Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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842 entries.
henley from union wrote on October 3, 2023
I LOVED your book tales of a forth grade nothing. I like it because I am in forth grade and I am like peter because my brother is like fudge he ALWAYS gets what he wants.

Juno Jackson from Bristol wrote on October 2, 2023
Dear Judy Blume, my name is Juno Jackson and I’m 11 years old ( nearly 12 ) . I absolutely love your books and I have read loads of them . I’m not sure wether you know this but I think you are a distant relative of marriage to me .My grandma Jane’s uncle Bert’s wife was Jane and Jane is your sister I think . When my grandma told me this I was sat reading one of your books ( are you there God it’s me Margret ) when she told me I was sooooo excited . I really hope that this is true and you really are my great great uncles wife’s sister. My favourite books of yours are… are you there god it’s me Margaret , blubber , Deenie , here’s to you Rachel Robinson and it’s not the end of the world which helped me a lot when my parents went through a divorce.
Lots of hugs
Juno xxx
Ginny White from Los Alamos, NM wrote on October 1, 2023
I plan to visit your bookstore in Key West on Thursday, 10/12/23. Are you by any chance working there that day? Is there a good time to drop by for a brief conversation? I finally just watched what I deemed the PERFECT Margaret movie - as a new psychotherapist in Little Rock in the 1970s, I read and discussed this book aloud with a group of girls, my idea for a therapy group. We laughed, cried, talked about everything; this remains a vivid and fond memory. I have read many of your books since and have such appreciation of you.
Shannon Hunter from Mishawaka wrote on September 29, 2023
Hello Judy,
I am watching Are You There God It's Me Margaret. I love the movie as much as the book. I just had to take a moment to tell you that I loved your books as a child. You as well as my Fourth Grade teacher are the reason I am an avid reader today. She read Blubber to us in class and I loved it so much that I went and got it at the library and read it again. I have loved reading ever since,you opened a world of great adventures for me.Thank you for your wonderful books, I truly enjoy reading them.
Sage from Philadelphia, PA wrote on September 29, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
I am ten years old, and I’ve had Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and Superfudge on my bookshelf for the longest time and have not read either of them, but then just four days ago I finished reading one of my books, and I decided to read Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and I loved it so much, so I was obviously super excited to read Superfudge. I loved that one to, I am super exited for reading the rest of the books in the series! I also loved Are You There God It’s Me Margeret. Thank you for writing such good books.
Sincerely, Sage
Melissa wrote on September 27, 2023
My 8-year-old son is reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing for the first time, and he was laughing so hard tonight that he rolled right off his bed! My friends and I loved your books as kids, and are so happy we can recommend them to our kids! Thank you for your amazing and timeless writing!
Melissa Cooper Gollakner from Parma wrote on September 27, 2023
I just watched Judy Blume Forever and I feel like I just had dinner with a long-lost family friend. I am 52 and read your books throughout my childhood, thanks to a great 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Jones. Thank you for sharing your whole self and your personal journey across the years. You've touched millions of young people and continue inspire new generations. Thank you for being you!
Kris Kennedy from Key west wrote on September 25, 2023
Could you please help us with Floridians Protecting Freedom Campaign? We are trying to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot for 2024 allowing the voters of Florida decide if abortion should remain legal. We have an Instagram page FPFMonroe. We also have ballot boxes to place in businesses. A post on our Instagram from you would be a real help.
Also if we can get petitions from 1800 Atlantic. Any ideas?
Thanks so much.
Rachel from Stafford, England wrote on September 21, 2023
Hi Judy,
I loved your books a child, my absolute fave was Tiger Eyes. What a compellingly beautiful story!
Now as a very-close-to-40 I found myself last week re-reading Just as Long as We're Together and Here's to You Rachel Robinson, and found I couldn't put them down. Just brilliant! I love writing and always think the mark of a great story is when you feel you could read about the characters' lives forever.
So, with that in mind I have pressing questions... does Rachel go out with Jeremy Dragon when she gets back from music camp? Does Steph's mum marry the Stairmaster or get back together with her Dad? Do Charles and Rachel learn to get on? How are things for Alison once baby Matthew comes along? Does she win the vote for class president? I could go on ...!
I'd love to hear your thoughts on these important matters.
I'm currently writing a pre teen novel with a 'anxiety self help' element. I was so surprised to see some self help in Here's to you Rachel Robinson. You sure were ahead of your time! Thanks so much Judy for all your work, you clearly are a voice for many, a hope and a light when there feels like none and a massive inspiration to me as I ponder getting past the 'gatekeepers' of children's publishing.
With kindest regards,
Sarah Kovich from Dallas wrote on September 17, 2023
I just finished watching Judy Blume Forever. Your story is an amazing growing up story! As a 61 year old woman, my children and I will be talking about you, your life, your messages. And our lives for the rest of our lives.
It would be wonderful to learn how to invite you to speak to a group about your experiences of censorship when Reagan was elected and what is happening in America today.
Thank you for all you do!
Warm regards, Sarah
dorothy z from rochester wrote on September 15, 2023
i love the pain and the graet one.
Gabby from Lee's Summit wrote on September 13, 2023
Hi Judy! I love your books!
Especially The Pain And The Great One :D! Thank you for bringing joy in the world and making SO much people happy. You are my favorite author 🙂
Gabby from New York City wrote on September 13, 2023
Hi Judy!
Mac from Mount Vernon wrote on September 12, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
Our class just finished Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Parts of the story I found funny were when Fudge ate Dribble, and when he cut his hair. I think your books are very funny and you're a great author. Sincerely,

Evan Cooper from Santa Monica wrote on September 11, 2023
Dear Judy,
Shockingly, this is my very first letter to you ever. It's shocking because I'm 47 years old and you've been a special person to me since I was 8 years old and first picked up "Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing" in the library of my elementary school back in Cleveland, Ohio. I could go on and on about all of the ways in which you've inspired and affected my life but I'm writing today with a most recent example... and a thank you. I knew from my elementary years that I wanted to be a writer. And certainly, I've always written. But I am an incredibly porous human being and the rejection letters have always felt too much to bear. I quit a million times over because, though it's quite admirable to "write for the sake of writing," I also very much want to be published. I've had some success but nearly what one might classify as a career. I have felt quite hopeless about this aspect of my life. And then... AND THEN. Then I watched your recent documentary. My visceral response was just the same as it always is when I read a "Judy Blume" book: chills, a deep knowing, the feeling of seeing aspects of myself in another. In you! And now I know, I MUST KEEP WRITING. And I WILL be published. I'm not sure for which piece of writing (I'm debating moving forward with memoir or the YA version of my story) or when... but I will. And I owe all of that inspiration to you. Thank you. You mean so so much to so so many. All my love and gratitude,
Evan Cooper xo
Cammy b from Miles City Montana wrote on September 10, 2023
Judy I love your book are you there God it's me Margaret I am a 5th grade student and i am 10 turning 11 in three months I want to meet you so bad I watch ed your documentary Judy blume forever and I watched the Judy Blue movie that came out 3 or 4 months ago it is 2023 currently please respond to my email my dad is ordering the copy of are you there God it's me Margaret and I and I read blubber in 4th grade i want a signed copy of are you there God it's me Margaret and blubber
Cammy b from Miles City Montana wrote on September 9, 2023
Judy you'll never believe just what happened I literally just got yelled at by my mom for literally no reason like why did she even yell at me I don't know I guess she's just mad at me for some reason
Angela connelly-prada from North Olmsted wrote on September 9, 2023
My bookclub decided to read Wifey for our September book. We all had watched the documentary on you and we all have been upset about the book banning/censorship happening in 2023. We loved Wifey and we applaud your fearless writing. One of our members had a stoke in August and her adult daughter has been reading the books aloud to her mom to keep her up to date. She was afraid to read aloud Wifey in the Rehab We told her to get reading and we were confident she would draw a crowd.
Just wanted to thank you for your books and for your insights on book banning.
Carter from Mount Vernon wrote on September 8, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
My class has just finished your book, Tales of a FourTh Grade Nothing. I thought it was very funny. Peter was my favorite.

Yours Sincerely,
James from moun vernon wrote on September 8, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
I like your book Tales of a Fourth-Grade Nothing. It was so funny. Fudge was my favorite character.

Yours truly,

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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