Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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952 entries.
Olivia from Norwalk wrote on February 6, 2023
Hi Judy!! I just finished reading “are you there god it’s me Margaret” and it’s my favorite book of all time! That book made me love reading, will you please make a second book of that?
Donna from Davenport wrote on February 5, 2023
Dear Judy,
I am writing to you as I met you once when I was a child in Bradley Gardens School in NJ. You came there and visited with my class in the mid 1960s.It was so exciting to have met you I was probably about 8 or 9 now. I'm 63 and feel so blessed. You gave me an autograph on a little piece of paper. It's been lost for many years, I live in Iowa and have a grand daughter who is in 4th grade and now is enjoying your books. I want to get her the book Hello God are you there? it's me Margaret. I would absolutely love to give Annabelle your autograph, I also have a first grade grandson, Mikey who is reading like crazy. I admire you so much. Your honesty and genuine stories are what this world needs more of , Thank you for the memories.
Nicholas from Laval wrote on February 4, 2023
Dear Judy
In school we're at Chapter 10 of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.I loved that book because of Fudge.
Nicholas from Laval wrote on February 4, 2023
Hi Judy
At my school we're reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing.Fudge is my favourite character!
Are you planning to write another book about Fudge.
Jazmin from Ohio wrote on February 1, 2023
Dear miss Judy I Love the fourth grade tales of nothing it was my favorite book. It was funny and my tutor said fudge was your favorite and we said yeah that’s our favorite too.
Curtis Fainn from Davidson, NC wrote on January 31, 2023
Judy, I hope this note finds you in sunny and warm Key West. It is rather cold and wet in Davidson today.
As the film was shot in and around Charlotte, NC and especially in Davidson, I am hoping the distributor will allow me to play it in my theatre "Our Town Cinemas", Davidson, NC. It is only February and we are getting request to buy tickets now.
Carmen Shea Brown from Birmingham, AL wrote on January 31, 2023
Hello Judy!!

This message is about 40 years overdue! I'm a magazine feature writer and I credit you with being my childhood inspiration, both on my website ( and my Facebook page. Here is an excerpt from a recent LinkedIn conversation, where I wrote: "She was part of the reason why I started making up my own stories as a kid and would tell people I wanted to be an author when I grew up. Of course now I focus on nonfiction, but that's where my passion for reading and writing really took off. The one that really resonated with me as a child was "It's Not the End of the World," about a young girl whose parents were divorcing, because mine divorced around that same time. I've still yet to read "Iggie's House" and "Tiger Eyes." Although her books were targeted toward children and young adults, sometimes it's fun to go back and put yourself in that time in your life and "get inspired" all over again!" I'm so glad you're still out there doing your thing and that I can keep up with your happenings on here. I hope I can meet you in person sometime. Thank you again!!
Annabelle Mills from New Bern, NC wrote on January 30, 2023
Hi Judy!!!
I am so thrilled to have your books in my life. I struggle with fitting in. Although I have my religion figured out, and don't have scoliosis, or an annoying 2 year old brother, or a thief for a best friend,I still Have a hard time wondering will I ever bloom? I think it's weird of me to be like this and was wondering if you ever felt that way. I have found your books to be helpful in guiding me towards my creative inner writer, although she isn't as good as you. I hope you take the time to read my letter.
your devoted reader,
Meredith wrote on January 26, 2023
Dear Ms. Blume,

As a young woman, I read your books and your words helped me understand who I was emotionally, mentally, and physically.
As an adult, they still guide me.
Thank you for your generous gift of sharing them.
PS- I'm still waiting for the Freckle Juice recipe to work 🙂
Regina from Tallahassee wrote on January 23, 2023
Hello, Ms. Blume,
While in elementary school, I used to write letters to God. Then one day, I visited the school library and ran across your book, Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret. I am forever grateful that I did. I was not the only one writing letters to God, even if it was a character in a book. Your book made my already spiritual relationship with our Lord and Savior complete. I want you to know what it means to me and others for you to have written this book and now a soon-to-be movie. I am so glad I'm here to witness this in my lifetime.

Thank you,

A reader of your book.
Jason from La Habra wrote on January 23, 2023
Hi Judy,

I only read a handful of your books in the early 80s, but I love you so much.

You fostered in me a lifelong love of books and stories, a gift I could never hope to repay.

Also, 40 years later, I still say to myself, "oooh dark,"when the lights go down at the movies.

Thank you so much for all you have done.
Katrina Kmak from Park City wrote on January 21, 2023
Hi Judy!!!

I am the Youth Services Librarian at the Park City Library, in Utah. I’m Librarian in duty this weekend during the Sundance Film Festival, where your documentary is screening! If you happen to be so inclined, we’d love to invite you to stop by our beautiful library. I’m hoping to catch the movie next weekend. Looking forward to watching it. 💚
Danielle S from London wrote on January 20, 2023
Hello Mrs Blume I just wanted to write you a little thank you note. I am currently reading ‘Are you there god it’s me Margaret’ with my 11 year daughter. I originally read the book 30 years ago and was desperate for my daughter to read it too. It has brought us hours of laughter and identification. The subjects are as relevant today as when they were first written. Thank you for creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Best wishes
Daniel S
Melissa G from Palmdale CA 93551 wrote on January 20, 2023
Hi Judy!
We love you! We are fourth graders at Golden Poppy Elementary School in Palmdale, California. Our teacher Mrs. Gann has been reading your books for over 35 years and is currently finishing the Fudge series with us. Congratulations on your upcoming movie...finally!!! We were wondering if you ever do Zoom sessions with classes? Our teacher is also taking your Masters Class so she can hopefully someday write books like you too. Just in case you didn't know...we are your #1 fans. We requested the Fudge series for our school library and got two sets!!
Thanks for all the laughs!!!
Sibyle from Rome wrote on January 19, 2023
Ms.Blume, I am taking a course in college that requires me to reach out to one of my favorite authors and I should detail the experience, so I picked you because I was a lonely, depressed child and your books helped me understand some of what I was going through because talking about anything to do with being a young female was almost shameful at my house. I loved your stories, and still do. Thanks for taking the time to read my jibberish. Sincerely, S.Colbur(Class of 87)
Linda trebino from Elizabeth nj wrote on January 15, 2023
Hello Ms. Blume,

I am a Vice Principal at William F. Halloran School 22 in Elizabeth, NJ. We are one of the two gifted and talented schools in the district. I grew up in an era where I read your books over and over. With the release of your movie, I would like to request that you come to speak to our middle school girls about your classic book Are you there God, it’s me, Margaret? I think this would be a very valuable opportunity for our middle school females to meet you and ask questions about your writing of this book. I look forward to your positive reply.

Linda Trebino
Dorian W from Los Angeles wrote on January 15, 2023
Hello Mrs Blume, I started reading your novels when I was nine years of age back in the seventies at Sunny Brae Elementary. I have nieces and cousins who adore your books. Thank you
Lisa from Bolivar wrote on January 15, 2023
I've been reading your books since I was in kindergarten. Mom would read some to me while I helped. I'm 52. I can't wait to see the movie. I practice that move and phrase over and over. Thank you for making me happy and many others
Hannah E. from Denham Springs wrote on January 15, 2023
Dear Mrs. Blume,
I love your books. I especially liked the two books about Stephanie, Rachel, and Alison. I was so sad when the two books ended. I really hope that maybe you can write another book about them, from Alison's point of view. But I do understand if you cannot. You are a wonderful author. I actually write stories, too, and I hope to be an author one day. Also, happy early birthday! Best of luck if you are still writing!
(P.S.I would love, love, love it if you could respond to me...)
Amy Clark healey from North Kingstown, ri wrote on January 14, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
Decades belated, I want to thank you. For your characters, for your stories, for the lessons you gave, for the hours of enjoyment your books gave me me as a reader. I’ve read them all - as a preteen, teen, young adult and grown woman. And although many scenes have stayed with me, my favorite is from blubber. The mom running around getting dressed for work and dealing with pantyhose with runs and pants at the dry cleaner. I remember that scene often in my life today.

Thank you!
Amy Clark healey.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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