Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

Want a signed book? Autographed books can be ordered from the non-profit bookstore Judy founded, Books and Books at The Studios of Key West. Click here for more information. We cannot accept books purchased elsewhere and shipped to us. Thanks for understanding.

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1009 entries.
Kayla K from Seoul, South Korea wrote on November 8, 2024
November 8, 2024
Dear Judy Blume,
Hello! I'm Kayla K, and I'm a third grader from South Korea. I'm a fan of your books! Recently, I have read your book, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. When I was reading this book, I was ALWAYS excited to see what would happen next , and I think that ths book makes the point of view of an ordinary fourth grader with an outgoing little brother.😊 My favorite character is Peter, because he never gives up, and gets back what he lost, such as the poster that Fudge scribbled on. Although I personally don't have a younger brother, reading your book gave me a great impression of what it would be like to have a younger broher. My favorite part of the book was when Peter tricked Fudge at the dentistry and the shoe shop.😁 I think that tricking Fudge was a smart and clever idea to make Fudge do something without forcing him to do it. I want to ask you how you got the idea to name Peter's brother, FUDGE. I also would like to know how you got the idea of including a pet dog at the end of the story! I really like dogs; do you? I truly love your books and am glad to talk to you and ask you questions 😊 I hope you can write more books in the future! I myself also want to become an author, and you are my role model!!đŸ„°
Thank you for your time~~💌

From your fan, Kayla K 💜
Nana White from new york wrote on November 5, 2024
Hii, my name is Nana and i love love , love !! judy blume books. i’ve had recently just reread the judy blume “are you there god, it’s me margaret” book and i need a part 2! it’s such a awesome book and i haven’t watched the film yet but i will definitely tune in.
Maggie Sizelove from Alexandria wrote on November 4, 2024
Hi Judy!
I read your books circa 1983. LOVED them! you are a talented author and beloved soul. Thank you for your works. I am currently reading my favorite book, Are you there God, it's me Margaret to my daughter, Ava, who is 10 years old. (yes, im an older mpmmy and my granddaughter is 6) She is hooked!Please write a story of Margaret as a grandmother! I'd love to check in on her. What do you say? How about One more for the road!
Karen Wise from Indialantic wrote on November 4, 2024
Help! My granddaughter has to do a brief monologue for play tryouts. I remember her The Pain. I am a retired reading specialist and cannot locate this. Please respond asap so, she will have time to memorize. This would be so perfect for her! Thank you. Karen Wise
Rebecca Gould from Rexburg, ID wrote on October 30, 2024
I met you in Tucson at a young author's conference at the University of Arizona when I was about 11 years old. It must have been around 1976. You were a guest speaker and I still remember you telling stories about your son Larry and writing Superfudge. It was a 2 day conference and I loved every minute of it. I had read the most books (and written a book report for each one) in my elementary class, and attending the conference was the Grand Prize. You made a huge impression on me. You were also very kind to me. I stood in line to have you autograph Sheila the Great, and accidentally handed you the book upside down and open to the back cover, which you signed. Then when I discovered my mistake (to my utter horror) you kindly took the book from me and signed it again on the front (right side up) and wrote something about it being upside down and backwards. I got a bonus!!! I treasured that book for many years until someone stole it from me. Sad. I really wanted to be a writer when I was a child. I just wanted to make books. Well, I'm not an author, and likely never will be, but I'm the next best thing... an editor. I actually think I enjoy editing more than I ever did writing. So you were a huge inspiration to me! I was talking to one of my authors on the phone and you came up in conversation, and so I looked you up and found this website. I just wanted to thank you for taking time to encourage me all those years ago. I'm 58 now and have the best job in the world.
Marla Antia from Sault Ste. Marie wrote on October 29, 2024
An instagram post: we who read your book in childhood believe you need to write a follow up book about Margaret going through menopause... see this instagram post...

We need it! Are you there God? it's me Margaret helped ao many of us navigate the challenges of becoming young women... sure could use that help again!
Karen Nichols from Fayetteville wrote on October 27, 2024
Hello! I will be on Key West on an anniversary cruise on Tuesday (October 29, 2024) and I cannot wait to visit your shop! I grew up, survived really, through your books and am now the director of libraries in a school system in eastern NC. I do hope you might be there so I can meet you. I know it is not probable, but it would be a dream for me - highlight of my trip. Thank you for all you do for kids and libraries. You are an inspiration.
Rose from Lisbon wrote on October 24, 2024
Hi! My name is Rose and I'm almost twelve. I am homeschooled so I don't get to see a lot of kids my age around here. It gets very lonely and my mom has anger issues and my mom and stepfather fight a lot. Because we're not excactly the richest family in the world whenever we go out or we want something we have to have a budget and have to count every euro we spend. I am writing to you now because I want you to know how much your books have inflenced my life! w ant you to know how many times I stayed up all night because I coudn't sleep and I read one of your books that I probably read about a million times before. And because my family isn't exactly the richest one on earth we can't always buy whatever we want and we have been on a budget for over a couple of years now. Because of all the books you wrote and I thoght I'd like to tell you this; I am going to a teen disco haloween-y thing and I need a costume, almost all of my halloweens the kids made fun if mycostume and this is a big step into teenagerhood this disco.You have been a huge helper and milestine for me in my chuldood and I am so grateful for all your books! Especially the ones for adults, I enjoyed these more tha the middle grade ones. They had more complexity and richness, the middle grade ones where more appropriate for me a couple years ago. I thoroughly enhoyed all your books and you have beeb such a big inspartion to me anda huge help too. I really hope you will be the one reading this and not your agent because everything I wrote in here is ttrue and I am a your biggest fan eveb though I'm sure you have heard that from many others! Yours, Rose.
Willaim E. Feeman, Jr,MD from Bowling Green, ohio 43402 wrote on October 21, 2024
Dear Judy,
I have written a poem about a young woman's decision to begin having sex. You might find it interesting, even though I am a man and not a young lady.
W.E.Feeman,Jr,MD And I want to tell you that I can wait no longer.
I love you and I want you too.
I want to do what lovers do.
I have thought this over time and again.
I know what I want is not a sin.
So I offer you myself, body and soul.
I want you to make me whole.
So with you this day this pact I make:
I offer myself. I am not yours to take.
There is nowhere I would rather be
Than lying with you, and you in me.
Our naked bodies entwined, our passions will soar.
Paradise awaits when I open my door.
Higher and higher our passions will arise,
Then comes the explosion, followed by sighs.
I am not yet ready for we two to become three.
I am not yet ready to start a family.
So when you are finished climbing my hill,
I will take the morning after pill.
And if I like sex as much as I think I will,
I will happily start the birth control pill.
But if in the future, we go our separate ways,
I’ll remember our time to the end of my days.
Isabelle G from Boston, MA wrote on October 21, 2024
I am Isabelle G from Oliver Ames High School in Massachusetts. I am a big fan of a bunch of your novels! I am doing a project about censorship of literature in school libraries. I was wondering if you would like to be part of my documentary for the StudentCAM documentary project? I could do any time that works for you.
Ron Edelson from Plainfield nj wrote on October 19, 2024
I see a connection with Plainfield on your bio. I was born at Muhoenbrrg hospital and grew up near cedarbrook park. Just came back from my 59th high school reunion. My kids have loved your books. Plainfield does it again!
Aurora June from Bluffton SC wrote on October 17, 2024
I love Judy Blume I’ve read almost every single book of hers. I wish there were more authors like her, Judy is my absolute favorite author! My mom read her when she was younger too. I wish I could meet her in real life, but I already know Judy is an amazing author and I hope she will continue writing.

Sincerely AJ
Lilly Dreis from Milbank, South Dakota wrote on October 12, 2024
Hello! I'm an aspiring author and love your books! I was wondering if you had any advice for me. Thank you!
Khloelei N from Ewa Beach, Hawaii wrote on October 10, 2024
Hi Ms. Blume! I absolutely love your books. As a middle schooler, I've always loved to write, whether it comes to essays or even fanfiction. Every other week, I go to my local library to check out books, mostly mangas nowadays, but sometimes fictional stories or poetry to spark ideas on what to write. Some of my favorite books from you are "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret" and "Wifey". There's also a book that I've been wanting to read from you called "Then Again, Maybe I Won't", however, I wasn't able to borrow it since my library doesn't have it yet.. Hopefully soon! Fingers crossed!! : ) Your openness regarding controversial issues in your stories is my favorite element in your stories, it's truly different from other books that I've read. Never lose your spark!

Kelis from Austin wrote on October 6, 2024
You loved Neon, in Jason Reynolds’ Twenty-Four seconds from now, and I think you’d love Orion in Finding Jupiter. I grew up with your books and knew that if I ever wrote anything, it would be sex-positive and for teens. My award-winning novel, Finding Jupiter (Crown May 31,2022), is Jupiter’s love story, in dual POV. Orion is an athlete and a, sensitive lovestruck virgin who wants his first time to be special. Jupiter is an experienced girl and Orion is the boy who shows her it’s safe to trust love. It’s not what the book is about, but you seemed taken with Neon and I know you’d love Orion too! I will send you a copy in the mail. It’s okay if this isn’t posted publicly. I just really want you to know my book exists! lol Thank you! đŸ™đŸŸ
Edward Serna from Round rock, Texas wrote on October 5, 2024
Hello Ms. Bloom, I wanted to get in contact with you to see if you could Assist me in the correct direction on what steps to take to publish a journal/diary style entry, book for teenagers and children to break down their major goals into smaller goals to reach them while incorporating journal style outlets for them to be creative and grow more confident in what they are wanting I. Their lives I also have a few children’s books but I know nothing about publishing books, I would love to show you a couple that may interest you knowing the type of books you’ve written, and your perspective on those subjects
Louis Faso from Valrico Florida wrote on October 4, 2024
Hello Mrs Blume

With a sad heart my son Christopher Faso died on 7/6/24 he was 33 in a scooter accident. The reason I share this sad news is that when he was young and in daycare at his school the kids noticed his deep voice and named him Fudgie after the character in your books. Fudge was his nick name all his life. I was wondering if you could mail him a note so I can put it next to his ashes. My address is 1514 Booth Drive Valrico FL 33594. Respectfully your, Dr. Louis Faso
Marina Marcela Guerrero from Grand Saline wrote on October 3, 2024
Hello I am an up coming author who needs advice. How did you do it? I am finding it hard to put my foot in the door of this industry. I feel there is a lot of authors and not enough people. I mean I can't seem to find my audience. I have tried but anyways thanks for reading this u are such a great author very inspirational to me and my writing journey.
Kelly Webber from Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada wrote on October 1, 2024
Hello Judy,

My grade 4 class and I would like to say hello! We are just about to start reading your book Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. We are looking forward to reading your book! My students were really interested in what the back cover described about the book.

Thank you,
Ms. Kelly Webber and the Students of 4W
JoAnne from Redondo Beach, CA wrote on September 29, 2024
A friend of mine recently posted a meme to her Facebook page that said, “ I wish Judy Bloom would’ve done a follow-up book about Margaret going through menopause.”
Then we realized that we really need Judy Blume books for all the stages of our female lives. Raising our teen daughters, dealing with our elderly parents, and more.
I’m so glad you are still writing. Please know that we adults who grew up with your books are still reading and hoping to learn more from you.
Thank you for reading this,

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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