Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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932 entries.
Gael from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing. My favorite part was when Fudge ate Dribble and was at the hospital. I loved your book because it was funny.

Hailee from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Deer Judy Blume,
My whole class room friends just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I LOVED it! I liked the part when Fudge ate a flower off of the dinner table and when Peter also tried a flower too!
and when Fudge ate dribble.
From, Hailee
Jillian from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your book The Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. My class and I just finished reading it and I love the part where Fudge jumps of the jungle gym and while thinking he was a bird and then falls down and looses his two front teeth, and when Fudge wouldn't eat his cereal and his father said you will eat it or you will wear it! Then he takes Fudge in the restroom and poured the whole cup of cereal on his head.

From your new fan, thank you for making this book Judy Blume.
Zahara from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading tales of the fourth grade nothing and I LOVED IT. My favorite thing was when Fudge thought he was a bird and tried to fly. He swallowed HIS TWO FRONT TEETH.

Mariaelena from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My class just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing . I really really liked it. My favorite part was when Fudge cut his hair. I could imagine him just sitting on the floor cutting his hair. When Fudge thought he was a bird but I shouldn't be laughing or Fudge's mom is going to scold me. Overall I really liked the book. I might read other books of yours. I really enjoyed reading the book.

From, Mariaelena
Garrett from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,

My class just finished reading the Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I liked the part when Fudge swallowed Dribble. I love the book that you made. Thank you for writing children books.

Landon from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
Our class just got done reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I really liked the part
where Fudge thought he was a bird and jumped off the jungle gym and ate his top two front teeth. I also liked the part where Fudge cut his hair and colored on his face with every color magic marker.It was a really great book.


Morgan from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My class and I just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It was an AMAZING book! One of my favorite parts was when Fudge thought he was a bird and he tried to fly off the jungle gym! My favorite part was also when he was at the dentist and wouldn't even open his mouth.

From, Morgan
Alexander from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My class finished one of your books, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. We loved
❤️ it. My favorite part was when Fudge jumped off the jungle gym, Fudge wasn't eating and Mr. Hatcher dumped cereal on Fudge's head, and when Fudge ran off in the movie theaters.I personally think that this was one of the best books I have ever read and I will continue to read your great books.
Sincerely, Alexander
P.S. My friends will also be writing to you.
David from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
My Class just finished the book Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. We loved it! My favorite part is when Peter got a new dog. It's my favorite because it's just so nice when you give people a gift and they love it. I've also been looking for books that were made by you. They are great! I hope to see more books that you made!
Teyvonne from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2022
Dear Judy Blume,
Me and my class just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. And we loved it. My two favorite parts were when Fudge thought he was a bird,and Fudge put Dribble in his mouth.

Linda Bartolotta from Waukesha, WI wrote on September 11, 2022
In this month’s AARP magazine when I saw you in the article I smiled feeling like I was seeing an old friend from my teaching career. My 4th graders always wrote to you from Magee Elementary after reading Tales of a 4th Gr Nothing. They were inspired and I was in awe that a famous writer wrote back to them and sent bookmarks! You dependably made connection with my students of the year for many years of my career. You impacted their lives and mine. Retired, all these years later, I remain grateful
Your lifelong fan,
Linda Bartolotta.
Christina A Turpen from Salem wrote on September 11, 2022
I grew up with your books. I even read your adult books.
I belong to an X generation group where many of us enjoyed your books.
We were discussing your book Are you there God, It's me Margaret and thought it would be fun to find her in a new story as going through menopause and addressing her grandaughter talking to her about her new changes and moods. I think many young women talk to their grandmas before idek on ik.
RON COHN from Chula Vista wrote on September 7, 2022
I am glad you are still busy as I am. Thank you for remembering me in your books although I no longer live in Elizabeth or Plainfirld but in California. I am very concerned about censoring what our children read. All my years in Civil Rights work and I just have to-do it all over. My wife was one of the attorneys in Doe v.Bolton which was tried along with Roe at the supreme Ct so this is a time to fight again.
I remember our days at Temple Sinai and your brother and think of you often.
Deborah McCaskill from Covington wrote on September 5, 2022
Dear Ms Blume, you don't know this but your book Are you there God? it's me Margaret started my love for reading. I first read your book when I was in middle school we had a field trip to the public library (my first time) I was overwhelmed by so many books I didn't know where to go, my teacher Mrs Rose showed me your book I read the synopsis on the back and told her this is the book for me. I read that book in one day. That was the beginning of my love for reading 50 plus years. I have passed that love on to my 2 grown kids and my 4 grandchildren who all enjoy reading. I love when my grandkids want to share with me what they read. I always thought one day I would get to meet the women who started mines and my generation love for books in person to say thank you( it's not to late) 🙂
Thanks so much, keep writing.
God bless
Ms Hickman from Kelso wrote on September 2, 2022
Dear Mrs. Blume,

I teach 4th grade at Wallace Elementary in Kelso, WA. I just finished reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing" to my students.
They really enjoyed meeting Peter and Fudge, and Dribble as well.
Kyliah says, "I really liked the ending because it was sad, but happy." Blake say, "My favorite part of the book was when Fudge was on the Toddle Bike and he wouldn't listen to the grown ups!"

I am now 51 years old, and still remember reading Are You There, God? It's me, Margaret. It remains one of my favorite books!

Thank you!
Elijah wrote on September 2, 2022
What is you do for a living
Brody wrote on September 2, 2022
Hi Judy I just want to say I love your books.And definitely The pain, and the great one.That one is my favorite.And I guess Im the pain because I'm the youngest so.And your books are so good and keep up that hared work by✋.
Lucy wrote on September 2, 2022
Dear Judy Blume i love ur book the pain and the great one it's awesome.From lucy
Izabella diaz wrote on September 2, 2022
I love your books and and my favorite book is ”the pain and the great one" that one is my absolute favorite book

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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