, chocolate, analysis! Australian Style 😉
Thank you for Margaret. And for all the follow on characters – Deenie, Rachel/Stephanie/Alison, Katherine, Tony, Fudge, Sheila and the rest
You were such a critical part of my childhood and I’m so happy you’re here again with me as a mother while I help my amazing daughter navigate a new world. I feel grounded with you there
Many hugs xxx
CARISSA WELTON from Ann Arbor, MI, USA wrote on February 29, 2024
Dear Judy,
As a child I devoured all kinds of stories and when my dear aunt introduced me to yours, I collected them all from age 10 - 14. I grew up with your books, and I'm 100% certain they contributed to who I am today. Now, after watching "Judy Blume Forever", I realize that I am part of a wonderful and vast community you have created and positively touched through your writing. Currently I'm visiting Florida to continue working on an ocean exploration series I've created for middle readers (that grows chronologically into YA by the sequel) that I would love to share with you in person. I hope to catch you at your bookstore soon. Will you be around at the end of April? I truly hope so!
Love Always,
P.S. Congratulations on your Lifetime Achievement Awards -- you are such a treasure!!!
gregory bowman from carver wrote on February 29, 2024
dear judy reading your book concerning the plane crashes in elizabeth. i was 5 years old living on new york ave when the first plane crashed. my father took me to see burning buildings, i think i have suppressed memories and your book is helping me understand some of those memories stayed in elizabeth thru 5th grad at woodrow wilson psn18 thank you
A nameless fan wrote on February 29, 2024
Dear Mrs. Blume,
From one author to another, I'd like to tell you Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was one of my all-time favorite childhood books. I don't remember how my family got access to it. What I *do* remember is seeing a copy of it carelessly laying around my then-home on the floor. Just kind of forgotten. I randomly picked it up and started reading.
I read it over and over. It made me laugh so much! A lot of the things Peter thought were things I thought too (although looking back I did think he was a little rude, lol).
I also read The Pain and the Great One which I also enjoyed.
After reading these two books, I'm sorry to say I didn't really read much else of your work. I did hear about all the controversy surrounding your books which intrigued me but I couldn't find the time to read any of them.
Years later, though, I read Blubber which I found to be sad. I think bullying will always be a problem and it's awful to think that things haven't improved much since the book was first published fifty years ago. Things are slowly changing for the better I think but there's still lots of work to be done.
I could go on and on about your work, but I'll end it here. As an author who has a work officially published, I very much would like to thank you for the gift of a book (Tales) that I still remember fondly. It's also remarkable that it's still read today. I think you've achieved what so many authors only dream of. This is just a token of my appreciation and just know that this fan will forever be grateful for the works you've provided.
Thank you!
Florence F from Brooklyn, New York City wrote on February 28, 2024
Florence from Brooklyn, NYC February 28, 2024
Dear Judy Blume, I love your book Here's to you, Rachel Robinson. I also love AYTG?IMM and I saw that your website said there was going to be a new one. I hope you notice this!
- Florence 😀
Annie Goldstein from Charleston, SC wrote on February 28, 2024
Hi there!
My name is Annie and I am a huge fan of your books 🙂 I am in my senior year of high school and I decided to do a senior project. My topic is book banning of American literature and one of my sources is your documentary! I am specifically researching banning coming of age books. For this project we have to record a podcast. This is a huge stretch but I was wondering if you would like to be a guest on my podcast. You inspired me to start this project and I would love to hear your thoughts on censorship in the 21st century as well as in the past. This could either be in person or on zoom. Just wanted to reach out just in case you were available! The podcast would be about 10 minutes on April 10th. Thanks!

Annie <3
Theodore from China shenzhen wrote on February 27, 2024
Dear Judy Blume, I want to ask you a question, whenever my mom is with my friends and me, she sometimes try to be cool, but it is just super embarrassing, can you tell me how to tell her that she can stop trying to be cool? Ps I love tales of a fourth grade nothing, the whole series. Pps when ever you think life is hard, listen to a song by owl city called good time, it gives a positive message.
Maddie from East orange wrote on February 26, 2024
Hi! I know this is a stretch but I teach third grade in East Orange. I was wondering if you’d be able to record a reading or come in person and read a book to the kids for read across America week. Any day within the first week of March would be beyond amazing!!! Thank you so much!
Ella from Zanesville wrote on February 22, 2024
Judy is 86 years old, but she still gets honor for all of these amazing books: Like 'Tales of a fourth grade nothing'. That book has gotten me interested in Judy's books. Thank YOU for these books.🥰🥹🥰😍🤩
Esther wrote on February 22, 2024
Hi Judy! I enjoy reading your books so much. There are so many! I can't wait to read all of them! Thank you for writing such great books!
Michelle Metcalf from Newark wrote on February 19, 2024
My husband and I will be coming down to Key West in early May 2024. Would love a chance to see you and a quick photo and maybe an autograph. We were on our way to see a comic store in Rosewood NJ and saw they honored you with naming a Toll Plaza after you. It triggered a whole discussion and memories about your books. We are 1972 babies and grew up with your books and we passed that on to our kids. Would love a chance to see you. We laughed we go to Key West often and have probably walked by you at some point never realizing you moved there. Hope to hear from you. Michelle Metcalf
Violet Johnson from Lithia Springs wrote on February 19, 2024
Judy Blume You and me together forever and ever.!!!
Hailey from Wellsville wrote on February 18, 2024
I love your books and sometimes my parents have to take the books away because I always read them and I love you so much!
Jill Thornton from Gatlinburg wrote on February 16, 2024
I just wanted to let you know I am 51 and I have loved your book since I was in my early teens if not younger. My favorite is Summer Sisters. I would love an autographed book. It would be a dream come true. If not I understand. You are a wonderful writer. Thank you for sharing your talent.
thomas from zansvile wrote on February 16, 2024
can i plese be in one of your books
Ella from Zanesville wrote on February 15, 2024
Judy blume's books are funny, and that's all I'll say.
Malka Berndt from Lexington, MA wrote on February 11, 2024
Dear Ms. Blume,
I am a 51 year old mother with an 18 year-old daughter. I recently watched the new movie adaptation (and the special features!) of “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.” My daughter was (is) away at college for her Freshman year, so I will have to watch it again with her. I thought the movie was wonderful. So much of how I imagined it from when I read it as a pre-teen and reread it when my daughter was that age. Just as relevant now as it was then.
However, this letter is not so much about the movie as the book itself and its enduring power and legacy. After watching the movie, I decided to pull out my old (1978 Dell Yearling edition), much-loved, and much-read copy. Upon opening it for the first time in many years, I was greeted by the inscription:

Dear Malka,
I heard about this book before you were born and I wrote down the name, hoping that someday I would have my very own girl to buy one for.
Enjoy it.
With love,
Grandma Edith

I was born in 1972. My maternal grandmother must have seen an article about it when it first came out in 1970. My parents had only been married a few short years (1966) and had been trying to have a child. I finally came along as not only their first child, but the first grandchild for my grandparents. Your book made such an impact that my grandmother held onto that title for 10 years, waiting on a hope, and then a promise. My grandmother passed away when I was pregnant with my daughter. While my grandmother never got to meet my daughter, she did know I was having a girl and was thrilled beyond belief. My daughter Edie is named for her.
I am crying as I write this. For the beauty of your words, the memory of my grandmother, the joy of watching my own daughter growing up, and the desire that, someday, I too may have a granddaughter to pass this book onto. Because its words and message are timeless.
Malka Berndt
Julie from Deerfield wrote on February 10, 2024
I have my first activity dementia activity group Monday morning. I am scared to death. What would be a good way to interact about your books with them.

Help !!!!!!

Lucy Stephenson from England wrote on February 10, 2024
Hi Judy,
Well here I am... in 1996 as a 13 year old I started reading your books, I was hooked, any birthday or Christmas money I got I spent on your books then as an adult I read Summer sisters and I read it again and again. Here I am now as a fully fledged adult reading In the unlikely event. And I'm absolutely hooked, I feel so invested in the characters, I can't wait to see how it all goes. I struggle to read alot of fiction as I have a short attention span and find if I don't click with the characters it's hard to get into it...but I've never had that issue with your books, with yours Im fully invested, I feel like the characters are friends, I never want the novels to end. I can't thank you enough. I hope this message reaches you. From Lucy in Norfolk, England. 🙂

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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