Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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952 entries.
Despina from Fairlawn wrote on April 3, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,
I read your books when I was younger and loved them! My girlfriends and I (a bunch of 58 year old women) can't wait to see Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.
The reason that I am writing is that I belong to a subreddit about Menopause. There is a discussion about the new movie on there. In addition, there were people who suggested that you write a book about menopause.
I know for me, menopause has been one of the worst times in my life-both physically and emotionally (i.e. severe depression and anxiety, tremors, finding out I have cataracts and need a hip replacement, etc.).
Menopause is slowly starting to get attention in the media but not enough. If you could give this some thought, I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you.
Despina M
Linda stewart from George wrote on April 3, 2023
Hello Judy my name is Linda Stewart I use to take care of your mother when she was at Elizabeth general hospital in Elizabeth, New Jersey are used to work there. Just wanted to say hello and God bless you.
Stephanie from St.Louis MO and Buffalo NY wrote on April 2, 2023
Thank you Judy Blume for enhancing my self esteem, teaching me that it is ok to just be yourself and entertaining me. You have been a big part of my life. You opened up my world to so many possibilities. Thank you for Fudge, Sheila, Sally, Margaret and Deenie. Then onto Tiger Eyes, Forever and Wifey. Thank you for giving me something to pass on to my younger siblings, the kids I babysat, my children and God willing, my future grand children.Thank you for helping me to become a book nerd who absolutely loves to read books. So many of us thank you for bringing your creativity to our world. We love you!
Lena from Naperville wrote on April 2, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
As I have shared many times over the years with my now teenage children the authors who were the inspiration for my love of reading when I was younger, you were instrumental. I looked to your books for guidance and support because there were NONE that explained what was happening to a young adolescent girl like yours! I was thrilled to see you continue to educate through your Masterclass series and can't wait to see Margaret come alive via motion picture. As a reading specialist for striving 6th-8th graders in the beautiful city of Naperville, Illinois, I will make it a point to introduce them to the book and Margaret's character, so they are ready to see the movie on April 28th. Books that are turned into movies are often their favorites. If you are available to Skype into our class, either before or after the release for a quick "Meet & Greet" we would all LOVE the experience. Motivation is often the biggest factor with striving readers, and I couldn't think of something more motivating than to meet with Judy Blume! If not, all our best!
Kate from Northern Virginia wrote on April 2, 2023
I’m 53. I don’t know how I would have navigated adolescence — 40 years ago! — without are you there God, Deenie (I had mild scoliosis), and Forever. Some of my best teenage memories were reading your books. Just wanted to say thank you, all these years later.

Jacob Manjooran from Henderson wrote on April 1, 2023
Ms. Blume,
I'm so thankful and appreciative as are many of my colleagues that as a person so well-known and admired, you're standing up against the current horrible negative issues, primarily by the hard right wing of the political spectrum. I'm originally from the UK but am a practicing doctor in Nevada as are my colleagues.
We need to stick to the correct principles.
Khrystal from Crossville wrote on March 30, 2023
I recently read an article in Variety magazine about you. The setting was in a bookstore you founded in Key West. My mother was the first to introduce me to your works starting with "Are you there, God, it's me Margaret" when I was 11 years old.
That book made me want to become a writer. Nothing published, but I have several scribbles or notebooks and saved documents of my attempts.
Was wondering if you were still hosting meet and greets so I could possibly arrange my mom to meet you for her 51st birthday gift.
I grew up in Florida but currently in TN and hearing about the key west bookstore, I was trying to book flights so we could possibly meet you at that bookstore.
If your assistant could be so kind to advise if you would be traveling to a city near me, I will try to bring my mother.
Also, my best friend literally cried when Ray Bradbury died. She has said he was her favorite author and was mourning the thought of never having been able to thank him for how prolific his works were to her.
I know you have a Twitter,
But, reading Margaret...was life changing. I resonated with everything to religion and wanting to get boobs and a period.
My only novels I read for a couple years was your books, Judy. I made a beeline to the Judy Blume section at every library and bookstore to read every book you have ever written. I believe I'm about four away of having done so.
Alexia from Ijamsville wrote on March 29, 2023
Hi Mrs. Blume! I am currently doing a school project on you. I loved freckle juice as a kid and just recently read summer sisters. Love You Girl!
Jaylyn from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023

Dear Judy,

My name is Jaylyn. Could you make a new character please? I ♥ the puppy but by now its a big. Who inspired you and I need to read another Judy Blume book 📕 because I can't ✋ thing abut turtle .
Is turtle 🐢 in Sheila the Great?
Can you please please send a few books 📚 Your my biggest influence besides Robert Munsch . Please make a new book 📗 if so make it abut you for your fans. Fudge is my favourite
character and like Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing I have a friend Sam .

Love 😍
Katherine from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I love reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Noting it was very funny when fudge had a birthday party. My second favourite part is when fudge ate dribble and peter got a dog. My third favourite part was when peter got dribble at Jimmy Fargo's birthday party game. My fourth favourite part is when Fudge jumps off the playground to be a bird.
Your friend, Katherine
Tyler from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I loved reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I think you should make a book about Jimmy Fargo. The reason why you should write another book is you left Jimmy out a lot.
Your friend,
Morghan from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I love your books they are awesome. I thought you can make a new friend to the book. The one I love most is a Fourth Grade Nothing. For the new friend can you name her Amy. My favourite part in the book is when Peter gets a new dog it makes me feels like my dog is there with me.

Your friend Morghan
Tyler from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

Hello, Mrs. Blume. My name is Tyler. I am 9 turning 10 years old in 4 months. I truly loved Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I Personally thought the book was super funny. Have you ever joined the swimming Olympics? Thank you for making cool book I am planning on reading more of them. My favourite part of Tales of a Forth Grade Nothing was chapter 10. It was funny when fudge ate Dribble. By the way did fudge chew on Dribble or just full on swallow Dribble in 1 go? Sincerely,
Caleb from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy
I really enjoyed reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. My favourite character is Fudge. I like Fudge because Fudge is funny. My favourite part is when Fudge lost his two teeth. I really like your books.

Love Caleb

Grade 3/4 Lynndale Heights Public
Liam from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I really really really love Tales of a Fourth Grade Noting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why did you make Dribble a turtle ???????? Why not a dog???????

Love, Liam
mya from simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

My name is Mya and I really liked reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. Also I really, really liked chapter 10 when Peter got a dog. I didn't like when Dribble died though. My question for you is who did you get the character Jimmy Fargo from, or was he just a made-up character?

Your friend, Mya
Isabella from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I really enjoyed reading Tales of a fourth Grade Nothing. My favourite part was chapter 10 Dribble when Fudge ate Dribble and when Peter got a dog.
Love Isabella
Kaiya from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,
I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It is the best book ever. Can you make a book where Peter gets stuff like Fudge but Peter gets the attention. Everyone apologizes to peter because Fudge got every thing. So Peter gets a lot of stuff like Fudge. Also maybe if you make a book like I said already can you make a book where Peter and Fudge get stuff and they love each other.
Sincerely, Kaiya
Ava from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy,

I love Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. It was the best book I ever read. Can you make another book about Fudge? I love your books so much. They are awesome. can you make a book that Peter is getting more attention from his parents than fudge is. All of your books are amazing. I love them. The best chapter is Family Dog because Fudge is under the table and Fudge is hilarious.

Your friend Ava
Ty from Simcoe wrote on March 24, 2023
Dear Judy, I LOVE your book but my Favourite book is Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. My favourite part is when Fudge ate Dribble because Peter was sad but his dad brought him a box with a puppy. He probably felt better about his Turtle. Your friend, Ty

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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