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Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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952 entries.
Mila from schenectady NY wrote on March 10, 2023
My favorite Judy Blume book was Otherwise Known As Sheila The Great.This was my favorite book because you learn a lesson from it.Sheila lies a lot.But at the end Sheila finally doesn't lie anymore.It was just a really good book.That's why Otherwise Known as Sheila The Great was my favorite book.

Paradise from Schenectady, NY wrote on March 10, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
I love,love,love all of your books but my most favorite was the Tales of 4th Grade Nothing because every time I read Tales Of 4th Grade Nothing I can relate to the story and it's funny!!!!!!!!!
Nolan from Schenectady wrote on March 10, 2023
Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing was my favorite book because it was the start of a lot of the other books.Also it was really exciting
like when Fudge knocked his teeth out and when fudge ate dribble also when Peter got a new dog.

Ezra from Schenectady, NY wrote on March 10, 2023
Hello. My name is Ezra. Today I am going to tell you about my favorite Judy Blume book. My favorite book was "Tales of A Fourth Grade Nothing." I really like that book because of the crazy adventures (my favorite chapters were chapter 9, 10, and the school project + birthday party for fudge.) The story was very realistic and funny. I would read this forever if i could! Thank you for reading.

By: Ezra
Knylah from Schenectady, NY wrote on March 10, 2023
My favorite Judy Blume book is Otherwise Known As Sheila The Great.One reason why I like this book is because it is so interesting.Another reason why I like this book is that she is scared of dogs and I like dogs.

Ali from Bountiful wrote on March 8, 2023
Hi Judy,
I grew up in Bountiful, Utah in th 1970's. I was the youngest of four daughters raised by my single mother in an incredibly Mormon and conservative city.
My mother was smart and able and she did not think she could have children. She married my father and had my oldest sister. Her Mormon doctor told her she could not get pregnant while breastfeeding and so she had my next sister a year later. The same doctor gave her hormones that he said were birth control, but were not, and my third sister came a year and 2 days later. I was the last birth control failure.
My mom loved us and she read to us. She raised us --4 girls-- as a single mother with very little support.
One of my favorite memories of my mom was that she read to us a lot. She read us "Are You There God, It's Me Margaret". My sisters were hitting puberty,but as the youngest, I had not.
When my mom read us the masturbation scene, I went to bed thinking about my secret spot and I tried to find it. I told my mom the next morning that I had found my secret spot and it was on my left elbow.
I appreciate that she was willing to read us your books, embrace our sexuality as girls and women even though we were in the Mormon culture. I appreciate that you have helped girls and women find our own sexuality and helped us value ourselves.
I found my secret spot and I respect you and my mother for helping me feel that sexuality is not shameful. I grew up in poverty and without a father. I was raped and hurt multiple times. I think many girls in my situation where we did not have homes that were safe have had the same experience.
Your books helped me own my own sexual experences. I will always be grateful to you.
As a mother now I see myself as teenager and I am so sad I was in the positions where I was not respected, where I was hurt, and where I was poor and so open to predators.
Your books helped me feel that I was valuable and that my sexuality was not something that should be shameful.
I am very grateful to you.
Much love and gratitude,
Stephen from Davis wrote on March 3, 2023
Hello, Ms Blume. My name is Stephen Adams. I first started reading your books in the late 70s when I was in fifth or sixth grade....I loved tales of a fourth grade nothing and the fudge books! Fast forward's 2023 ....I'm a very happily married gay man .....and rediscovered your books last year! I've bought all from Amazon. I love reliving my youth through your stories
I just have to say I finally read Tiger Eyes this is your best book ever! I can identify. My dad wasn't shot to death but he died in Feb 2003 from a massive heart attack.... there was no good bye! I really identified with Davey! And I've been to Santa Fe....I loved your descriptions!
Davis CA
I'm now 53 and love your books....I just ordered the tiger Eyes movie
Joshua wrote on March 3, 2023
I have a 15 year old daughter who, unfortunately does not read you, despite my best efforts. But i remember being 11 years old and checking out your books because I loved Superfudge so much. I expected more of the same and I got a whole world that I'm not sure I was ready for nor was intended for me but it greatly entertained me, helped me become empathetic to those around me and helped me through my own challenges. When the outrage mob came for your books at my school in the 80s, my family stood firm and proudly on your side. It is so sad to see this happen now with the art my daughter loves. The fear of kids dealing with their own sexuality is one I thought we'd overcome as a society. But I know what's right and where to stand today and you helped show me. Thank you for everything.
Calliope from Raleigh wrote on March 1, 2023
Dear Judy,
I wanted to thank you for your relatability and your compassion. My mother gave me a copy of "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" when I was ten years old. Thirteen years later, you are still one of my favorite authors. Your writing helped prepare me for puberty and if my mother hadn't given me a copy of your book, I wouldn't have been so excited and prepared.
I also wanted to thank you for writing Stephanie Hirsch. I struggled with my weight for years and found a kindred spirit in her. Stephanie remains one of my favorite characters in literature, period.
Thank you so much. If I ever have a child of my own, you're the first author I will mention if she brings up puberty.
Love and other indoor sports (I also picked up that phrase from "Starring Sally J. Freedman As Herself"),
Gentry from Camarillo wrote on March 1, 2023
Good Evening Judy,
My name is Gentry and I am currently in 5th grade. I am working on a book report and have chosen you as my inspirational person. I would like to ask you how old you were when you wrote "Superfudge?" It is my favorite book. Thank you and have a good night.
stella from danville wrote on March 1, 2023
When did you get to start in being an author? Child? Teenager? Young adult? Adult?
Charlotte from Washington DC wrote on February 28, 2023
Ms. Blume,

I was thrilled to see the coverage of your life and work in this month’s Atlantic, but also saddened at the definitive statement that you would not be publishing additional books. While every career must come to an end, I hope you will consider one more book informed by the wisdom of your years. We learn and talk so much about how our bodies change through puberty and “Are you there God…”gave us a place to seek understanding and comfort in the universality of that process. Now that many of your first readers are at mid-life and vaguely aware that another transition is on the horizon, we need your wit, wisdom and candor more once again. Please consider
Dan from wesbrook wrote on February 14, 2023
what is your favorite book you made?
shine from chicago wrote on February 12, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
I'm writing to tell you that I love your books, but more importantly to wish you the best birthday ever! My name is Shine and i'm 11 years old. I love your books so so much. My favorite book you've written is Are You There God its me Margaret because i can relate to Margaret so much. I have also read Deenie, which is my second favorite book you've written, the Fudge books, and I'm starting to read Then Again Maybe i Won't. You are the best author, and an amazing person. You are so talented with your writing. happy birthday!!

love, Shine
Katy from Whitehorse Yukon Canada wrote on February 12, 2023
Dear Judy,
I remember reading the Ramona books when I was five or six and they were so magical and funny! I have a hunch my mom bought them for me to help me understand more about school as I was to attend shortly. It was wonderful!When I got to the right age I then read all the Fudge books for all the same reasons.You Judy have a gift for meeting kids where they are and giving them tools they don't know they need to help out in those specific moments and throughout the remainder of their lives! I am 42 now and still remember those lessons so clearly!
Thank you for sharing your gift!
Nicholas from Laval wrote on February 12, 2023
When Fudge swallowed Peter’s turtle did he swallow all?
Nicholas Panichella from Laval wrote on February 12, 2023
Dear Miss Judy
My name is Nicholas and I am 9 years old.
Can you write another book about Fudge?
What’s the meaning of Freckle Juice?
marjorie from new york wrote on February 10, 2023
Do you still swim daily?!
Stephi Smith from Columbia, MO wrote on February 9, 2023
I am searching for people who live in mid-Missouri and love/want to talk about Judy Blume. If you're interested and available, please send me an email:
Dane from Central Point, OR wrote on February 7, 2023
You'll love this.
My son started w Beverly Cleary and I frequently reflect that I wish I'd have written to her when I was reading her books years ago. I should've written to you as well, because you had a big impact on my early reading journey. Thanks a ton!
Here's his letter....

Dear Judy,
I love your books. I am currently on Superfudge. But I am wondering, did Dribble the turtle come out in one piece?
-Dane K

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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