Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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848 entries.
William K from Campbellsville wrote on April 23, 2023
Hello Judy Blue,
First of all, I've read a few of your books as a child. I have always been a fan.
I have a podcast called "Conversations About..." and I would love to interview you for 30 minutes to an hour if you are free.
I thank you for your consideration and your time.
A fan since I could read,
Will Holland
Yvonne from Hamilton ontario Canada wrote on April 23, 2023
I have so much love,gratitude & admiration for Judy Blume and her books that helped me growing up in the 70's.
I'd love to say hello in person and
wonder if there's a visit to Canada in the future? I mean, we love her here too! xo
Angel from Detroit wrote on April 23, 2023
I just watched the show on Netflix. I am now 51, but as a young girl and then woman, your books meant so much to me. I was a lonely child without much supervision and books were my thing. I learned so much from your stories. I get crap from my friends because I still talk to God, publicly.. it’s always “come on Margret, we are in public” we laugh about it all the time 😊. Thank you so much for your bravery, I honestly am so grateful.
Bette Jo (BJ) from Wilton, Maine wrote on April 23, 2023
Dear Judy,
I just had the very great pleasure of watching your special on TV. I was crying in about 10 minutes as you took me from 56 years old right to 10 when my uncle gave me a collection of your books for Christmas one year.
I must pause a moment to remember my Uncle Bruce. He was a middle school teacher and later became the principal of a middle school. He encouraged my love of books with some collection of them each Christmas. He was such a fun man with a terrific sense of humor! He was so loved that when he passed, the middle school where he had been principal closed for a half day so the students and staff could attend his funeral.
At the time Uncle Bruce gave me your collection, I had just begun to menstruate. At 10! I had so many feelings that I just didn't understand and you helped me to realize that I was not alone. That every adolescent went through a similar thing and that my feelings were maybe not so weird after all.
I was also being terribly abused by a neighbor and reading was how I escaped everything bad in the world. I finally found the strength to stop his actions when I was 11. I will not go into any details, but it was a hard thing to go through and your books helped me escape all of that. I am so grateful for the characters you created! They are like old friends who helped me through hard times and I think of them fondly. Poor Peter who felt rather outshined by little brother Fudge. Sheila, who suffered such bad self-esteem that she felt she had to lie about herself to make friends. Tony and Margaret going through puberty and expressing those thoughts and feelings that were so embarrassing, but so normal! They are such wonderful parts of my childhood!!
I want to end on a funny note. I recall finally getting to Then Again, Maybe I Won't and I think I was 11 by that time. I was reading in the living room while my Dad watched TV and Mom was doing a crossword puzzle. Suddenly, I asked my mother "Mom, what's a wet dream?" She freaked out a little at first, then she asked why I wanted to know. I told her it was in this book I was reading, so she demanded to see what the title was. As she perused the book to gain context, she relaxed and smiled and then told me what it meant. I will NEVER forget that moment!! It was one of the most cool things to have my Mom understand why I was asking and it was one of the most normal conversations we ever had.
Thank you, Judy, for all you have done for the kids who grew up in a time before the internet when we didn't have access to such information! We didn't have many grown-ups who would talk to us the way you did through your books.
By the way, you looked WONDERFUL in the TV special!!
Deborah from Los Angeles wrote on April 23, 2023
Hi Judy,
I adored Judy Blume Forever. Your spirit is so generous and you are a beautiful combination of nurturer and warrior! (Also, my mom got married in NJ - maybe at that same brick church)
I’ve made a career making kids music (I started when my girls were 2 and 4 - I wanted to be with them and have something of my own).
I’ve been writing and journaling my whole life. recently, my marriage began deteriorating. To cope, I wrote an adventure novel containing 10 erotic stories (fun, consensual). I’m ready to self-publish but I’m so nervous to use my real name. I’m 59 and want to own the work, but I’m scared- tho I don’t what I’m scared of! Any words of advice for me?
Thanks for listening. I’m so filled with hope and pure energy after watching the brilliant doc!
Kelley K from Spartanburg wrote on April 23, 2023
While going through the process at Duke to get a lung transplant I decided to watch Judy Blume Forever and one of my best memories surfaced up. It was 1985, I was 12 years old, my father was military and we had been stationed in Germany. We were flying back to the US and I had picked a book to read for the long 12 hour ride. Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. I had fallen asleep before reading the last couple of chapters. The plane was landing for a lay over and the front tire blew. So we had to exit the plane right on the tarmac and walk to a closed area of the airport. As we were looking around I heard my mom make a very weird noise. Dragging me by the arm as I clutches my book my mom shoved me in front of 2 men. As I looked up it was Conway Twitty and Ronnie McDowell. I instantly recognized them because my mom had all of their records and I grew up listening to them. Conway looked at me and said “Hello Darlin’”. I seriously thought my mom was going to pass out. Instead…. That woman grabbed my book and asked him to sign it. Conway did but Ronnie was a jerk and didn’t even acknowledge me. I never got that book back and still to this day I have never finished it. The only book of yours that I haven’t finished. I think I will have to buy it now and finish it because your documentary has brought up the feelings I had while reading it and I would love to know the ending.
Kelley K.
Beth from Lexington wrote on April 23, 2023
Hey Judy!
Watching your documentary on Amazon Prime! Going next Saturday to see Are You There God? Its Me, Margaret! I cant wait! I remember us sneaking around Forever in 6th never knew! I be grounded for life! Mom let be buy Margaret as it had God in its title, though I never told her its plot! Thank you for being a part of my childhood in the 70s!! I have another book, all i learned about being a girl, I learned from Judy Blume. I wish you could do a book signing here..that would be so great!
Christopher from Mesa wrote on April 22, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,
Last night I watched your marvelous documentary, "Judy Blume Forever" and was absolutely captivated by you; by your warmth and intelligence.
As moved as I was by your telling of your story, I found the most powerful moments were the timed you were sorting through letters from your readers, and your responses to them.
You mentioned that you were finished writing full-length books, but have you given thought to putting together a volume(s) of letters between you and your readers?
These exchanges were so moving in the documentary, I would love to read more (with your correspondents' participation, of course).
Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do.
Will from Winter Park, Fl. wrote on April 22, 2023
Dear Mrs. Blume, would you consider helping me find a reliable, equitable person to assist me with proofreading my work, type it up, and submit for publication? Thank you fir your time, and expertise. Blessings, Sincerely, Will
linda from vienna va wrote on April 22, 2023
saw the documentary, interesting. i am from cranford, used to go shopping in elizabeth. no one else to ask this question to (all my friends from those days are gone now [i am almost 74]). do you remember goertzs and levys and recco, department stores and kids clothing store? (spelling) loved goertz or maybe levys .. they had a mezzanine between floor one and two, totally decorated during the holidays. just had to write, good memories of elizabeth. plus a small cafe across the main road that my friend and i always ate in. thanks

June M from Hudson wrote on April 22, 2023
Hi Judy,
My best friend, Robin babysat Larry and Randy back in 1964 or so on Windying Brook Way. She’s turning 70 next year and I was wondering if I could get a little message or something from you as part of as “This Is You Life” tribute to her. I’m not sure if you’d ever even remember her, but she’s always contributed to my love and respect for you for hearing that you truly are the person I admire.
Thank you,
June M
Janine from Durham wrote on April 22, 2023
Good morning 2 u,
I am a big fan of yours ever since I picked up Are u there God, it’s me Margret ? I was about maybe 11 yrs old and I was being raised by my grandparents and I love them and they were good people but I think they forgot what it was like to be young and they raised and dressed me like an old woman. I felt awkward and misunderstood and I was at the library and I picked up this book and I was reading and I finally felt understood and I was also that fat kid in Blubber and I have been meaning to write you for a very long time and I wanted to say thank you for helping me to get thru the Golden door of womanhood!
Linda G from Kimberley, British Columbia wrote on April 22, 2023
I am currently listening to an Australia radio station discussing your children 's books. It made me have to write you because, tho I'm 66 now, I remember a frustrating childhood in a strict/sheltered Catholic home, with questions about boys, body changes, etc that NOBODY would discuss and instead I was shamed often because of the shock responses I received making me feel bad and sinful. I wish I'd known your books existed so SOMEONE was willing to pose answers without judgement. It would have saved me many years of counselling in adulthood. I now have 3 granddaughters and I will be exposing them to your books so they never go through the confusion and shame I did for years. Thank you!!
Mary C from Fredericksburg wrote on April 22, 2023
Dear Judy...I loved your books as a kid. Loved them so much that when I finally had a daughter of my own I gave them to her. It's amazing to me how timeless your writing is. I know you have heard this from countless others but I think you are amazing and you have no idea how much you helped me as a young girl.
Virginia from Matewan wrote on April 22, 2023
I'm 40, I lost my husband to a heart attack 4 months ago. Life has been difficult but fulfilling in other ways. I went back to school and I'm going to teach English Literature. I love your books, and I can't wait to include some of them in my college syllabus. You truly inspire me. The book Wifey, it was about me I felt, as we all do for sure. Ty for being so courageous in you writing.
Dyana from Londonderry NH wrote on April 22, 2023
Hi Judy,
I too, like many, have grown up with your books. Banned or not, I’ve read them all, shared with my daughters and now, my granddaughters. You have amazing insight and I just wish to Thank you for sharing your experiences with the world, openly, boldly and without reservation.
I am curious , If you would ever be in the New Hampshire area, a book signing would be beyond welcomed. ( wink, wink, nudge, nudge) . I would love to meet the woman behind the words that has shaped so many.
Heather L from Concordia wrote on April 22, 2023
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for writing several of my favorite books EVER. I am a 50 yr old gramma who will make sure my grandkids appreciate all of your books as much as I do. I thoroughly enjoyed your documentary and can't wait to see ARE YOU THERE GOD, IT'S ME MARGARET inches theatre. It's about time you get the recognition you so greatly deserve!!!
Kathleen from Perham wrote on April 22, 2023
I am recently retired as an Registered nurse. My passion has been writing children's books. I wrote 4 that are in the library of Congress at this time. I need an illustrator. Beyond that , I have a story regarding my adoption. My Father and my Mom took great care of me. They will always be my heroes! Towards the end of my Moms days with cancer, I left my career in Hawaii to come back to them, so that I could be thier hero. Dad broke his neck while I came home to give him some respite care from Moms illness. She and he were admitted to the hospital far from home the next week. Dad survived, Mom died. Dad lived with us for 10 more years, a stubborn Swede. So many heart felt stories of his survival. Many people surrounded him from our local community to make sure he came home to me. I left the Corp world to take care of him. No regrets! I want to build my story for a made for TV movie and to benefit adopted children! Sincerely, Katie
Kelsey from Campbell River BC Canada wrote on April 22, 2023
Dear Judy ,
I am a 43 year old from bc Canada. I loved and I mean loved your books as a child, when my dad died when I was 23, I actually read tiger eyes a second time just to have a reason to let myself cry. I am now the mother of a 20 year old and I spoke to her through her growing years the way that you talked to us through your books. So here I am a 43 year old nurse and crying again watching your special on Amazon prime . I wanted to say thank you , thank you from the bottom of my soul for helping me to be a teenage girl , to raise a teenage girl and for being that wonderful voice in the pages . I am eternally grateful to you .
- Kelsey
Vancouver , Canada
Angela R from Ofallon Mo wrote on April 22, 2023
You have been my hero since I was a teenager. I am watching your special on Amazon and it brings back so many memories. I have read every book you have ever written. I hope someday to meet my idol. Thank you for making my teenage years less complicated
Much love

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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