Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

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848 entries.
Mariah Melvin from Bridgeport wrote on August 22, 2023
JUDY BLUME!! Hi 🙂 I was born in the early 90’s and Im not sure why I never discovered your books growing up! I was an avid reader, I read a lot of Baby-Sitters club by Ann M.Martin. Had I picked up one of your books at the library I just know I wouldve loved you more (shhh). My 8 year old daughter and I watched “ Are you there God, It’s me Margaret “ we LOVED it. Right after I watched Judy Blume Forever and got to know you more as a person/author. You are amazing. I hope to visit your bookstore one day in Key west and meet you one day as well!!
Sharon L Tabuchi from Overland Park wrote on August 22, 2023
Watched Are You There God, It's Me Margarete last night. I loved it so much! Thank You Judy Blume!

Sharon Tabuchi
Innocence from Denver wrote on August 22, 2023
Dear Judy:
I’m 28 years old. I spend some time writing for a magazine, some time reading trivia questions at a bar, some time acting and some time playing songs I wrote. I have the best girlfriend on the planet. On paper I should be the happiest guy in the world. But I feel like an epic failure. I want to be a novelist like you. I have the Novel. I’ve been working on it since I was 17. But damned if I’m not scared to let anyone in my world see it. It could be so good. But there is that part of me that will always think anything I do is garbage.
I long for the day someone tells me I’m the male version of Judy Blume. But I’m scared. Not just that it won’t be good, but that it will be and I will still feel like a failure.
Did you ever feel like a failure?
Thank you for being you.
Belinda Henderson from Wonthaggi wrote on August 21, 2023
Dear Judy,
I have all of your books & I love them, so much.
However it distresses me that I cannot see the film version of "Are You There God, It's me Margaret". (insert sobbing here)
Truly! I live in rural Australia and whereas we have some local cinemas, none of them showed this film.
You've created an amazing catalogue of books (I still re-read Starring Sally J, for comfort) and I did manage to find the film of 'Tiger Eyes', on DVD, at the local library years ago.
I am sad I'm not able to see this. I do have Netflix down here, but that's no help.
I love you, but what a shame so many of your fans can't see the film adaptation of this.
Best to you
PS, Summer Sisters would make a brilliant film but I probably won't be able to see that either 😉
Lindsey from Clarksville, TN wrote on August 21, 2023
You’re rude and crude, depraved and lewd. You’re caught in the moral crunch. You’re vexed, perplexed, and oversexed. So when can we have lunch?
Please contact me, Judy. After many years I have never forgotten your words and your wisdom. I’d love to hear from you directly. Send me an email for a contact number.
C L Zelepuza from Atlanta wrote on August 17, 2023
Hi Ms. Judy,

I am so grateful that I had a library in my small, coastal town in Washington state growing up. (We have/had less than 2000 people in it.) I spent every summer going to the library and picking up your books. I believe you helped shape my not so great childhood into something better. Books gave me an escape. Thank you for writing and I aspire to create stories like you.
P.S. Let's continue to fight for the good of children. ♡♡♡
Holly Marie Phillippe from Lexington wrote on August 14, 2023
Hello Judy,
My name is Holly Phillippe and I am the Co-Chair & Organizer for the Imaginarium Convention & Expo held yearly in beautiful Louisville, Kentucky. I officially invite you to be the Imaginarium 2024 Guest of Honor. Please inform me of how we can make this work best for you. I would take care of your travel, lodging, vendor/signing table, award banquet ticket, and a stipend, which we can discuss.
The Imaginarium Convention, now in its 11th year, is a unique event for writers and storytellers of all genres, including filmmakers, game developers, artists, musicians, poets, cosplayers, and many other creatives, and their fans.

The convention features three days full of extensive panel and workshop programming, an expo, a film festival, live entertainment, literary and film awards, cosplay, and much more! The Imaginarium Convention hosts an inclusive and welcoming environment that enables networking, learning, professional opportunities, promotional opportunities, and other benefits to independent creatives.
A broad array of over 200 professional guests and panelists are featured in the programming, including authors, editors, publishers, filmmakers, screenwriters, game designers, comic creators, artists, actors, poets, and many other working creatives.
The Imaginarium Convention in 2024 will be held in Louisville, Kentucky, at the Holiday Inn Louisville East, July 19-21.

We are not a comic con, so we are smaller and expect approximately 2,000 attendees, not counting the additional draw you would present.

Our mission is to provide networking and education within an inclusive atmosphere, with a bit of fun.

I look forward to speaking with you.

Holly Phillippe Co-Chair
Cody Connolly from Teringula wrote on August 11, 2023
Dear Judy bloom my favorite book of youres is tales of fourth grade nothing or double fudge. I apologize what you have done for this world I'm 29 years old and been book worm since the third grade. My question is as writer myself I write symbolic poetry with Shakespeare algorithm for epicsvand perform raunchy dead pan dry humor for stand up comedy. Are they're approaches that work for you in the past when you had an issue writing ? I noticed alcohol in moderation when in structure environment helps ideas flow but recently all could write is one liner dead pan jokes, incriminating events of myself. (Traditional) poetry wise nothing but I did retype entire bad news bears film with R rating approach r- rating has nothing to do with swearing cause curse words where substitute with slang curse words
Do you ever have book signings? If so I'd be astonished if I could have you're signature and picture taken since you're books turned me into avid reader during 1st grade if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have been reading Jurassic Park Harry Potter Frankenstein Harris and me during the third grade
Cindy Ann from San Diego wrote on August 9, 2023
Hi Ms. Judy, It's been a long journey since I read my first book written by you in elementary school. I had no idea these books would be my saving grace through my dark, and lonely childhood. I was an 80's kid with two working parents, one military, and one with severe mental issues. I'd like to attribute my imagination to how you wrote your stories. I loved ones that allowed me to relate on so many levels as a kid. I'm now 44 and still remember all the stories, as they are a part of my childhood memories. I'm writing my first book now, very late, but better than never as your aspiring quotes carry me. It seems life's hardships worsened as I went into the military as a 19 year old girl, and now suffer from an array of traumas. I yearn for those simple days where your books took my mind to another place. I adore you as you are my mentor, an example of who I aspire to be like as I survive through life. Thank you for your precious stories, my lifeline still to this day.
All my heart,
Cindy Ann
USN Veteran
Rayna Parker from Newport News wrote on August 8, 2023

I manage a pediatric clinic on a military base in the Hampton Roads Area. I’m seeking authors, publishing companies, organizations, foundations, or people willing to donate books for military kids with disabilities and diverse backgrounds between the ages of 3 and 10. Reading has always been a favorite hobby of mine since the age of four. My goal is to promote literacy comprehension skills and for the kids to relate to the characters in the book. All books will be greatly appreciated, but I would also
like children’s books that promote acceptance, self-confidence, family, and STEM topics. The plan is to give each child a book to take home after their appointment to build their library at home. Thank you.
Molly W from New York wrote on August 6, 2023
Dear Judy,
I just watched the documentary on television about you and your life and your pathway to becoming an author. I found it very inspiring. As a 50 (!!) year old adult, I can remember reading your books in the 80s with joy and glee. And I made sure to provide your books for my children. I just reread “Are you there God, it’s me, Margaret” and I have to say it brought back all the memories of growing up, being a preteen, getting my booklet and samples about menstruation, wondering if I was normal, and all the things that you perfectly put into words what girls today and yesterday and in the future might feel. I remembered being a preteen, going to parties, wondering when I would get my period, not understanding my parents, and all the things that are like for a preteen/early teen. You did such a beautiful job of speaking to us all, and I can’t thank you enough for being a voice of “I gotcha” when I needed at the most. It warms my heart to know your books are here for us all.
We love you Judy. Thank you. Really. Thank you.
Danni B. from Lebanon, Tennessee wrote on August 5, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
I read several of your books when I was a kid, and loved each and every one of them.
My favorite was Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself, though sixteen years later, I'm not sure I could tell you why in my ten year old brain it was the best.
I grew up to be a librarian, and I recommend your books to as many kids as possible, and plan on doing some re-reading myself.
Thank you for being a large part of my childhood!
Ali Golchert from Sacramento wrote on August 4, 2023
Dear Judy,
I am a 33 year old woman who is just this year working through your books. I watched your documentary recently (3 times) and was inspired. When I was growing up my mom always encouraged reading as she was an English teacher and firm advocate for a stronger educational system. She is still an advocate but is since retired from teaching. She bought me "Margaret" as a child but I have to be honest, in the sea of books she brought home, I never got around to reading it. It is now currently sitting on my shelf as I finish some of your other works first. I think part of me avoided Margaret because I was having some doubts about religion, but I understand now that that's not what the book is about.
The main reason for my reaching out (aside from sending my vehement admiration) is that I have always dreamed of being a published author. Ever since I was about 7 years old. I went a different direction at the end of the day with my education because I didn't feel that I would be able to support myself. I now look at it as an opportunity to make writing my hobby that MAYBE could one day get me published. I no longer have the childhood view of "I can do anything"... as magical as those times were. I am realistic. But I am also hopeful and truly inspired by your style of writing. I just finished reading Smart Women and I just felt so much joy when I finished the final chapter. My very favorite books are books with unsatisfying endings. This isn't to say your books don't feel complete. They do. What I mean by that is that there is never a finality to your stories. I can feel the stories going past the last page and you never give us the "happily ever after". I LOVE that. It sparks so much creativity in me because I dream about where the characters and the stories have gone since you finished writing them. That is what I want to do in my writing. It seems so effortless coming from you, but I know it's not and it's truly a labor of love.
Any advice you can give me would be a gift. I admire you so much. I'm currently reading through the Fudge books and feeling my inner child smile. I would love to hear from you. I know you're a busy woman and I would hate to distract you from making further content for me to devour. Just know that I love what you do and who you are.
Happy writing, Ali
Nicole N from Saskatchewan, Canada wrote on August 4, 2023
Hi Judy,
I just want you to know that I'm reading Wifey for the first time and I keep saying to myself, "You go, Judy Blume!!" This book is epic. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
I also want you to know that I have a very short list of personal heroes and you have made the short list (along with RBG). Im not sure you understand how great you are. Your realness is seen and appreciated.
I hope you continue to enjoy life and hope your husband continues to recover after his surgery.
Take Care, Nicole
Beula Robb from Anderson Island wrote on August 3, 2023
Thank you for your contributions to making us all "think." I am going to make this quick, I know your time is precious. We are doing a small film festival on Anderson Island Washington at the end of August, our 4th. I was asked to introduce your recent film so I was looking up some of your interviews. I am including a quote from one interview when asked about writing, that you responded by saying you write "from what I knew to be true." Those words are golden today and I plan to include in introduction. I would also like to thank you for standing for literary freedom. I was in the classroom for 20 plus years and I truly understand your message. If you ever decide to visit our Island we are filled with dozens of readers and many fans. Our web site is Anderson Island Arts or Anderson Island Film Festival. Again thank you so much. Beula Robb
Emma F from Scotch Plains, NJ and Long Beach, CA wrote on August 2, 2023
Hi, Judy!
I hope you’re staying safe and happy in Florida - seems like a stressful time for a strong-willed woman to be living there, but I suppose that’s exactly the place you’re needed most.
I was watching your documentary on Prime and when you discussed “In the Unlikely Event,” I knew I had to try to reach you and thank you for writing that story. Growing up in Scotch Plains in the 90s, I had always heard of the days when Elizabeth was a more desirable hometown - probably by the grandchildren of the families who left after the tragedies, and it was so lovely to experience the city in that era through your characters’ eyes.
What makes my relationship with your novel remarkable, though, is that I’d found it May 2020 in a free neighborhood library box a few blocks away from where I was living at the time in Long Beach, CA - leave a book, take a book- and when I saw your name I snatched it up immediately. I had just had a complicated birth, so I had a newborn during a pandemic. My older parents had taken my 93 year old grandmother out of a nursing home to care for her themselves and therefore could not visit me, and I wasn’t about to attempt traveling with a newborn and a toddler who was obsessed with licking everything. I was stuck and very homesick. Your Elizabeth and my Scotch Plains were pretty similar despite the city/woodsy suburb differences, and it felt good to have some small taste of home again. I didn’t rush through reading it, I savored it by just reading during nap time and when I finished, I shipped it to my mom in NJ. She’d never told me about those flights - she would have been too young to process the seriousness, and she loved reading and learning about it, too.
So thank you for sharing your trauma with the world, it was a traumatic era when I read it, so it felt good to see your ending, a time long afterwards, and imagine one for myself with that loneliness in the past. That really got me through, so thank you.
Juanita Lawrence from Philadelphia wrote on August 1, 2023
Dear Ms blame your a inspiration to my 11 year. Old and I have cancer and its is so hard getting a life insurance policy also I really want to move some were safe what advice do you have also for the time I have left is well stop them from trying to ban books
Jennie S from Marlton wrote on July 26, 2023
Dear Judy Blume,
Hi Judy, my name is Jennie and I just finish reading "are you there god? it's me, Margaret" for my school summer project. I really like how you made it relate to so many people, it kind of relates to me too. Some of my friends got their period before me and I really wanted to get mine. I was eleven when I got mine and I wasn't the last of my friends' ether. I love this book and I will have to read more of your books soon.
Jennie S
Sharmilee from India wrote on July 26, 2023
My 9 year old son loves the Fudge series and is currently on his 3rd book in the series. In the Super Fudge book, I came across a reference about Jimmy having anger issues because his parents are divorced. I being a single mother found that to be disturbing because it might send a message that a kid needs to get angry if their parents split up. Also, on the same page the story paints a very happy picture of Peter's parents laughing after a fight. I think it's more disturbing for kids of seperated parents to see such a contrast (divorce and happy family) when probably they have not experienced much of a happy family. I love and respect your work, so I thought I should share this.
Anna from Northern Ca wrote on July 26, 2023
Dear Judy,
I wonder if you ever thought of opening a forever library. Forever. That will never end and never be banned. That could be accessible anywhere. Also, have you considered writing for people over 50 who were caregivers to parents. I also lost a son and don’t know how that would work in that category but there it is. I also love writing now. I write about historical characters with a Greek mythology twist.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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