Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.
Want a signed book? Autographed books can be ordered from the non-profit bookstore Judy founded, Books and Books at The Studios of Key West. Click here for more information. We cannot accept books purchased elsewhere and shipped to us. Thanks for understanding.
1012 entries.
Dear Judy Blume,
I went to see “Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret” at a 10am Sunday morning matinee. I bought the tickets for myself, some friends and our daughters online the day before. I was surprised to see so many seats already purchased, honestly I thought we might have the theater to ourselves at that time. Well, it turns out we shared the theater with around 30 girls probably in the 4th grade and a few chaperone moms. It was such a delight. Your story, the film and the opportunity to experience it with all those little girls. They gasped, they laughed, they titered, they whispered. I wish you could have been there but then you were. It was a special experience sharing that with my dear friends and our daughters. My daughter is a 4th and 5 th grade special ed teacher and loves sharing your books with her students. When we got up to leave I saw the row behind us was a group of 8 ladies in their 70s and 80s. All the generations represented.
Thank you for being you,
Lynda Modaff
I went to see “Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret” at a 10am Sunday morning matinee. I bought the tickets for myself, some friends and our daughters online the day before. I was surprised to see so many seats already purchased, honestly I thought we might have the theater to ourselves at that time. Well, it turns out we shared the theater with around 30 girls probably in the 4th grade and a few chaperone moms. It was such a delight. Your story, the film and the opportunity to experience it with all those little girls. They gasped, they laughed, they titered, they whispered. I wish you could have been there but then you were. It was a special experience sharing that with my dear friends and our daughters. My daughter is a 4th and 5 th grade special ed teacher and loves sharing your books with her students. When we got up to leave I saw the row behind us was a group of 8 ladies in their 70s and 80s. All the generations represented.
Thank you for being you,
Lynda Modaff
Hi Judy,
I’ll be 60 later this year. I had friends in grade school who loved “Are You There God…” For some reason I never read it. Recently I read a moving article in the NYT by Elizabeth Egan and thought, well, it’s never too late. I read your wonderful book and wish I had decades ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed it in a different way now. Still insightful, still wonderful, still speaking to the inner girl in me.
Thank you,
Mary Lou
I’ll be 60 later this year. I had friends in grade school who loved “Are You There God…” For some reason I never read it. Recently I read a moving article in the NYT by Elizabeth Egan and thought, well, it’s never too late. I read your wonderful book and wish I had decades ago, but I thoroughly enjoyed it in a different way now. Still insightful, still wonderful, still speaking to the inner girl in me.
Thank you,
Mary Lou
Fresh Air with Terry Gross sent me right to Amazon for Are You There God! I read it in a sitting and a half this week over lunch at my favorite mom-n-pop cafe. I’m 80. I was too busy actually living Margaret’s life in many ways all those years ago. Margaret’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences brought smiles and tears. It’s hard for me to keep it short, but thank you, Judy Blume, for your book and the movie which I plan to see. I taught at White Station High School when Kathy Bates attended there in Memphis, so there’s another connection. The world loves you in case you didn’t already know. 5/8/2023
Hi Judy,
I just came from taking my 11 yr old granddaughter to see “ Are you there God? It’s me Margaret “
It was a wonderful adaptation of your book. Violet read the book several times and loved it, and loved the movie also. So nice to go see a movie without computer graphics, bombs, and mayhem. This was my era, the close neighborhoods, pain in the a*s PTA people, grandmas that you adore. So real, so true. Thank you for all your wonderful books! You are a treasure!!
I just came from taking my 11 yr old granddaughter to see “ Are you there God? It’s me Margaret “
It was a wonderful adaptation of your book. Violet read the book several times and loved it, and loved the movie also. So nice to go see a movie without computer graphics, bombs, and mayhem. This was my era, the close neighborhoods, pain in the a*s PTA people, grandmas that you adore. So real, so true. Thank you for all your wonderful books! You are a treasure!!
Dear Judy Blume,
My name is Beatrix and I am in 7th grade. Your books mean the world to me. Ever since I read "Are you there god its my Maragret" I have read most of your books! I am so excited to finsih your books! I feel very self conchious alot, and I dont know what to do. I have a pear body type where as all my friends are very skinny and short. I wish I could be just as skinny as them but I know I cant. Do you have any advice for accepting yourself? Also I am trying to be an illustrator and childrens book author. How do I start becoming an author? I know that you must get millions of emails every day, but I hope that you take the time to write me back.
I am really hoping to hear back from you! <3
My name is Beatrix and I am in 7th grade. Your books mean the world to me. Ever since I read "Are you there god its my Maragret" I have read most of your books! I am so excited to finsih your books! I feel very self conchious alot, and I dont know what to do. I have a pear body type where as all my friends are very skinny and short. I wish I could be just as skinny as them but I know I cant. Do you have any advice for accepting yourself? Also I am trying to be an illustrator and childrens book author. How do I start becoming an author? I know that you must get millions of emails every day, but I hope that you take the time to write me back.
I am really hoping to hear back from you! <3
Judy Blume! Wow. I just watched your documentary on prime. I was so excited to see this! I've been reading your books since I was 12. I actually had a teacher in grade school, Mr poppe( pronounced pope) who used to read fudge to us during recess. Being from central cambria, it rained or snowed constantly. Lol. So he would read fudge , basically everyday. We loved your book! Which , since I'm a book lover, I've read every book you've ever written. I just became a grandma to a beautiful little girl. And I'm going to buy every book you've ever written. That way, my baby granddaughter will grow up knowing you and your books. Thank you. Thank you for writing abt so many things I went thru , and my mother wouldn't talk to me abt it. I love you Judy Blume!
Hi Judy,
My name is Riley, and I am a sixth grade girl. I have read almost all your books! My favorite is “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” and that is also my favorite movie! Never ever will I understand how you write about menstruation and breasts and sex so easily. At my school, “Family Life” days are dreaded and laughed about. If you get your period or your even a bit different, the whole school knows about it. My parents are very supportive of me, but I feel like I can’t talk about certain things because they are awkward or something like that. I am currently trying to figure out my own sexuality but am scared to because so many kids at my school use “gay” as an insult. You are my favorite author or women ever and whenever I think about my body or sexuality or my friends I ask the same question: WWJBS? AKA, What Would Judy Blume Say?
Thank you so so much for being true to yourself,
My name is Riley, and I am a sixth grade girl. I have read almost all your books! My favorite is “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret” and that is also my favorite movie! Never ever will I understand how you write about menstruation and breasts and sex so easily. At my school, “Family Life” days are dreaded and laughed about. If you get your period or your even a bit different, the whole school knows about it. My parents are very supportive of me, but I feel like I can’t talk about certain things because they are awkward or something like that. I am currently trying to figure out my own sexuality but am scared to because so many kids at my school use “gay” as an insult. You are my favorite author or women ever and whenever I think about my body or sexuality or my friends I ask the same question: WWJBS? AKA, What Would Judy Blume Say?
Thank you so so much for being true to yourself,
Please, please, please write one last book about a group of women going through menopause 🙂
Hi Judy Blume am a big fan of yours I have read almost all your books besides your adult ones but am 11 years old and i want to write a book one day how do you get your ideas for books like some of your best books were unthought of before and how do you get it published also when are you gonna make a new book I love all of the fudge ones also great job on the movie I saw it yesterday it was so good I got you can respond also my sister is also a fan of yours if you could can you send me a gmail saying hi her name is Riley thank you bye-molly
I want to add my name to those who enjoy the remarkable work you do. Your importance flourishes in our world of disappointing efforts to give a voice to girls emerging into womanhood!
Hello judy!
My name is Siena, I enjoy reading your books SO MUCH! Im 11 years old and in 5th grade! I hope you write more amazing books for girls like me! I can relate so much to your books, its like your inside my brain! I hope you will write many many more books for me to enjoy!
Best wishes🙃
My name is Siena, I enjoy reading your books SO MUCH! Im 11 years old and in 5th grade! I hope you write more amazing books for girls like me! I can relate so much to your books, its like your inside my brain! I hope you will write many many more books for me to enjoy!
Best wishes🙃
Dear Judy,
I have just finished watching the documentary on Amazon Prime. Having lost my father when I was not yet 10 years old, and feeling devastated by the loss of him, you articulated so much of what I felt and CONTINUE to feel. I am 74 years old with two wonderful children and five glorious grandchildren but I guess certain losses don’t and SHOULD NOT go away. (The feelings attached to those losses) my mother once said to me in response to my question of when will it stop hurting, “when your gather died he left a hole that will not be filled. But it will be surrounded by so many people who do and will love you”
Like you I had so many questions …. Top on the list…
How could God do this to a religious person who, in my mind was God’s best friend? I was always taught by him that the Jewish people had a loving God…I spoke to God every night but to no avail. To be sure, I’d have written to you if that had been possible.
Two of my granddaughters are avid readers and fans of yours. That makes me so happy!!!
I wish you the best and look forward to your next book!!
With deep admiration,
Laura Schwartzapfel
I have just finished watching the documentary on Amazon Prime. Having lost my father when I was not yet 10 years old, and feeling devastated by the loss of him, you articulated so much of what I felt and CONTINUE to feel. I am 74 years old with two wonderful children and five glorious grandchildren but I guess certain losses don’t and SHOULD NOT go away. (The feelings attached to those losses) my mother once said to me in response to my question of when will it stop hurting, “when your gather died he left a hole that will not be filled. But it will be surrounded by so many people who do and will love you”
Like you I had so many questions …. Top on the list…
How could God do this to a religious person who, in my mind was God’s best friend? I was always taught by him that the Jewish people had a loving God…I spoke to God every night but to no avail. To be sure, I’d have written to you if that had been possible.
Two of my granddaughters are avid readers and fans of yours. That makes me so happy!!!
I wish you the best and look forward to your next book!!
With deep admiration,
Laura Schwartzapfel
Hello Judy,
I am the Mother of a little girl who read your books in the 80's. I was active in her school. I remember your books. Never read them. After watching the YouTube documentry, I was surprised that I didn't realize how controversial your books. My PTA friends never discussed your books, which raises the question after watching the video, what my stand on your books would have been back then. I was active in the RIF program where your books were given way in school.Now, I would like my granddaugter to read your books.
Thamk, Judi
I am the Mother of a little girl who read your books in the 80's. I was active in her school. I remember your books. Never read them. After watching the YouTube documentry, I was surprised that I didn't realize how controversial your books. My PTA friends never discussed your books, which raises the question after watching the video, what my stand on your books would have been back then. I was active in the RIF program where your books were given way in school.Now, I would like my granddaugter to read your books.
Thamk, Judi
Oh, Judy! I just turned 70 and have reread this. Such a lovely, sweet book. I wanted to reread it before going to see it on the big screen. God bless you for all the joy you have given to so many. I am a small time author with big time admiration for you. (PS: in the anniversary edition, which I am holding, there’s a quotation mark missing toward the end of page 56. I hope you don’t mind me telling you about it. When I wrote my novel, I edited and re-edited so many times and after it was published my best friend called me to ask “Do you want me to tell you about a typo?” Ugh. Anyway - much love and gratitude to you, Judy. You are an inspiration in more ways than one. - Kathy
Hello Judy!
South Florida teacher and Girl Scout leader here... Sigh, I KNOW it is a longshot, Girl Scout Troop (12 of us, ages 13-15) will be in Key West Sunday and Monday, May 28th and 29th. Is there any chance you'd be so kind to meet us for even 15 minutes of your time? Coffee, teen advice, writing advice? Thank you!!!
South Florida teacher and Girl Scout leader here... Sigh, I KNOW it is a longshot, Girl Scout Troop (12 of us, ages 13-15) will be in Key West Sunday and Monday, May 28th and 29th. Is there any chance you'd be so kind to meet us for even 15 minutes of your time? Coffee, teen advice, writing advice? Thank you!!!
Hi Judy!
I met you years ago at my Dad’s house in Key West. He lived at 910 Watson. I just saw “Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret” and watched your documentary. My father is gay. My mom and dad divorced in 1970. I grew up with my dad hiding his lifestyle and me trying to keep it a secret. It would an awesome book for so many. I teach in a middle school. It would be so helpful. Love you and thank you for creating the reader that I am today!
I met you years ago at my Dad’s house in Key West. He lived at 910 Watson. I just saw “Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret” and watched your documentary. My father is gay. My mom and dad divorced in 1970. I grew up with my dad hiding his lifestyle and me trying to keep it a secret. It would an awesome book for so many. I teach in a middle school. It would be so helpful. Love you and thank you for creating the reader that I am today!
Dear Judy Blume,
I have just finished watching your doc. Your books have been like a saftey blanket to me. I have grown up non-religious, but I feel like I talk to god just like Margaret does in your incredable book.Yes, my mom has agreed to take me to church just to "try it out", but how do I know if I am religious? I just finished health class in 7th grade, it was so uncomfortable but I think the boys in my class hated it more than me. My mom read your books and then pasted those books down to me. I have also just watched the movie of "Are you there god its me Margaret". I LOVED your movie almost as much as I loved the book. How do I deal with the stress of grades and balance it with being self conscious. Thank you reading my entree. Your books mean the world to me. Thank you for being my inspiration.
Beatrix Finn-Beers
I have just finished watching your doc. Your books have been like a saftey blanket to me. I have grown up non-religious, but I feel like I talk to god just like Margaret does in your incredable book.Yes, my mom has agreed to take me to church just to "try it out", but how do I know if I am religious? I just finished health class in 7th grade, it was so uncomfortable but I think the boys in my class hated it more than me. My mom read your books and then pasted those books down to me. I have also just watched the movie of "Are you there god its me Margaret". I LOVED your movie almost as much as I loved the book. How do I deal with the stress of grades and balance it with being self conscious. Thank you reading my entree. Your books mean the world to me. Thank you for being my inspiration.
Beatrix Finn-Beers
My daughter, Judi was reading your book, Deenie when she was diagnosed with Scoliosis. She was so depressed. I took her to the back specialist in Huntington, NY. It turned out that he said you used him as a consultant for your book. Judi is all grown up and sadly her first child, Skye Mhari Stewart died of a brain tumor at fifteen months. They have a wonderful child, Liam. Love, Marion
Hello Judy Blume, I am a school librarian at a public school in Philadelphia. My Ink Drinkers' Book Club, Grades 5 & 6, is reading Are You There, God? It's Me Margaret. I should say, read, because they devoured it. I have been at this school for 17 years and have facilitated the book club for that long, but never have the students had such a visceral and vocal response to a book. Needless to say, they identified with Margaret and related to the situations in the plot--even in 2023! I am going out on a limb here, but I wanted to invite you to pop in on Zoom to our annual booktalk breakfast on Friday, May 17th, between 7:50 a.m. and 8:20 a.m. I'm rolling my own eyes even proposing it to you; but when I imagine it happening, I think of what a thrill it would give the students. It would also give me a boost. I am in a large school district that has only a handful of functioning school libraries. Ours used to be one of the three; but next year, I will be teaching English and will try to fit the library classes in when I can. The library doesn't seem important to the administration here. As I prepared the program for the booktalk breakfast, I was feeling pretty blue about the whole situation (I have been a school librarian for 30 years), then I had this lightbulb moment. So, here goes. I know it is a longshot, but if you could be on Zoom with us for even five minutes on the 19th, it would be such an honor and a delight. I feel like I should have check boxes. Check here____ if YES; check here____if SORRY, NO. I understand completely if this is not possible. My students and I continue to love you and your books and are grateful to you for helping us to understand ourselves and to make us think.
Thank you, too, for your fight against censorship. Gratefully, Bernadette Cooke
Just in case, here's the Zoom link:
Thank you, too, for your fight against censorship. Gratefully, Bernadette Cooke
Just in case, here's the Zoom link:
Namaste Judy ji,
How are you? I am watching a documentary on 'Judy Blume' as I write this.
I am all of 38 and remember reading 'Tiger Eyes' during a summer when I was may be 11 or 12. I could never relate to nancy drew or famous five but you and louisa may alcottt ♡♡♡♡ ... you made me feel one with the world.
I also never knew I couldn't write to you... I would've done it before when all your stories were my world.
Oh Judy! You have no clue how frozen and excited I feel!!!
May Waheguru always be with your brave and wonderful words... may you continue to envelope us in your fold.
Gittanjali ♡♡♡
How are you? I am watching a documentary on 'Judy Blume' as I write this.
I am all of 38 and remember reading 'Tiger Eyes' during a summer when I was may be 11 or 12. I could never relate to nancy drew or famous five but you and louisa may alcottt ♡♡♡♡ ... you made me feel one with the world.
I also never knew I couldn't write to you... I would've done it before when all your stories were my world.
Oh Judy! You have no clue how frozen and excited I feel!!!
May Waheguru always be with your brave and wonderful words... may you continue to envelope us in your fold.
Gittanjali ♡♡♡

In this Section
- Judy’s Official Bio
- Photo Gallery
- How I Became an Author
- Questions for Judy
- What’s Up With Judy
- Contact Judy
U.S. Mail:
Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040
Judy’s Agent:
Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010
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