Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Kaiya from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It is the best book ever. Can you make a book where Peter gets stuff like Fudge but Peter gets the attention. Everyone apologizes to peter because Fudge got every thing. So Peter gets a lot of stuff like Fudge. Also maybe if you make a book like I said already can you make a book where Peter and Fudge get stuff and they love each other.
Sincerely, Kaiya
Ava from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It was the best book I ever read. Can you make another book about Fudge? I love your books so much. They are awesome. can you make a book that Peter is getting more attention from his parents than fudge is. All of your books are amazing. I love them. The best chapter is Family Dog because Fudge is under the table and Fudge is hilarious.

Your friend Ava
Ty from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy, I LOVE your book but my Favourite book is Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. My favourite part is when Fudge ate Dribble because Peter was sad but his dad brought him a box with a puppy. He probably felt better about his Turtle. Your friend, Ty
Ivy from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Miss Judy,
My name is Ivy. I am 9 and in 4th grade. I really like Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing book. My favourite chapter is birthday bash. My favourite character is Sam. How many books did you make? Love Ivy
Tyler from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I really enjoyed chapter 5 the Birthday Bash in Tales
of a Fourth Grade nothing. I liked the part where
Jennie peed on the carpet.

your truly
Zander from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I have 1 question about Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. How did you get the idea to have Fudge eat Dribble?
Your friend Zander
Elijah from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy
I am 9 years old also my name is Elijah. Me and my class read your book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing . I like it when Peter got his new dog in chapter 10. Also I was sad when fudge ate Dribble. I also think you should make another book.

Your friend, Elijah.
Maizy from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I am obsessed with the book Tales of Fourth Grade Nothing. My favourite character is Fudge because he makes me feel happy and he make me laugh. I have a question. How many years have you been writing stories? I hope you keep writing more stories.

Your friend,
Violet from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I really liked Tales of a Fourth
Grade Nothing. My favourite part
Of it was when Peter got a
Dog. Also thank you for
Writing this book. And do
You swim daily?
Anyways do you
Have any siblings?
Or do you have
Any animals?
I have one bunny
One dog two cats
And two birds
Your friend,
Andrena from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
My name is Andrena. I'm 9 years old. My favourite book is Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I can relate to peter. My sister is just like fudge. Except when fudge tries to fly like a bird. I was sad when Dribble passed away. But I was really happy when peter got his dream pet. I think you should make a book about Jimmy Fargo because you wrote about peter,Sheila and Fudge.
Yours truly:
Paislee Poppe from simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,<3 🙂
I read tales of a Fourth grade Nothing it was amazing will you make more books? Also you should make a book with peters dog turtle it would be so cool. I love you book tales of a Fourth grade Nothing I have only read one book but I think your the best Author. I am in grade 3 and I hope to be like you some day
Sincerely, Paislee
Rylan from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I really enjoyed reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I love how Peter got a new dog at the end. Also I love how Peter's dad shoved paper towels up Fudge's pants. The book was so,so funny 🤣. I hope you can write a new story. By Rylan to Judy.
Samuel from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I enjoyed reading tales of a 4th
Grade nothing because it's the only one I have read so far.My favorite chapter is birthday bash because of fudge's friend Sam because my name is Sam.Dribble pay period is my favorite character and how old is your son and is Dribble real?

Sincerely your reader Sam
Sarah Burke from Toronto Canada wrote on March 19, 2023
Judy, I have loved your books since I was a little girl and especially when I was navigating the wild days of puberty. I just came across your name on Twitter and thought I recognize that name seeing your comment about the Florida Bill. I am a radio and podcast host in Canada and I would love to discuss this with you, and your wonderful career. Can I email you more information about the podcast? It’s called Women in Media and looks to explore all the things we encounter as public figures and profiles in the spotlight. Would be a very cool angle to have an author on!
Malena G from Roselle Park, NJ wrote on March 17, 2023
Hi Judy!
I am 10 turning 11 next month. I have read your Romana and Beezus books when I was youger and I loved them. I have just finished reading "Are you there God, it's me Margaret" I think it is a wonderful book. I kind of relate but in a opposite way. I didn't want to bloom as fast as I did. It's a pain trying to find out what your shoe size is every other month and learning that you have to change your bra size again.Your books have shown me a lot and I'm very glad to have found you.

One of your adoring readers,
Dakota from schenectady wrote on March 15, 2023
My favorite Judy Blume book was Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.
My favorite part was when Peter got a new dog because it makes me happy when people are happy. I also felt bad when Fudge ate Turtle. Of all the books I have read, this is my favorite Judy Blume book so far you are my favorite author.
diana and ashley from nj wrote on March 14, 2023
why were you married 3 TIMES WHY
diana and ashley from nj wrote on March 14, 2023
hi tell me about you pls
Janelle D from Lincoln wrote on March 14, 2023
Dear Judy, Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to writing! You have been one of my favorite authors for over 30 years! I have a life goal to meet you someday at a book signing! I'm sure things are super busy with the new movie coming out next month and I anxiously await to see it! If you do go on a book signing tour in the future how would I be able to receive information? Once again thank you for everything! You're my hero!
Mary J from Warrenton Va wrote on March 12, 2023
in February 2020 the New York Times reported that Summer Sisters was going to be either a series or a movie on Hulu but I can't find it anywhere. Did it ever get done? it had a fabulous cast.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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