Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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910 entries.
Ella from Burlington wrote on April 17, 2023
Judy, I have been in love with your writing for years. You have been one of my biggest inspirations and I've grown up with the comfort of your characters. I know you say you've stopped writing, but I'm desperate for one last novel. Also, one day I will be there to turn summer sisters into a tv show. I love you so much!!! -Ella
nanci from new boston wrote on April 17, 2023
thanks to AARP, I just saw the wonderful documentary Judy Blume, Forever, I so admire you for speaking out for the adolescents. They need you more than ever these days
I must say I loved your colorful glasses..where can I find the frames.. hopefully they are not just reading glasses.. I so "need" fun glasses at my age (76)..
Jory Swan from Lake Havasu City wrote on April 17, 2023
Hello there,
I want to start this out by saying how much I am a fan of you and your work. I have read every book of yours, some over 10 times!
When I was in fourth grade, my teacher read to the class, “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.” I was smitten and hooked. I burned through the rest of your Fudge books. I dipped into your other books and was saddened when I reached the end of the age appropriate collection. I fell even more in love with your adult books, particularly “Smart Women”.
This year, I started my career as a third grade teacher in a rural community. My goal was to read to them a fiction book every single day. My grandmother, who was an elementary librarian for 30 years, bought me the box set of the Fudge series. Like me, 20 years ago, my third graders were enthralled. They would beg for the next book, some not being able to wait, would check out the next book ahead of me.
For me personally, you have instilled a love of reading and ignited a love of reading in 60 students (my co-teacher read it to her students and received the same reaction.)
I am forever a fan and selfishly hope you write many more books in the future.
Thank you from Lake Havasu, AZ.
Jo M from London wrote on April 16, 2023
Dear Judy, I am feeling very emotional, reading about your support for JK Rowling today in The Sunday Times.
I was an obsessional reader as a child and teen - spent hours hunkered down in my local library reading all sorts of books, and yours were my favourites - it seemed to me that you really 'got' children - girls in particular. I am one of the many women all over the world to whom Joanne Rowling has given a voice. I left my job in a Primary School because we were asked to agree that a very young child was now 'the opposite sex', just because that child di not conform to stereotypes, and had been teased for it. I believe we should support children to be the kind of boy or girl they want to be. I don't lie to children, and I don't pretend that other things aren't driving children's sense that they don't feel 'right'.
Thank you for defending her right to speak, and thereby, mine. Yours, and ordinary, not 'hateful' woman
Catherine wrote on April 16, 2023
Thanks a million from Ireland for standing with JK Rowling. That takes courage. You are two women who have influenced & comforted myself AND my kids over the years since 1986 when i read Margaret for the first time. Thank you for the work you do xxx
Amy from Manchester England wrote on April 16, 2023
First I wanted to say I love your work and how much it meant to me as a teenager especially. Now I am sharing it with my daughter too. Secondly, thank you so much for having the guts and strength of character to add your support to JKR in your Times interview. It means so much to so many of us.
P.s. I'm really looking forward to the film!
Sharon Gonzalez from Lancaster wrote on April 15, 2023
Hi Judy I am reading In the Unlikely Event for my book club because I too grew up in the 50s In Elizabeth NJ. I was a little younger than you but also attended Battin. I now live in a CCRC called Willow
valley in Lancaster and thought it would be fun to talk about your book and recall so many memories. My dad brought me to the first crash sight in the Elizabeth River. Something I will not forget. I was wondering if there was a book guide of questions I could refer to at our meeting. That would be great if I had some thing. I already know I’m going to dress as a Bobby socker & bring fifties music. So anything you can add would be appreciated.
Thank you
My Best
Sharon Aldrich Gonzalez
I lived on Sheridan Ave very very near the airport!
Deb K from Tampa wrote on April 15, 2023
You are one of the main reasons I became a YA writer and a playwright that uses the voice of young people. Though I know everyone who read the books felt the same way, I always felt like you were talking just to me. I am thankful your book was in my generation, not today's censored ridiculousness. You gave me the confidence to share my voice, so I just wanted to say thank you. As that child under the covers reading your stories, you set the direction of my adult life.
Sahara from Bridgetown wrote on April 14, 2023
Dear Judy ❤️,
I just finished reading your book “Are you there God, it’s me Margaret” that I got for my eleventh birthday.I think it might be one of my favorite books so far. When my mom gave to me I didn’t want to read it, then I lost my other book and was needing to read something. I read the first two chapters and then next this you know I’m obsessed! We need more Margaret books .
Love ,
Sahara 💕
Barbara Ann wrote on April 13, 2023
I don’t know why but I never read your books? I am now reading Are you there God? It’s me Margaret
Aileen from Ventura wrote on April 13, 2023
From the moment my elementary school teacher first read "Freckle Juice" to our class, I was a fan. From then on I just had to read every one of your books. No matter what age I was there was a book that spoke to me and for that I truly thank you. I've been a fan of yours for almost 50 years and am lucky enough to have held on to some of my original books, which I will always treasure. Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us and love you always! Aileen
kylan from south carolina boling springs wrote on April 12, 2023
hey im am about to right a report on you and imier you
Meg J from Dallas, TX wrote on April 11, 2023
Thank you for writing such wonderful books that teenagers could enjoy when I was 12, and now my kids that age can enjoy! 'Are you there God, it's me, Margaret' and 'Just as long as we're together', were 2 of the books we read over and over. I loved sharing the books with my friends and cousins as a teen and they meant a lot and are a big part of my childhood and formation years!

Thank you!
Patricia from Towson wrote on April 9, 2023
My 2 daughters read your books in the 70’s. and we thoroughly enjoyed them.
However, after your rant against Gov. Desantis, my great granddaughters will be censored from any of your books.
Gina from Canton wrote on April 7, 2023
Hello. In 1974,I wrote to Judy Blume. Books were(and still are) my deepest love.You couldn't possibly know how much the hand signed response I got back meant to me! It was my prized possession for 8 years until a girl in out foster home stole it from me. Your act of kindness still puts a smile on my heart. It was one of the only 2 things I made sure to always take with me when I was shuffled around.You made me feel like I mattered. Thank you!
Alexis from Phoenix, Arizona wrote on April 6, 2023
Dear Judy,
I saw the movie trailer for “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” today. I felt like I was reuniting with an old friend.
Your books meant the entire world to me as a young girl growing up in the 2000’s. They helped me understand myself.
Thank you so much for everything.
With much love,
Penelope from Lakeland wrote on April 5, 2023
I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. When I was in 4th grade I hated reading with a passion but a friend convinced me to read one of your books. I fell deeply in love with reading and became an avid reader. All of my now grown children started also with your books and now my grandchildren! You have impacted not just my life but 3 generations of my family. I can’t express how truly grateful I am. I wish you and your family the very best.
Penelope ❤️
Jane Ellen from Hammond wrote on April 4, 2023
April 3 2023
Dearest Judy I love you to pieces!!! My sisters & I had scoliosis I asked Mom why my back looked funny at 12 years old my dad told Mom to take me to an orthopedic doctor he told us to go to Riley's children's hospital in Indianapolis Indiana I was the first one in the brace my baby sister has a 14" rod on her spine since hs I'm now 65 years old God gave me the wisdom. Mom & Dad both had scoliosis Grandpa also I do have a small school photo of it coming up to my chin this is enough for now I may see the first movie April 28 2023 & hope deenie comes out next please thanks so very much 😂😂😂
Despina from Fairlawn wrote on April 3, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,
I read your books when I was younger and loved them! My girlfriends and I (a bunch of 58 year old women) can't wait to see Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
The reason that I am writing is that I belong to a subreddit about Menopause. There is a discussion about the new movie on there. In addition, there were people who suggested that you write a book about menopause.
I know for me, menopause has been one of the worst times in my life-both physically and emotionally (i.e. severe depression and anxiety, tremors, finding out I have cataracts and need a hip replacement, etc.).
Menopause is slowly starting to get attention in the media but not enough. If you could give this some thought, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
Despina M
Linda stewart from George wrote on April 3, 2023
Hello Judy my name is Linda Stewart I use to take care of your mother when she was at Elizabeth general hospital in Elizabeth, New Jersey are used to work there. Just wanted to say hello and God bless you.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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