Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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952 entries.
Marina Marcela Guerrero from Grand Saline wrote on October 3, 2024
Hello I am an up coming author who needs advice. How did you do it? I am finding it hard to put my foot in the door of this industry. I feel there is a lot of authors and not enough people. I mean I can't seem to find my audience. I have tried but anyways thanks for reading this u are such a great author very inspirational to me and my writing journey.
Kelly Webber from Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada wrote on October 1, 2024
Hello Judy,

My grade 4 class and I would like to say hello! We are just about to start reading your book Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing. We are looking forward to reading your book! My students were really interested in what the back cover described about the book.

Thank you,
Ms. Kelly Webber and the Students of 4W
JoAnne from Redondo Beach, CA wrote on September 29, 2024
A friend of mine recently posted a meme to her Facebook page that said, “ I wish Judy Bloom would’ve done a follow-up book about Margaret going through menopause.”
Then we realized that we really need Judy Blume books for all the stages of our female lives. Raising our teen daughters, dealing with our elderly parents, and more.
I’m so glad you are still writing. Please know that we adults who grew up with your books are still reading and hoping to learn more from you.
Thank you for reading this,
Lila from Macau wrote on September 28, 2024
Hi Judy im your biggest fan i have read the Picture Books,Fudge Books,Chapter Books and Middle Grade Books. They were all brilliant keep it up! Your the best at writing stories Judy hope you continue more books for us!!!
P5G6 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Dear Judy I love your books especially tales of the fourth grade nothing
Helio from Macao wrote on September 27, 2024
Hello there your book are nice
P4A G3 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Hello there can I help you,I like your books
Group 4 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Hi I have not read any of books (no offense)but it sounds so intresting
P4A G5 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Hi Judy

I love your books
P4Ag1 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Your so pretty
P4AG2 from Macao wrote on September 27, 2024
You have accomplished many achievements in your career I want to learn from you thank you for inspiring us with great and funny books to read
P4AG6 from Macau wrote on September 27, 2024
Drear Judy I am reading your book and it made me laugh!
P4C group 1 from Macao wrote on September 27, 2024
Judy you are a amazing writer,I hope you can write more amazing books!
Louise mccafferty from Scotland wrote on September 22, 2024
Hi Judy i love your books alot your my favourite author
Delfina Scarborough from Rancho Cucamonga, Ca. 91730 wrote on September 20, 2024
Hi Ms. Blume,
I am trying to find a copy of the Spanish version of your wonderful book Tales of a fourth grade nothing for one of my English Learner Student and haven’t had any luck.
The student’s classmates are reading the book in class and I am translating the book for her. I would love to have her read it on her own so she could engage fully with every marvelous detail. Book stores are saying that there are no more prints available in Spanish.
I would appreciate if your staff can give me a lead of where to purchase the Spanish version. I would like to purchase several copies to donate to the school where I work as an ELD Coordinator Aide.
Love your work and so does the student from Nicaragua.
Warm regards,
Delfina Scarborough
Connie from Bryan, TX wrote on September 20, 2024
Dear Judy,
Your pivotal books normalized our experiences and taught us what to expect as we navigated, social, emotional, and physical changes. Our generation needs you once more. We are now going through menopause. Nobody has told us what to expect beyond hot flashes. Nobody has prepared us… It's as if the female body is a dirty secret that is swept under the rug. Our parents generation did not prepare us and even today, when I sought out therapies to return my hormonal levels to normal, I was offered anti-depressants. I do not suffer from depression. I am suffering from menopause. Yours was the trusted voice that guided my generation. We still need you.

Thank you for a lifetime of guidance and making it ok to be "us."

Lynn Harris from Scotch Plains, NJ wrote on September 19, 2024
Hi Judy! I am a publisher of a new magazine in Scotch Plains, your hometown and I’d LOVE to feature you in an upcoming issue. I’ve been a huge fan of yours since I was a young girl and when I found out you used to live around the corner from me, I was absolutely ecstatic!! Please reach out through email to me!!!
Kylie from West Babylon wrote on September 19, 2024
Hi Judy it’s me Kylie I loved your book tales of a fourth grade nothing it was super funny the way that Sheila was chasing Peter and jimmy fargo telling them they had the cooties I hope you make a part 2 I love you and your books have an amazing day and keep up with your writing ps fudge is crazy 🤪 but anywho peace out hope you continue writing the series of TALES OF A FOURTH GRADE NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Kylie.created Wednesday September 18 2024.
Marcie Dunnet from Linden, VA wrote on September 17, 2024
Dear Mrs. Blume,

My friend, Sarah, thinks it would be a good idea to write a sequel about Margaret’s life now. Is she menopausal? Is she still friends with the same girls? Did she go crazy like the rest of us?

Inquiring minds would love, “Are you there God, it’s Margaret again”

We love you Judy! 💖🫶🏼🦋
Violet from Wellington, NZ wrote on September 14, 2024
Dear Judy,
I just wanted to say thank you 🥰 I was an avid reader of your work.
I read "Are you there, God? It's me, Margaret" in 1982. I was Margaret's age. I felt seen and understood. Tonight I just watched the film. My eyes filled up and the tears flowed. I still felt seen and understood retrospectively. It's a profound and rare gift. Thank you for being a critical part of my puberty.
Go well.
Warmly, Violet

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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A blast from the past