Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Marion from St. James, NY wrote on May 6, 2023
My daughter, Judi was reading your book, Deenie when she was diagnosed with Scoliosis. She was so depressed. I took her to the back specialist in Huntington, NY. It turned out that he said you used him as a consultant for your book. Judi is all grown up and sadly her first child, Skye Mhari Stewart died of a brain tumor at fifteen months. They have a wonderful child, Liam. Love, Marion
Bernadette Cooke from Philadelphia wrote on May 6, 2023
Hello Judy Blume, I am a school librarian at a public school in Philadelphia. My Ink Drinkers' Book Club, Grades 5 & 6, is reading Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret. I should say, read, because they devoured it. I have been at this school for 17 years and have facilitated the book club for that long, but never have the students had such a visceral and vocal response to a book. Needless to say, they identified with Margaret and related to the situations in the plot--even in 2023! I am going out on a limb here, but I wanted to invite you to pop in on Zoom to our annual booktalk breakfast on Friday, May 17th, between 7:50 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. I'm rolling my own eyes even proposing it to you; but when I imagine it happening, I think of what a thrill it would give the students. It would also give me a boost. I am in a large school district that has only a handful of functioning school libraries. Ours used to be one of the three; but next year, I will be teaching English and will try to fit the library classes in when I can. The library doesn't seem important to the administration here. As I prepared the program for the booktalk breakfast, I was feeling pretty blue about the whole situation (I have been a school librarian for 30 years), then I had this lightbulb moment. So, here goes. I know it is a longshot, but if you could be on Zoom with us for even five minutes on the 19th, it would be such an honor and a delight. I feel like I should have check boxes. Check here____ if YES; check here____if SORRY, NO. I understand completely if this is not possible. My students and I continue to love you and your books and are grateful to you for helping us to understand ourselves and to make us think.
Thank you, too, for your fight against censorship. Gratefully, Bernadette Cooke

Just in case, here's the Zoom link:
Gittanjali from Bangalore wrote on May 6, 2023
Namaste Judy ji,
How are you? I am watching a documentary on 'Judy Blume' as I write this.
I am all of 38 and remember reading 'Tiger Eyes' during a summer when I was may be 11 or 12. I could never relate to nancy drew or famous five but you and louisa may alcottt ♡♡♡♡ ... you made me feel one with the world.
I also never knew I couldn't write to you... I would've done it before when all your stories were my world.
Oh Judy! You have no clue how frozen and excited I feel!!!
May Waheguru always be with your brave and wonderful words... may you continue to envelope us in your fold.
Gittanjali ♡♡♡
Jennifer Bayer-Gamulka from Jerusalem, Israel wrote on May 6, 2023
Hi Judy (and assistant!)!
I am taking my (adult!) daughter to go see the documentary this week here in Jerusalem, but I can’t find anything online about an Israel release date for Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret. We (and many of my 50-something peers) are dying to see it! Having recently reread the book, it totally stands the test of time - I loved every minute!! Can you please tell me about a possible release here and if it’s not scheduled, please pass along that we are waiting with bated breath! You have a huge English speaking fan base of American expats here!! With everlasting gratitude and huge appreciation for your career, your art and the impact you’ve had on so many of us, love, Jenny
Jennifer from Kewanee wrote on May 6, 2023
I just finished watching Judy Blume forever and I’m ashamed to admit I may have been affected by the bans because I was an avid reader always looking to dive into a new book and for some reason I have NEVER read a Judy Blume book. Well now I am back in the same room I taught 6th grade in and I am currently searching the web for the entire collection so I can keep them in my classroom. During the doc I kept thinking I can’t wait to get my hands on those books and start recommending them to my students. I even had students in mind for Blubber among others. Thank you Judy Blume!
Sincerely your probably oldest newest fan,
Minnie from Tucson wrote on May 5, 2023
Hey Judy,
I just finished watching your Amazon Prime Documentary at a ripe time of 12:42 A.M. I am writing because i was NOT a reader as a kid- I am now 20 years old about to turn 21 and after watching your documentary i find myself feeling regret? Judy, i’m going to be honest with you and tell you i have not finished a book in years, and i when i say years i mean years! (i can’t even remember the last book i read completely, is that bad?) I always start but never finish. I wish i would have been introduced to your books as a kid, i don’t know how i wasn’t, i feel like they seriously would have helped me a great deal but i’m also a firm believer in the quote “it’s NEVER too late”. Basically what i’m trying saying is that i’m going to pick up one of your books and read it cover to cover because i know there is healing properties in them for me i could use now as a young adult reflecting on my childhood and life thus far. I will be sure to report back to you once i’ve got my hands on one and definitely when i finish. Big emphasis on “when i finish “. I’m not going to lie to you either, this will probably be a challenge for me as i’ve always struggling with reading but it’s one that i can’t wait to beat and learn from!
Also is the address below one i can send a letter too? i like the “old fashion” way :))
A young sort of lost young adult,
Really truly hoping to hear back from you
Kathy from Bellingham wrote on May 5, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
After seeing “Are You There, God? It’s Me, Margaret” in the theater with my 22-year-old daughter, I submitted a note to your website thanking you for your work on behalf of walking hormones everywhere. I reread “Margaret,” too, which got me thinking about how much this story meant to me as a kid. Then I watched you on Jimmy Fallon, which led me down the rabbit hole to “Judy Blume Forever.” I’ve loved and respected you for years, yet after this immersive experience, I was shocked to discover that you have had a far greater influence on my life than I ever realized. The similarities between us—two strangers living on opposite sides of the country—freaked me out enough to write again.
I spent much of my childhood bewildered, but thank god for my trusty field guides, “Are You There, God?’, “Deenie,” “Blubber,” and “Forever.” Your books helped not only to normalize what I was thinking, seeing, and feeling, but to figure out how to wait for boobs and periods and how to handle bullies and friends. They comforted me with every reading (there were multiple) and were faithful friends to this shy, awkward, introverted shmo. After some 40 years, the lessons, dilemmas, situations, and details of your books still resonate in my head and heart. They’re so ingrained, in fact, that they inform me as much as my most memorable real-life moments.
Like you, I grew up Jewish, with secrets and familial taboos that I knew not to question. My people were weird and nobody talked about it. I have always felt an intense need to define the unacknowledged feelings my childhood left behind. Writing was my outlet, but it seemed that every time I got jazzed about any budding talent I may have had, a teacher would tell me not to bother. I’ve encountered countless bubble-bursters; it doesn’t take much to deflate someone when expectations of them are already limited. It took a long time (after the birth of my daughter) to give myself permission to write. Again like you, my husband didn’t read my work. Unlike you, though, I cared. It really pissed me off. We’re still married, but that’s partly because I finally told him that his disinterest was like a hot poker in the eye. He’s since smartened up.
I won’t say that you’re the reason I write, because I believe motivation to create rests within the writer herself. However, I’ve definitely taken your cue to write honestly and humanly. I see now that much of my work is Judy Blume kissed. Your influence on me is like the wings of a butterfly. I blinked and missed it, until now.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for existing.
Your sister from another mister,
Kathy L. Greenberg
Brenda from Blue Ridge wrote on May 5, 2023
Thank you so much for all your incredible books. You helped me not only learn that the tribulations of growing up is something everyone deals with. I grew up without a mother and didnt have any siblings to teach me about life but your amazing books got me through it all. Thank you so much for all your incredible books. My dream is to come meet you in Key West. Hopefully one day!
Laura from Takoma Park wrote on May 4, 2023
I first read “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” when I was in sixth grade in 1973. It is one of my all time favorite books. After learning that it was made into a movie, I just had to read it again. What a timeless and delightful story! You and your books are treasures!
Krista from Louisville wrote on May 4, 2023
Hi Judy! I’m a 29 year old who loved so many of your books. Thank you for them. They provided me endless hours of entertainment. I read them over and over and would still pick up one and read it in an hour. Your books taught me about the things I needed to know about. Again thank you for them. Even tho I was reading them 30 years later,they were relevant and have always meant so much to me. I hope you’re well ❤️
Sherri from Hood River wrote on May 4, 2023
Hi Judy,
I just watched your movie and was reminded of my youth reading your book Forever…. I had no idea how many books you had written as that was the only one that made it to my world in rural Wisconsin. I look forward to reading all of them!
I am now 57 years old and am actually facing many of the unknowns and fears I had as a youth, not understanding my body, not sure what is normal. In this day of unlimited access of information on the web, I still don’t understand what menopause is. I just realized my under arm hair stopped growing which Google says is either from a horrible disease or menopause!
After seeing your movie, the question occurred to me if you ever considered a book about going through menopause. And I suppose next is the fear of dying /death?
You have such a powerful way to help people feel normal through all of the scary stages of life. In your movie you mentioned you’ve finished your last long book. But in case you change your mind, I thought I’d put in a couple requests!
Sondra from San Diego wrote on May 4, 2023
I remember reading “Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret when I was about 12 years old. I used to read voraciously when I was younger; and I would read this right before bed. I would hold my spot in the book by smooshing my pillow on top! I always felt like I was a lot like Margaret. So, so many similarities. I remember moving from New Jersey right before i started middle school and how my parents moved me to North Carolina. The book is different than my life of course… but the beginning of it is so similar to my story. Except, my Grandma passed away right before we moved. I didn’t like Where we moved to or where we lived. I found solace in my books. And I didn’t feel so alone. I forgot about all of this stuff I want to say as I got older… until I saw the adaptation to the movie today. It felt SO personal seeing one of my favorite childhood books on the big screen. It made me remember all of these adolescent emotions!! If life were only that simply “complicated” again. It made me miss being a little girl. And I remember my Dad telling me to slow down because one day I would wish I was a kid again. But I was always in a rush to grow up because I thought it only involved heels, makeup and wedding dresses. Anyway, all of this spurred to me find out if you were still around because I feel likeI need the opportunity to meet you! I read online you live in Florida Keys now and that’s so interesting; I just came back from the Florida Keys last week. My first time ever going. I’m one of those people that believes in signs. I only checked to see if you do meet and greeets and stumbled upon this page. Thank you for your books and words. I found and find so much comfort in them.
Nadine from Basingstoke, England wrote on May 3, 2023
Just finished watching Judy Blume Forever on Amazon Prime & I'm not ashamed to say I cried A LOT watching this & remembering all those afternoons sitting on the floor of my local library in Markham, Ont (Canada) reading your books. A few years back after moving to England I was so upset that some of my beloved books had gone awol. I tried ordering them but they were out of print in the UK. I wrote to you telling you how upset I was & asked if you could point me towards anyone in Europe who might still have copies, you went one further & sent me copies! They have pride of place in my home library & your kind letter that came along with the books is safely stored in a scrap book. You are a treasure, & I hope you never forget that. A lot of us would not have made it out of our teens alive without you & your incredible book. Goddess bless & protect you.
Jody from Spencer, IN wrote on May 3, 2023
In the late 1970's and early 1980's I was an awkward young girl. That's when I discovered your books in my school's library. You became sort of like my best friend. It was as if you had written your books specifically for me. I became obsessed with making sure I read every one of your books. Back then, my world of books ended with my school's library. So, if they didn't have it, I didn't get to read it. But for the ones they had, it was as if you had crawled right inside my brain. Your characters came to life for me because I could so easily relate to them. You are the only author I have ever actively seeked out. I just want to thank you for being my "friend" during those awkward years. You were such a big help. Thank you! Now that the world has become more accessible, I have been able to fulfill my goal of reaching out to you. My new goal is to finally compile a complete list of everything you've ever written, and read it. I'm also going to seek out all interviews you have been recorded in. And of course, I'll absolutely have to go see Margaret! Thank you so much for helping me to have a love of reading. I don't read much anymore because I'm narcoleptic and fall asleep every time I try to read. But I'm going to find a way to finish reading everything you've written. I passed my love of reading on to my son by reading to him a lot when he was little. When I read to him,I did so with enthusiasm and brought the characters to life for him. He loved it so much that he taught himself to read at 3-4 years old, with the help of ABC Mouse. I never attempted to teach him to read. Next thing I knew, he was reading to me with enthusiasm and making the characters come to life. This all stems from you! You started this! You solely are responsible for it! THANK YOU!!!!! I would love to take a road trip from here in Indiana sometime just to go to your bookstore in Florida. I should put that on my bucket list. Another goal I have now is to own everything you've written. I only have a couple of your books right now. I found them a few years ago and just had to own them. Oh, I almost forgot to mention... I was a Teacher's Aid in kindergarten from 2016 to 2020. The love of reading that you helped cultivate was shared with a couple of hundred kindergarten kids during that time. My favorite thing to do was to read to them. They loved my reading. Hopefully, the way I read to them helped inspire a love of reading or writing in some of them. If so, it's all thanks to you. You have made a huge impact on the world with your writing! I'm a huge fan and hope to meet you some day. I'd probably be "starstruck" and wouldn't be able to form a sentence. Haha! Thank you so much for your impact on the world!

Jody Dayhuff
Patti from Centerburg, ohio wrote on May 3, 2023
Thank you for dedicating your life to informing the public about the human experience. Your books helped me to grow into a well rounded woman.
I hope that I’m able to instill even more individual self awareness and confidence into my 4 and 7 year old girls. Is there any books you would recommend that I should read to them? Or books about being a parent?
Thank you for your time and please continue the good fight. You are a modern day superhero.
Patti a mom, nurse and wife from Ohio
Michelle from Elida wrote on May 3, 2023
Hi Judy,

I read your book Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret when I was a pre teen and ,now 51, went to watch the movie! It was just as good as the book! I also grew up in Mt. Vernon Ohio. We actually lived in Gambier and my dad coached football and baseball at Kenyon College.
Is that you and your husband in the movie walking your dog in the park?
Thank you for your books and sharing your talents!
Take care and wishing you the very best in life, Michelle
Diane Mandel from Miami Beach wrote on May 3, 2023
Dear Judy, I read your book In the Unlikely Event. It brought back many memories as I,too, lived in Elizabeth at that time and the majority of my life I also, read The Replacement Child and called Judy Mandel. I knew her family, I knew the jewelry store Al Mandel owned on Broad Street and met both girls. In fact, my Mother's family (Shevick) knew the Mandels very well and my future husband bought my engagement ring and wedding band at the store.
I don't think there are too many people still alive who lived in Elizabeth at that time and I just wanted to share as I just watched your movie on Amazon. I hope you get to read this!
Margaret from Little Rock wrote on May 3, 2023
I am your Margaret from the 1950s.0h how i wish i had a Judy Blume when i was at the age of changing bodies.
Of course i didnt have a Judy Blume since I am about your age,give or take. If there had been your book or one similar it would never have been allowed in our library or on the book shelf.I grew up in the bible belt where nothing was explained no time as our school activities we're controlled by the Baptist Church
When I was a fifth grader I walked home from grade scool with my best friend jeanie and another girl in sixth grade. It was around Christmas time and we had drawn names at school. She said she got Frances Kelly's name and wss going to give her a sanitary belt. Innocently I asked "what's that?" With a shocked look on her face, she told me to ask my mother. Jeanie said she knew.
Mother told me I didnt need to know. I told her Jesnie knew and she said she just said that and doesn't know. I persisted and my mother finally said itsfor girls who have "started" to hold pads in place. I asked where they wore them and she embarrassedly said "between their legs." I said "oh." End of conversation with mother.
The most embarrassing thing would happen 2 years later. I was in 7th grade atjunior high and we rode the bus. When i got home I noticed blood in my pants. I told my mother and she gave me a pairs of panties with a rag pinned inside. While my friends were wearing belts with pads in them I was wearing panties with rags in them. When I was 14 we went on a school trip to a state park to spend a couple nights in some old CCC barracks and enjoy the park. Another friend hzd started her period also. We went into the dressing room together
While I stalled she opened her suitcase and took out her sanitary pad and replaced her old one. I was too embarrassed for her to see the rags pinned in my panties so i took my bag and went into the bathroom to change.
Judy I am almost 82 years old and this is the first time I have told this to anyone. I could never talk to my mother about. When I was a little bit older she got my older sister to buy me a sanitary belt. I don't remember if I had the pads to go in them or not. When I got older i suppose I hsd the courage to buy the pads.
I had many more experiences when I stated to date with no one to talk to. Sex was not discussed. Girls had it with their boyfriends but could not talk about because you would be a bad girl.
Times were hard for young girls where I grew up. I'm so glad I could finally tell my secret to you Judy Blume.
Lindsey from Ferndale, WA wrote on May 3, 2023
Hi Judy,
I just saw the documentary and the part where you read Tiger Eyes and remember your father was incredibly visceral. My mama died in 2020 suddenly (still not sure how) two weeks after I found out I was pregnant with my first child. It was the worst time to lose a mother as I was working toward becoming one. Thank you for sharing your pain and love. and thank you for being who you are to so many people. To me you are a fellow loving daughter. Take care and be well and happy!
Raven R from Agawam MA wrote on May 3, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
My name is Raven Rossini. I am in the fourth grade. I have read many of your amazing books. I have recently finished reading "Are You There God? It's Me Margaret." It was incredible! It really helped me because before I read it I was nervous about growing up, but reading about Margaret helped me change the way I looked at things. It was so good I didn't want it to stop reading it. That is why I am asking you to write a sequel. I know you are very busy and you probably get like 1 billion emails a day, but please consider writing back.


Please write back!

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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