Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Amara from Denver, Colorado wrote on April 28, 2023
Hi! I'm Amara and I'm currently 10 years old. I would like to tell you I really like your book, Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. It's probably my favorite book and I wanna let you know I love your writing style.
Cheri C from Duncan wrote on April 28, 2023
Dearest Judy,
I'm currently watching your documentary, Judy Blume Forever, and I feel compelled to drop you a note. Thank you. Just thank you. You normalized things through your writing that were frightening and foreign to too many young people. You have always been wholly true to yourself as a writer, and I am so grateful to you for this. I'm also a writer, and I read banned books too.
Maybe I'll be able to visit your bookstore in Florida. That's got to be a magical place.
Tera from Shepherdsville wrote on April 27, 2023
I'm watching Judy Blume Forever and reliving so many memories of my childhood.
I remember my best friend and I taking turns reading aloud from Margaret when we were 11 or 12.
I read Summer Sisters and Smart Women every year.
I am a lifelong fan.
I just wanted to thank you so much for letting us all know, we weren't alone.
Sending so much Love,
Gwen from Ocean Springs, Ms. wrote on April 27, 2023
Good Morning, Judy:
I am 75 years old and felt compelled to write my first fiction novel. I'm almost finished with it. To me, it is a heart-warming story, filled with love, overcoming obstacles with faith.
Trying to write the book my lap top kept crashing. It is on a lick and a prayer. So, I've had to print every page after it was finished to make sure I didn't lose them becaue my lap top crashed again.
I don't have much money. Don't know what step to make next. So far my book is 438 pages long. What do you think I should do next?
Appreciate your advice.
T.M. from Eagle River wrote on April 27, 2023
Hello, first and foremost thank you for your books. I was a very late bloomer, bullied, teased, and a very unsure little girl. Even at 48 I find myself resorting to “Are you there God it me Margret” for me that was a pivotal moment in time. I can not thank you enough. Respectfully T
Blair from Dallas wrote on April 27, 2023
Hi Judy -
I am a 58 year old male and never heard of you until today when my wife and I watched your awesome documentary.
It's official... I am a huge fan !
All the best,
Mary from LA PINE wrote on April 27, 2023
Hi Judy!
I watched Judy Blume Forever yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. Your books were so timely in my adolescence, when it seemed like books were my only friends. I struggled with many of the subjects of your books, and it never occurred to me to write to you. I was lucky to find other mentors who helped me grow and survive those years. Thank you for your words and gift to the world.
Cindy from West Haven wrote on April 27, 2023
I just finished your documentary and I really had no idea of the struggle you went through with all the book banning. I'm 55 yrs old and I was one of the lucky ones. When I read all your books in my grade section of our school library, the librarian said I'd have two have a parent come in and give permission ( I was in 4th grade). My Mom went the next day and told her I had no grade limit, I could take out anything I wanted, including Are you there God?, It's me Margaret. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting off my love of reading.
Kelly L from Needmore wrote on April 27, 2023
Hello Judy. Congratulations on the movie. You have inspired me since I read your book. I wrote to you when I was in the sixth grade. Thank you so much for helping young people with the struggles of being a teen and helping figuring stuff out. I wish you all the best and hope to see so many more of your books since now that I am a grandmother of boys your books can help me possibly understand them. I also hope you still have fur babies, I so loved to get those cards with their paw prints on them. Back then I was Kelly Hard and you made a big impression on me. Thank you for all that you do.
Joellen from NEW ROCHELLE wrote on April 27, 2023
Hi Judy Blume - I work for a Middle School (Language Base School in White Plains, NY._ We all love your books. I thought that perhaps a note from you could be posted in our Library for the students to see. Thanks so much for reading my note. If you are ever in NY, please let us know. Thanks so much. Joellen
Darlene from Lebanon, ME wrote on April 26, 2023
April 26 2023
Dear Judy,
I just finished watching your documentary “Judy Blume Forever” it brought back so many memories for me throughout my life from reading your many books. I am 49 years old, a wife, mother and nurse. I wanted you to know the impact you had as a professional author on so many people of all ages. As a young girl I had a hard time on learning how to read. I remember being so sacred and nervous to read until a reading teacher in my elementary school helped me to learn how to read. I fell in love with reading. All I did as a kid and till this present day as an adult is I love to read.I am still a kid at heart and your books bring me back to those memories of my childhood, young adult and my adulthood. My favorite author growing up was you! You touched on so many emotions and subjects that children of all ages went through in their lives. I am sure many have told you how you helped them in your writing. I am sure you made many feel that they were not alone on how they were feeling or what they were going through. I read almost all of your books both young adult and your adult novels. Every time I just get lost in the characters of your books. I was swept away in your novels and couldn’t put them down. Reading for me was an escape during different parts of my life. My very first book by you that was given to me by my mother was , “Are you there God , it’s me Magret” My mom gave it to me because I was coming of age and thought it was a way for me to know about womanly topics that she probably didn’t feel at the time comfortable to talk about with me. Once I read it I thought that you understood how I was feeling and what I was going through at the time. I couldn’t wait to read all your other books that you have written and continue to read throughout the years. There are so many favorite books of yours that there are to many to name. Please know the impact you have had on literature throughout the many decades. However , as a women walking and practicing her Catholic faith throughout her life. My pray is that you reconsider and stop funding Plan Parenthood who perform the most abortions. Life is a true blessing from God. All innocent babies need to be protected. Never mind the well documented effects both physical and psychological on the women who have had abortions and seek healing from this traumatic event of abortion. These future babies could be the next Judy Blume. Please pray on this to end abortion. May God continue to Bless you and your family !
Cheryl from Alexander wrote on April 26, 2023
I am watching the documentary - Judy Bloom - Forever. I feel like I have known you all my life. I was born in 1972 and grew up reading all of your books. I kept all of my Judy Bloom books from my childhood and will never part with them. I remember the controversy with the book “Forever.” Crazy!!! One of my friends got in trouble because she brought it to school and, of course, all of the girls read it. We didn’t care!! I know you get these letters all the time, but I too, feel that you helped me understand some of the “stuff” we weren’t suppose to talk about. You have been and will always be my favorite writer!! Thank you so much for pursuing your wonderful dream and talent of writing books!!! 😊❤️
christine from Denver wrote on April 26, 2023
I’m just going to have the same comments as so many people here. Thank you for your writing. I had forgotten HOW MUCH your books meant to me. I’m 54 and have read every one. I even wrote you and you sent me a picture! This documentary is amazing. Thank you for all you have given us!
Bonnie from Starkville wrote on April 26, 2023
I am a grandmother of nine. I just watched your documentary last night. I have 6 granddaughters three who are still eleven and under. All have bullying in there lives. I wish you could write a book on today’s bullying. It is really bad in middle school. One of my granddaughters has experienced bullying first and second grade and now in sixth grade. She told me she can’t wait to see your movie. I can’t either! My granddaughters are sweet and kind. That seems to be the ones to be picked on. Thank you for all your wonderful works. ❤️
Laura from Ithaca wrote on April 26, 2023
Hi Judy! I wrote to you in 1981 when I was 10. I could not believe you wrote me back. You wrote "I don't get why your sisters are so bitchy!" My mother got pissed and took it away from me and I never saw it again (one of many childhood traumas). I wish so hard I still had the letter, but I will always have the memory of your written words that I can still see in my mind.
There's not much I can say that others haven't already said. Thank you for being my friend, and making me realize I was normal. You meant so much to me then and you still do to this day. XO
Sandra M from Baytown wrote on April 26, 2023
Dear Judy,
My daughter is 11, and a writer. She was/is secretly submitting chapters of one of her books to be critiqued on a website. Hundreds of people love her writing and have no idea she is 11. However, the website forum she is posting them on has a lot of inappropriate content as well!! A LOT. She’s doing this in secret because she knows I wouldn’t approve of the platform she is using. How do I best help her as a young writer (she writes suspense - not kid stuff)- while protecting her from the things she has no business being anywhere near?
Thank you for your time and your listening ear.
~Sandra M
Cari from NYC wrote on April 26, 2023
I am a nearly 53 year old woman and this is the first time I have felt compelled to write to an author. There have been many that have inspired me throughout my years as a reader and later and educator and then a mother. I have just watched your documentary on Amazon and I'm so glad you made this program. Like many girls, you were an influential person in my life. When I was young, I never knew that your books were causing a stir. I read them freely thank goodness! I wanted to thank you for your bravery and your honestly to put pen to paper for all of us to read and discussions to be had together. I am so sorry to hear about such nasty things were pointed at you. These are wonderful stories and how wonderful we are to have you. Sure, some can choose not to read certain books - but for us to all have a choice is important. And why not read and discuss things that happen in our lives. That's how I taught in my classroom and how I educated my children. Discuss it all with an open mind and with grace and honesty. Thank you for being you and all the gifts you have given us.
Jeannette from Portland, OR wrote on April 26, 2023
Like so many others have expressed, your books have been a huge part of my life and childhood. Upon watching Judy Blume Forever, it occurred to me that I could and should have written to you as a child! It would have been a thrill for me to correspond with you. I wanted to be a writer then; in many ways I still do and have never given it a shot. I wonder if writing to you could have given me more courage to try.
Even so, I’m grateful that now I realize it can be done and it’s easier than ever with the internet! I loved watching the documentary and hearing how so many others have resonated with your books just as I did, and it comes as no surprise that they have influenced many other creative people whom I admire. Something that I found funny was the idea that your books were controversial—as a child, I think you must accept whatever is presented to you for what it is because you don’t have as much to compare it to. I’m so grateful for that, that I was able to read your books and not know that there were adults out there making a fuss over talking about periods and bras. (In some way, I think I perceived that adults appreciated your books because they could fill in where the adults were uncomfortable. My fourth grade teacher must have asked me a thousand times, “Did you read Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret yet?”) I loved that you said you and your friends talked so openly about yourselves and your bodies, but my friends didn’t do that, and I was able to live out those conversations through the characters in your books. Through Margaret, whose anxieties about getting her period mirrored my own fears that I would never develop a chest. Through Jill, who was a bystander to bullying as I, upon reading the book, realized I sometimes was, and began to question my behavior. Perhaps most importantly, through Stephanie, with her “Benjamin Moore” poster (the arguments I had with my dad about damaging paint by taping posters to my wall were infinite!) The dynamic among Stephanie and her friends was so similar to mine, and I learned so much from the way Stephanie, Rachel and Alison navigated their social dynamics. I learned to see that someone’s weird behavior is probably a cover for something going on underneath the surface, and I believe I began to develop more compassion because of that. Just as Long as We’re Together wasn’t even mentioned in the documentary, but it was a book that I must have read fifty times! I still have my old dog-eared copy, and I’ll never get rid of it.
Some years ago, I spotted a modern edition of Margaret in a bookstore where the title is printed inside what look like text message bubbles, and I was overjoyed to see that these stories continue on for young people today. It was a delight to relive some of the memories of reading these cherished books in the documentary, and to learn more about you and your life. I wish that I could be as clear on my goals and desires as you have been, as fearless to do something that everybody didn’t just accept. Your life is as influential to me as your books, and I’m so thankful you exist.
Jill from Kent wrote on April 26, 2023
Dear Judy,
My name is Jill. I’m now 42 and I have to admit I’ve never read it’s me, Margaret. I watched a documentary about you and the controversy surrounding the book is what drew me in, but then I realized that I needed to read this book. I have dissociative identity disorder. It’s a disorder formed from trauma in childhood. My brain didn’t have a chance to develop the way a normal child’s do so I am learning these things now at 42 almost 43. I can relate to how you tell the stories from your experience and as an adult because I am experiencing these things as an adult from a child’s mindset. I’d like you to know that there are people out there like me who benefit from your books as adults too. Thank you so much for everything that you do and the connections that you help us to feel. I recently remembered that I love to read. I forget a lot because of the disorder but I remember one of my favorite books is super fudge. I read many of your books when I was young I just don’t remember them. I’m going to reread them. Thank you for being honest. Thank you for helping people like me. I know I didn’t take the time to do the punctuation and everything perfect in this email, but I thank you for reading it. It took a lot of courage to write it. I don’t usually do things like this, but I feel that it’s important to educate and shed a light on people like me. I hope someday you’ll write me back. Take care and good luck on the movie. I will write again after I’ve read the book.
Best wishes,
Elizabeth B from Bloomington wrote on April 26, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
Growing up I genuinely had no idea you could write authors. You're everywhere in the news now and I wanted to finally find a way to send a message to you, even if I never get a response. Although I'm sad my letter writing skills are being wasted, I thought you would still use snail mail!
When I was in fourth and fifth grade I got introduced to your series Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing and got super hooked. I've also read Are You There God It's Me Margaret but the Fudge series is my all-time favorite of yours because I relate a lot to the characters. I'm the oldest with two siblings and they got away with everything!! I liked the realism your books had, they were different from other books I read which were huge epic fantasy adventures I didn't relate to and I liked them more because I was a very quirky, creative kid growing up and saw the world differently. And I had the worst luck!
I'm writing my own books now and I have you to thank for that. Had I never read you, I never would've even conceived the idea of authorhood, but I know I want to write books like yours and inspire kids with timeless messages. In fact when I was in fourth grade I wrote a story in a notebook I carried around everywhere, heavily inspired by your own books about a prank war, called 4th Grade Stinkbombs. I hope to publish it seriously one day.
Thank you for jumpstarting my own career and creating my love of writing. Your books are still important to this day and even though I'm only 25, younger than many fans of yours, your books are beloved still and mean a lot to kids everywhere. It sucks that you have to keep fighting book bans even in this day and age. I hope I get to meet you one day and talk to you in person. Thanks again for all you've done for children and women throughout your life.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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