Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

Want a signed book? Autographed books can be ordered from the non-profit bookstore Judy founded, Books and Books at The Studios of Key West. Click here for more information. We cannot accept books purchased elsewhere and shipped to us. Thanks for understanding.

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1012 entries.
Ben Mehner from West Jordan, UT wrote on May 17, 2023
I've loved to read since I learned how to do so. I was 4 years old and deciphered the secrets of phonemes and such from memorizing the words of Dr. Seuss and examining the texts. By second grade I had consumed most of your books as well of most of the works of Beverly Cleary. Roald Dahl was a favorite as well, but he has proven to be a poor role model in unfortunate ways.I recently heard an interview with you on NPR and started to think about how you led to my love of great authors like Kurt Vonnegut. I think of Vonnegut as the Mark Twain of our time. I also think you and Cleary are great authors in the same vein.
Julie from Albuquerque wrote on May 17, 2023
Dear Judy, I have just turned 50 years old and your books were a guiding light throughout my childhood. I loved the movie rendition of Are You There God? My friends and I think it would be wonderful if you could write the menopause version. We would love to read it because it helps to laugh and find the humor in everything. Thank you again for writing these wonderful books
Annie Raymond from Miami wrote on May 16, 2023
Judy! Mrs.Judy! I am watching your Master class now on
Thank you so much for everything you do! I am from Russia and I live here in Unites States 8 years. I love to read and write since I was a child. I am 42 now. I can't believe how time flies. You and me have so much in common. You are wonderful teacher. I wish I could meet you in person one day. Thos is would be so magical.I hope I can find you on Key West on literacy seminar. I really hope I can make it there, because it's kind of pricey for me right now. But let's see how my writing will go. You know what I mean. But I defcan visit your book store on Key West. When usually you are visiting your book store? I wish you could be my mentor on a long term if its possible. I wish you lots of wonderful mornings, days and evenings in your life. Your new friend, Annie.
Anna Graham from Union City, Tennessee wrote on May 16, 2023
This past weekend - Mother's Day Weekend 2023 was tough. At 52 perspective is definitely an advantage to the tough pre-teen and teenage years when I first read your books. This past year has held somewhat unexpected hurdles - daughter getting married, another beginning college, gregarious boy / girl 11 yr old twins into all kinds of shenanigans... husband's health problems (toe amputation - heart surgery and more). As a career mother running 2 hotels in a small town when my mother asked me to come to a fundraiser in Tupelo, Mississippi for MS Crossroads Ranch (non-profit residential campus for high functioning adult men with brain injuries) where my younger brother has lived for just over a year, I dropped all and went with 3 of my 4 kids, my husband and new son-in-law. Family is difficult at any age - but while this was a tough weekend the conversations of the hot topic of the release of your movie was a refreshing high note. I loved my eldest, Daisye Byrd telling Stella Pearl about your books. Stella Pearl loves graphic novels and while she had heard of other friends reading your books had been reluctant to do so. Our 1970's parenting style does not require specific books - but encourages reading and engaging with life. While I had suggested Stella Pearl read Margaret before going to the movie, that was not her desire till she had the most engaging conversation with Daisye Byrd. I loved hearing Daisye talk of her love of your books - of how you really understood people Stella and Dexter's age - and could write as if you were 11 or 12 even as an adult. Stella asked me to order your book - somehow I think Daisye Byrd has my original one. I am so thankful I have girls who can also enjoy your books. And - cannot wait for the book to arrive so SP can read and I can re-read and then watch the movie. Thank you for writing - and now for sharing via the movie. I cannot wait to visit your bookstore this summer when I visit Key West! Anna Katherine Long Graham
Holley Mangham from Oklahoma City wrote on May 15, 2023
Hi Judy,
I watched Margaret twice over the weekend. First with a friend I met on the first day of kindergarten and the second time with my mom. This book means so much to me and I'm so glad it was beautifully made for the big screen.
I didn't have the same struggles as Margaret, as I was more like the Laura Danker of my school. I was the early bloomer with acne, a bra, and an awful period before I turned 10.
Thank you for continuing to be a voice of girls and women and for normalizing menstruation and puberty.
Janet W.Reilly from Somerset,NJ wrote on May 15, 2023
Dear Judy-
I watched your documentary and
loved you immediately. I could relate to the emotion you showed for your father. I also loved my father, for me the man walked on water, I miss him so much, he has been gone for over 32 years. I thought I was the only one who had these feelings of extreme emotion, just thinking of him.Thank you, thank you, you get it.
Erica Schultz from Kings Mountain wrote on May 15, 2023
I need an update on the summer sisters hulu limited series!! I am dying for this. Please please tell me it's still happening
Terra Geissler from Duluth wrote on May 14, 2023
Dear Judy, I was recently at a tiny independent book store in Grand Marais MN with my mother. The storekeep asked me to name a book that changed my life and without hesitation I said "Margret!" When the storekeep asked my mom she said the exact same. My mom and I read that book together 3 times throughout my childhood. My mother said she always knew if she could read your books outloud to me she would survive my teen years. In turn, I said I always knew that if I could hear my mom read those words I could talk to her about anything. No matter how difficult. Turns out, 40 years later, we were both right!!! Thanks for changing the trajectory of my relationship with my mom and my childhood. We adore you.
Kelley wrote on May 14, 2023
Well, I never thought I would get the chance to write you! But I want to tell you “thank you”, for your books, especially Deenie, Are You There God, and Forever. They got me through a really rough adolescence in the late 70s- early 80s. It warms my heart to know that you’ve touched so many lives in a positive way! Thank you for sharing your stories with us!
Jen Westfall from Arlington wrote on May 14, 2023
I simply wanted to wish you a Happy Mother's Day, Judy. I hope you know that, in a way, you were a mother-figure to many of us readers who are now in our 50's. Thank you for being there for us when we needed a mother!
P.S. - I just finished your documentary and I am convinced that you are an angel sent from the heavens!
Holly from Grover Beach wrote on May 14, 2023
Dear Judy,
I loved your books in the Early 90s loved and related to Hello god it's Me, Margret; when I was 14, I made up a story about losing my virginity to my friends because I had read an article about how to test your friends to see how True of friendship they had with me. They failed, sadly 😆 lol. In my 20s, I lived in a small casino town and was bullied and sex Shamed. I couldn't do anything without someone being negative about my clothes or my way of talking to a new guy Every weekend. letting you know I married someone 29 years older than me. It was always reading your books that pulled me out of my troubles and got me through life Thank you Judy for helping me realise there is nothing wrong with me.
Brian Gage from Duncan wrote on May 14, 2023
I'm a blind reader, 75, and only recently discovered your books. That was due to a reference to you and your stories in another novel. Fortunately, the CELA digital library service in Canada had many of your titles available for download in MP3 format. I just wish I'd been able to read these kind of stories back when I was thirteen, in the dark ages of 1950-1965...
Love your frank, yet delicate way of telling that girls also masturbate. Back when I was thirteen, and using hand lotion to reach climax, I sublimated the guilt and enjoyed the result.
I learned to read at the age of five, and, became captivated by the sciences. Grew up on military bases with jet aircraft and radar, so naturally, became fascinated with technology. Became the first totally blind student taking majors science at the University of British Columbia. Now, all that is past, and I can settle into enjoying your books and gleaning some understanding of my own adolescent sexual confusion.
Regards, Brian
Tom from Binghamton wrote on May 13, 2023
Dear Judy,

As a poet I write what is real to me. Thankfully your books have always provided me with the thought that I'd be alright in life. As a child of abuse I've found that as an adult that I'm a worthy human being that would and did find love and understanding in life. Tiger eyes is the one book of yours that has touched me the most. My mother died very young of ms and I'll never forget that in her final moment with me that she could cry and I never felt so alone for so many years afterwards.
Also thank you for your stand on banned books. The other author who helped shape my life is m.e. kerr whom shared with me that she was once told that to not talk about her lgbtq themed books at a school she was asked to speak at.
By the way I loved the amazon documentary judy blume forever.
Stephanie Goodman from Ardsley wrote on May 13, 2023
Hi Judy-
I am a now 49 year old very very longtime fan! I grew up reading all of your books..they were my childhood ❤️…I just watched your documentary and it really got me thinking back to when I was 12, reaching puberty in my very socially tough Long Island town. I got my period in September of 7th grade. Instead of excited, I was traumatized. I didn’t know of any of my friends who had gotten it yet, no one talked about it. So in my mind, no one did get it! I tried my best to just hide it, for what felt like forever. All thru 7th grade all of my friends swore they hadn’t gotten it yet-and I believed them-I felt so alone!
Then I went to overnight camp, and low & behold all my friends there had gotten it-thank god! When I returned home after the summer though, my home friends still swore, all of them, that they hadn’t gotten it? So I continued hiding it, it was awful!
Finally at the end of eighth grade, one girl announced that she got it…and after that all the girls followed suit…what an incredible coincidence I thought to myself. Naive 13 year old me truly believed they had all gotten it at the same time & I was some kind of freak!!!
This whole experience did truly traumatize me…to this day I still think about it-I’d still love to know when they all “really” got their periods and why “we” all collectively decided it was so taboo.
Leigh Fletcher from Beaudesert, Queensland, Australia wrote on May 13, 2023
Hi from Australia. I loved your books, and vividly remember reading Margaret and desperately waiting for my period (I was 14 when I eventually got it!). I am currently teaching 4th grade, and going back to reading all the books for that age group. I think I need to remind myself that they are still children. Can't wait to.see the movie Margaret.
Kind regards,
Robin Abess from Portsmouth, VA wrote on May 12, 2023
Dear Judy,
Thank you so much. I have loved your books since I was a kid (I’ll be 59 next week) and have read them all multiple times. Just finished your documentary and it was so interesting and lovely. I write myself, participating in NaNoWriMo every year since 2006. I’ve not been published (yet) but someday that will happen.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. I know how hard that must’ve been for you. I lost mine to cancer when he was 49 and I was very close to him. I’m thankful I had time to say goodbye to my daddy and I know how hard it must’ve been for you to be there when yours passed.

I’m so happy that you found George! Your love story is just amazing.

As I said in the beginning, thank you. Thank you for your words and your heart.

Much love,

Robin Abess
Joshua Thomas from Orlando, FL wrote on May 12, 2023
Dear Judy,
I am a filmmaker and writer from Florida. Watching the recent film adaptation of "Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret." has completely revitalized my love for reading. I recently lost a close friend of mine. We're both in our twenties. He was a bold writer and a fantastic illustrator. Upon recently reading "Tiger Eyes," I found so much closure and relief from my mourning. Your writing and honesty are such a light in this world. For you and my late friend, I will devote more of my time to advocating literacy and supporting the protection of banned books. Thank you.
Chris Skowron from Perrysburg wrote on May 12, 2023
I grew up reading your books in the 70s and 80s. You were a such a huge part of my childhood. I went to a Catholic school and it was taboo to talk about such things back then. I look back now and feel so fortunate that your books were there for me during this time in my life when we are wondering about our bodies and so much is going on within. Thank you for educating me in such a positive age appropriate way that made it ok to embrace the young lady I was becoming. It was to be celebrated. Rereading your books and it is such a wonderful walk down memory lane. Love you Judg Blume. Thank you ! 💕
Erin Reese from High Sierra, Northern California wrote on May 12, 2023
Dearest, dearest Judy. I sincerely hope you and/or your team reads this piece I just wrote on Substack:
"Judy Blume for President"
There are no words.
Just tears.
Erin Reese
Penelope Melino from Cartersville wrote on May 12, 2023
Hi Judy,
First, a disclaimer: I have never read any of your books but, I saw your documentary, "Judy Blume, Forever" last night and have become a big fan. I'm hitting the library today, or Amazon.
I too am always letting people know my age, 79 in August. I'm thinking that I'm amazed that I am that age. And, when I tell them, of course, I always get, "You don't look it; you look great." Okay, that's a real mood lifter. Maybe that's how it works for you.
I do tire more easitly but pace myself. With 45 acres here in rural Virginia, there's plenty to do.
This is also a very conservative area, and I'm an outspoken liberal, Planned Parenthood and Biden supporter. So good to see your leanings.
My one daughter did read your books, as we've discussed recently. I guess I was working and didn't know. I don't know about the other one.
Keep on biking, tending your bookstore, enjoying your life
with George (sounds wonderful). My best, Penny

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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