Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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875 entries.
Bridget from Woodside, NY wrote on April 25, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,
Thank you for all of your amazing books which were a part of mine and my best friend Judy's preteen through teenage years. We lived your books and just cannot wait to see Are you Therre God It's Me Margaret. We used to go around with our close friends doing I must I must increase my bust. They never truly increased until later on in life but we had fun doing that.
In our latter teens, Judy and I bought a copy of your book Wifey and we read it a couple of times to be honest but we needed a safe place to stash it from our parents, so being the geniuses that we were we put it under her mattress. Remember how Saturday was a day when the house was cleaned? Well her mother discovered our book and quickly brought it to my mother's attention and that ended it for us. Luckily we had read it cover to cover a few times before getting caught.😀 🤦‍♀️Thanks for giving us such fun teenage memories! You will always be our favorite author as well as an icon to a pair of now middle aged girls from Queens, NY.
Best regards,
Tiffany from Manteno wrote on April 25, 2023
Dear Judy
My wife. Tiffany and now our daughter have read your books she thay just wanted to tell you how much your books ment to my 51 year old wife and our 13 year old daughter thank you
Love you my girls
margaret from Marysville wrote on April 25, 2023
Dear Judy,
I wrote this with tears in my eyes. I never knew we could write to you as a child. I read Are you there God it's me Margaret so many times I lave lost count. Your books were my salvation growing up. As I read and reread your books I felt you were the only adult who understood me.. I felt loved and cared for by you. I wish I could have written to you as a child.
With all that said I am beyond excited as a 57 year old woman to watch Are you there God it's me Margaret on Friday. I have informed my family I will not be reachable on Friday, April 28th from 12:30 until I get home. I am sure i will need some processing time after the movie as I did after every reading of your books.
Thank you for being here and sharing
Sandi from North Salt Lake wrote on April 25, 2023
Mrs Judy,
I am a 50 yr old woman, who grew up reading your books. Words can not express how much your stories have guided who I have become and what I belive. More importantly, your books have been with me through the truly dark, difficult times of my life. I was Deenie as a girl, with scoliosis and a brace, something that still causes issues in my life. Blubber hit home and Margaret was my favorite book for years. When I grew up you entertained me with Wifey. I just want you to know, that you still influence me today and you will always be one of my hero's. Thank you for being brave, thank you for being fierce, thank you for being you.
MB wrote on April 24, 2023
The View discusses how they are against censorship of books. They name a book that has been removed from schools and libraries and give the book to the audience. I hope they will give away one of your books.
Have a great day!
Kandie from Jerome Idaho wrote on April 24, 2023
Your work is so inspiring. I am so thankful for my 7th grade Librarian who gave me Are You There God It’s Me Margaret. I finally felt I wasn’t alone. I have read them all over and over in my over 50 years. You truly know how to connect with your readers. When I taught school my students loved your books and you even wrote to them. Thank you for being one of those people in my life that I truly looked up to. I love your work and I can’t wait to pick up your next book.
Never let them get you down. You are an icon to so very many. I love love love your work.
Donna from London, Ontario, Canada wrote on April 24, 2023
Hi Judy
I have loved your books since childhood and still have all of my old paperbacks (almost almost 50 years later). Watched your documentary Forever on the weekend and I just want to tell you how moving it was that you answered all of those letters from readers. What a truly special person you are. I read all of your books out loud to my kids (boys and girls) and they sparked some great conversations. Keep on keeping on! If Florida ever returns to normal I would love to visit your bookshop
Much respect and admiration
PS - I totally written to you as a young girl if I had known you actually read the letters but this will have to do ❤️
Nicole from Våmhus wrote on April 24, 2023
You are a damned hero, Judy blume! That's the story I'd like to write...that or, "so you're having a boy!
~a woman's how-to marriage"
It is an alarming sign when a country begins taking rights away...thank you so much for your courage in standing up for our 1st ammendment throughout the years! I met my husband in sweden, which is where we reside with our 8 yr old son. Our son is nonverbal, which makes me worry so much about bullying, which I endured as a child; however, it feels much safer here in sweden. It's not perfect, but it is safer for our kid to grow up, since hate and intolerance is the message being sent to American kids, when banning books.i lived in volusia county for 12 years, so i understand your love for key west! Thanks for listening, and thanks again, Judy!
Joan from Jasper wrote on April 24, 2023
Watched your special on Prime Video over the weekend and just wanted to thank you for being you & the difference you make! I'll never forget reading Margaret in my younger years!
Porsha from Berwyn, PA wrote on April 24, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,
Greetings! I hope this message finds you well.
I wanted to take a moment to share how much you've been an inspiration to me as a future author and person. I've been a fan of yours for decades now. Your books punctuated my childhood, and I enjoyed every single one I read.
I would have to say that "Just As Long As We're Together" is probably my favorite. I had so much in common with Stephanie. As the middle child of divorced parents, I felt like I was stuck in the middle of many relationships, and her journey of wanting everyone to get along strongly resonated with me.
I had an opportunity this weekend to watch your documentary. Thank you for sharing your creativity and wisdom with the world as well as for your vulnerability, kindness, and activism.

You have had an enormous impact on me as both a writer and a person.

As a writer, I also wanted the ability to connect with my audience with authenticity and thoughtfulness, as you did throughout all of your books. As a person, I also aspire to match just an ounce of your kindness. The fact that you took the time to respond to every fan letter is simply amazing.

Also, I must admit that I'm kicking myself that it never occurred to me to write to you as a child. Sending handwritten letters is what I love to do. I have no idea how that became such an epic fail on my part. All the more reason I'm so grateful for this guestbook! 🙂

Also, I wanted to share that every year on the evening of New Year's Eve, I write a letter to God expressing my hopes, dreams, and wishes for the upcoming year. I seal it and open it the folllowing NYE. I've been doing this for decades now. I must credit this tradition to you, as I'm sure "Are You There God? It's me, Margaret" was the influence.

I would be remiss if I didn't take this opportunity to reach out. Your ability to trust your instincts to give children a much-needed safe space and voice is so greatly appreciated by so many.

Even though I'm not published yet and mostly write stories for an audience of one, (my four-year-old son), I truly hope that I can do the same.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Warmest regards,

P.S. - Perhaps I missed this on your bookstore website, but you should consider selling autographed copies of your book online through your bookstore. I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to travel to Key West, but I would certainly purchase many autographed copies for my son to read when he's of age and my nephews, who are 11 and soon to be 9. Just a thought! 🙂
Elaine Greenapple from Tucson, AZ wrote on April 24, 2023
Hello Judy,
I listened to your interview with Terri Gross today on NPR. It brought me way back to my early days of teaching in 1982 in Santa Cruz, California, where I taught a 4th, 5th and 6th-grade combination class. I read aloud Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret, a chapter or two a day, every day. One day, maybe halfway through the book, a group of girls in my class came up to me and said, "Ms. Greenapple, you have to stop reading that book. It's not good that the boys are hearing all this stuff." "No,", I told them, "it's really important that the boys hear all this stuff because they need to understand what is happening to girls right now so they have an idea of what you are all experiencing." They were not pleased that I continued reading the book. The fact that they came to me as a group meant that they had met before and discussed this, which I LOVED, and the fact that they were so concerned about what the boys were thinking and feeling, which made all of them more sensitive to each other's understanding of puberty. It was just fabulous. Who would have known that 50 years after that book was first written, that 40+ years after I first read that book aloud to kids, it would continue to be discussed and made into a movie. I'm so proud that I read it to kids, but not as proud as you must feel to have written that classic book and enlightened kids who were at such a tender age. Thanks for giving us this book for teachers to read to kids.
Elaine Greenapple (now retired after 35 years of teaching elementary school!)
Barbara from Manalapan wrote on April 24, 2023
Dear Judy, I just watched Judy Blume Forever as I prepared dinner for my children and grandchildren. i had to sit down as I began to cry, listening to the part about the censorships and Pat Buchanan . I’m 67 and remember going to the marches to fight against book burnings and right to life. My tears are for the women and girls now who are now dealing with what we had hoped we put an end to then. Many of my friends have bought homes in Florida this year (we live in NJ) and now that all these new restrictions about abortion, book burning,turning in neighbors who might be transgender, plus so much more, I cannot in good conscience visit them or travel there. I feel sick with sadness and apprehension about what is happening now in our country.
Thank you for your words all these years. I hope that we will see an end to this horror on our lifetime.
Your reading fan for so many years of my life,
Carolyn from Lenoir City wrote on April 24, 2023
Hey Judy, Many years ago, I worked for a Weight loss group in Linden Nj. It was called Lean Line, your dear Mom was in my group ! She loved talking about you ! At the time, my 3 daughters loved reading your books. I guess she's since passed away, I'm 78 & now living in E. TN.I loved talking w/ her, she was so very proud of you. Carol
Pam from Mainz, Germany wrote on April 24, 2023
I am so looking forward to seeing Dear God, It’s Me Margaret in movie form. Such an absolute treasure! As a pre-teen reading the book, I felt seen in a way that really, really helped!! It made all of the difference in the world. Thank you, Judy Blume! ❤️
Sheri from Bourbonnais wrote on April 24, 2023
Dear Judy, i have to start out with i just watched your Documentary on Prime and literally cried all the way through it , for two reasons . One, because it took me back to my childhood back in the 70’s and 80’s when I would just wait for your books to come out because they got me through so much , emotionally , that we just couldn’t talk to our parents about in those days . And two , I was JUST there in Key West a month ago and I had NO idea you had a shop there ! We are planning a family trip for next summer of ‘24 with my 3 grown daughters and my grandkids and I’m praying you will be there when we stop in ! I absolutely LOVED this documentary, thank you so much for opening up your personal life and telling your story . It makes me want to go back and read each and every book again . I’m taking a trip with a friend in a few weeks and I plan to order Summer Sisters to read again . I just wanted to drop and note to say Hi and to thank you for writing such wonderful stories . I can’t wait to stop in your store next year !
With so much love & admiration , Sheri
Jill from Indiana wrote on April 24, 2023
I just watched your Amazon documentary. I am a Gen X'er and enjoyed your books. It was a fight to get one from the school library, as they where always checked out! My growth goal for 2023 was to get more reading in. I just placed holds for 3 of your books with the library! Keep fighting for our liberties!
Kathleen from Dacula, Ga wrote on April 24, 2023
I am in my 43rd year of pediatric speech pathology work in metro Atlanta. I can not tell you your impact on my life. I use your book “Harriet the Spy” as a teaching tool to parents. I had ADHD from encephalitis before there was such a diagnosis and had such a hard time learning to read. I ordered Harriet the Spy at a book fair they had at school. I could not put it down. I am now an avid reader and work on reading and reading
comprehension with all my kiddos especially those with mild/moderat Autism. I feel I came full circle when I took my granddaughter to see the movie Harriett the Spy. I cried in the movie and my grand daughter asked why. I responded without this book I would never have discovered I could read and therefore would not have become who I am w a masters and the love of making sure my kiddos I treat can and will read and communicate and learn. Thank you Judy Blume! Know there are so many people out there like me Thankful for your blessing of reaching out to young souls told they will not learn to read! With deep gratitude, Kathleen
Amber A from Cary, NC wrote on April 24, 2023
I just saw you on Good Morning America, that was a nice surprise this morning. A few months ago I found a collection of your books for sale at Target and picked it up immediately to gift to my daughter. I was so excited to share your books with her being that they were such a huge part of my childhood. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world!
Jonathan from Holly Springs, NC wrote on April 24, 2023
Ms. Judy Blume,
Like numerous adults before me have shared with you multiple times their gratitude and appreciation I feel it can never be shared enough the positive power and influence you have had on young people for more than 50 years. You are a true blessing and your voice for youth over the decades has had a lasting and positive impact that will stand the test of time for generations to come.
As shared earlier my appreciation for your work will echo nothing new that you have not already heard, but growing up in the 70's/80's in the south during the height of censorship and the birth of the religious right (Moral Majority) my mother unknowingly bought me your books because I had found an adult who was a kindred spirit (Tween/Teenage Whisperer) in, "Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing" and discovered the joy of reading through your books. As all good parents would do my mother purchased anything she could find in the Juvenile Section of our local bookstore within the mall that had your name on it because she felt confident I would read your books. Well, she was right. I read and reread every book she gave me with you as the author and gained more than a love for reading, but an education in life that like most adults of the time were unable to speak, share, or legitimize young people's thoughts and curiosity.
Your books shared with me that my inner thoughts and curiosities should not be considered shameful, and that I was not alone in my endeavors to learn more about those things adults considered taboo for tweens/teenagers. Your books taught me the challenges of young ladies and supported what my parents were trying to teach me about being respectful of women and that strong women should be embraced and not feared.
Now the father of two daughters (17 & 19) I have always realized since their birth that your books were preparing me to be a supportive father that is aware of the taboo and attempt to be present, available, and open about those challenging things that all young women go through and that shame is not part of the process and some things should just be embraced.
At this moment I can not tell you if I was successful in my attempt, (they will let me know in time) but my hope is that my consciousness and empathy that was learned from reading your books helped me to be a better father.
In the end I will conclude and sum it all up by simply saying, "Thank you. Sincerely, Thank You."
Tina K from ASHEVILLE wrote on April 24, 2023
Never read your books. Hell, I have been spelling your name wrong. Sheesh. I am currently sick and watched your documentary on something streaming. It was fascinating and you are a literal hero.
I walked around with "Are you there God,..." (The purple one...i remember it so vividly) Because everyone was reading it BUT me! I am pretty sure I was in middle school, had I read it, and others, I probably would have made different choices.
My mom was dying. I had other things on my mind. But I am going to read your books now and have my 22 y/o read them with me. I am sure she will be thrilled but then....she will be thrilled.
In this world, especially today, it is important for YA to know that they are not alone. You gave them that voice...a voice I did not hear. I wish I had.
In case you do not read this...or in case you do...The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - ruined books for me. It wasn't real and I believed in my heart and soul that it was. That was in the 4th grade. My imagination was just too much, so I have been told. I didn't read for pleasure again until I was 19 and stationed in the Indian Ocean.
I missed out on so much.
My first period was a "ps" in my diary.
And if you have time, ask me about Wendy S.
I just wanted to share. I was going to send you a letter but then I It is a secret fan club and I am just now becoming a fan in a backwards way.
I hope that you have a fabulous day.
And that you continue to do what you do.
One day, when I finish my main character may actually read yours...but probably not. Because that is not how her story goes.
Thank you Ms. Blume,
Tina Kessinger

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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