Contact Judy

Judy says: Thank you, thank you for all your wonderful notes. I only wish I could write back to each of you personally. But in order to start a new book I need serious thinking time, which means less time for e-mail. Hope you understand.
Just want you to know that my assistant and I read this guestbook every day, and try to respond when appropriate. Your continued love and support are a constant inspiration.

Want a signed book? Autographed books can be ordered from the non-profit bookstore Judy founded, Books and Books at The Studios of Key West. Click here for more information. We cannot accept books purchased elsewhere and shipped to us. Thanks for understanding.

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1039 entries.
sadie wrote on March 25, 2025
dear Judy
hi my name is Sadie I'm 11 and LOVE your books my favorite is ether deenie or its not the end of the world. You and your books inspired me to write a book im now about halfway done i just wanted to say your books help me get though the though days in middle school. i want to thank you for your books. anyway i wanted to write this .
Stella Bettencourt from Carlsbad wrote on March 23, 2025
I just finished watching your documentary on Amazon Prime. Loved it. You are an inspiration to all women.
Laura Ndirangu from Forest Lake MN wrote on March 23, 2025
My sister gave my daughter one of your books a month ago. After reading it she asked for more of your books. She continues to read your books often commenting on how good they are. Last night, she asked, "is Judy Blume still alive?" Will you look her up? I would love to meet her. My daughter hasn't asked to meet anyone before. You are more interesting than a movie star or singer. Thank you for using your God given talents to bless this world.
Julie Rogers from Laneville, Texas wrote on March 22, 2025
Dear Judy,
I have read so many of your books since I was 12 (I'm now 54). My favorite book, the one I read every year, is Summer Sisters. I had a first edition copy but I leant it to someone (I can't remember who) and I never got it back. 🙁 When I read that book, I see the girls on the beach, at Lamb's house, at the Merry Go Round. It's just a book that I can envision the scenes in my head. I, of course, love all your other adult books too. When I was a young girl, Are you There God, it's me Margaret? was my favorite. I actually still have my childhood copy of Then Again, Maybe I Won't. I'm not sure why I held onto that one book, but I did. It's sitting on a shelf with all my favorite books from over the years. Thank you so much for writing all of these books. They have meant so much to so many girls throughout the years. I actually went to Church with someone you are related to in Pasadena, Texas. The little girl that was your niece was my son's age and I can't remember her and her mother's name for the life of me but I thought that was just too cool. I was a little jealous.
LOL. This was back in 1999 or maybe 2000. Well, I hope you write another adult book before you retire from writing (if you already haven't). One thing on my bucket list is to visit where you live. Maybe I will run into you. LOL. That would be just the best! Again, thank you so much for all of the books you have written. Oh, I actually purchased 5 of your books and I have put them away for my granddaughter for when she is about 11 or 12 (she is almost 4 now). I will be holding those books for a while. LOL. Well, take care. Julie Rogers
Carissa from Williamsport wrote on March 20, 2025
I read your book “Blubber” when I was in third grade in 2003. I was very offended by a swear word and wrote you a letter about it. You wrote me back. I was wondering if you remember this?!
Mason from Northampton, United Kingdom wrote on March 19, 2025
Dear Mrs Blume,
My name is Adrian and aged 43. My teacher read us Tales of a fourth grade nothing when I was about 9 years old. I loved it and never forgot it, she then read us the next two. It got me into reading.
So I have just finished reading the whole Fudge series to my own son, Mason. The most recent ones I hadn't read.
Thank you for introducing me to reading, your an inspiration.
And now over to my son who has written you this without help:

Dear Judy blume.

Hi my name is mason I am 10 and I live in England.
With my adhd and creativity I made my very own 6th book of fudge called triple fudge.
Things are new in peters family because of how bad uncle feathers wing is he has a prosthetic wing. And we meet minis new minor bird auntie feather. I know it has been about 17 years but can this be turned into a new fudge book also enjoy reading chapter 01 willy returns:
Triple fudge
Chapter 01: Willy returns.
Everything is normal in New York city. I am not excited because get this Fudge is 6 and I am a teenager now. HAPPY 6th BIRTHDAY FUDGE! shouts all of fudges friends. This is fun right Pete says Fudge. Yeah, I mumble what fun. Gather round everyone says mum it’s time for presents! Everyone cheers. All presents Fudge hates after every rip or tear and finally was Farley and Richy’s present. Great this is going to be revolting I thought. Fudge opened it and
 yes! A scummy worm. Its willy shouted fudge. Who I said don’t be silly Pete remember him. Oh yeah willy from super fudge I could have known him before Mum put him out of the family when she first saw him. The nightmare is back.
Emory from Oregon wrote on March 19, 2025
Hiiii im your new fan! Im writing about you for a shcool project (TIPPPPPPS???! I need some helpp!!!!) IM so excited to get a book of yours you sound so 💗 cool. Please respond if you can thanks!
Timothy Titus from Stillwater wrote on March 12, 2025
I have a story about a beautiful Laguna Green Mini that someone must have loved a lot, I say this because I have evaluated her thoroughly preparing her for her next adventure in life. She now belongs to a Princess who absolutely loves her. She named her Tilly, and Tilly has been fully restored to just like new. The Princess has promised she will care for Tilly just like her other mother did.

I thought you might want to know. {I'm the Grandfather of the Princess}
Kylie from Washington Dc wrote on March 12, 2025
I have been thinking of you often as your books have meant so much to me. My mother gave me a copy of “Are you there god? It’s me Margaret. ” when I was 11. I am now 30, and even still - just thinking of Margaret makes me cry. I grew up in a very religious environment where questions weren’t allowed, much less concerns about puberty or finding my own faith/religion. Margaret opened the world to me and made me feel less alone. Thank you for writing the way you do. Thank you for not talking down to your readers. I always felt that you understood what it was like to be me at whatever age, and that nothing I felt was ever ridiculous or silly just because I was a kid. I have always felt seen by your characters and I will always be an advocate for your books. Much love and respect always, Kylie.
Andrew Valor from Mexico City, Mexico wrote on March 9, 2025
Dear Judy Blume:
My name is Andrew, and I am a young adult from Mexico, I heard for the first time about your works in a YouTube video about forbidden books that were made into films, and it was Are You There God? Its Me Margaret, so I watched the movie, then I decided to buy and read the book, and I liked it so much, then I bought your other masterpieces such as Then Again, Maybe I Won’t, Deenie, Forever... and Tiger Eyes, and I loved them so much, I mean, you became my favorite female author, while I read your books I would put on Spotify the music of the years that the aforementioned books were published, as a way to imagine how it was life like for the book characters back in the 1970s and early 1980s.
Probably I need to read more of your other works, and in Mexico, they really need to read more of you because as you have inspired many children, teenagers and adults in your country and other parts of the world, however you need to get more recognition here in Mexico that can help children and teenagers to be more themselves without feeling any shame.
Also I get inspiration from you to write a semi-biographical book about my life but set in a different era.
I can’t say more except thank you for everything, your books, and please, never ever stop inspiring the humankind but specially don’t ever stop writing.
Be eternal.
Sincerely yours.
Andrés Valor from Mexico.
Peg geaje from Akron New York wrote on March 6, 2025
Hi I recently, saw you on a commercial concerning book banning. I am not sure if you have seen Senator Kennedy from Louisiana discuss various books that were in school libraries that literally were close to porn Please take a look at these hearings which took place in Washington, so that you can get the full view of which books were asked to be banned Thank you
Cam from London wrote on March 6, 2025
Hi Judy,

I’m 10 years old, my name is Cameron and I dressed up today as Fudge for World Book Day. I made Uncle Feather and Fudge bucks to take with me for my costume.
Adi from Tel Aviv wrote on March 5, 2025
As a child, I loved the books about Peter and his brother Foudge. Now, as a mother myself, I read the book "tales of a forthcoming grade nothing" to my 7 year old son. He really took to heart the unfairness Peter felt through out the book. But nothing prepared me for the river of tears he cried at the end of the book when he realized "dribble" is dead. He was so upset he refuses to finish the last few lines.
I just wanted to say, thank you for making generations of children read, laugh and cry in solidarity.
Eleanor from Glen Ridge, NJ wrote on March 4, 2025
hi Judy Blume my name is Eleanor, and we are celebrating Reading Across America. I love all of your books.I really like your book"The Fifth Grade Nothing"l also like Freckle Juice. You are one of my inspirations and all that you know I want to do too. you make me work hard and dream big!!!
Sharon Welbourne from Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada wrote on March 2, 2025
Dear Judy,
I hope you are doing very well. Happy be-later birthday!
I just wanted to let you know that your name came up as well as a reference to “Are You There God
.” on a recent airing of the sit com “Small Achievable Goals” by the CBC.
I would include the trailer clip that’s on YouTube if I could. I really think you’d love the homage of these two star crossed peri menopausal and soon to be co workers on a podcast. The line that hits is 
”Where is Judy Blume when you need her
. (Something else), Where is Are you There God, it’s me, Menopause”.
I laughed so hard knowing how instructive and fun you made a girl’s most alarming biological experience become natural again.
My mother was lent that book for me to read at that tender age of 12 and soon followed by The Cat Ate My Home Work for my grade nine year- I practically looked like the girl on the cover!
So, thank you Judy for persisting through these attempts to censor your voice and the voices of 50% of the globe’s population.
You truly are a treasure!
Sincerely yours,
Sharon Welbourne

PS, although I’m into menopause and it’s gifts, I’d read the sequel to Margaret’s full circle experience;))
Mrs. Floyd's 3rd Grade Walk-to-Read Class from Charleston wrote on February 27, 2025
Dear Mrs. Judy Blume,
We recently read your great book, Freckle Juice. We LOVED it. We especially loved the part when Andrew put blue freckles on his face. We have a couple of questions.
Is Andrew Marcus based on a real person that you know? Did you write this book because you wanted freckles as a child? Finally, what is your favorite children's book that you wrote.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. We look forward to reading more of your books.
-Mrs. Floyd's WTR class
June from Montreal wrote on February 26, 2025
Hey Judy I love your books so much and I really want to become like you.can you please please please make a new book called BETTER a continuation of the book denie.
Pam Misenis from Greenville, NC wrote on February 24, 2025
Hi Ms Blume,
I wanted to express my deep gratitude for your writings when I was growing up in the 1970's! What a "Right of Passage" it was as each of my friends shared one copy of the book "Are You There God". It was considered somewhat "risque'" for the times, truly amazing considering how much times have changed.
You did help me get through the first signs of puberty, and I, like many other women of my era, really wish you had written a book about menopause...It could be "Are You STILL There God, It's Me Margaret in Menopause". You should have given us all a heads up!
I have purchased the set of books for my granddaughter who has just turned 8yrs old and I cannot wait for her to READ READ THEM! A paperback book! No screen time, I sure hope and pray that she will begin to realize that there is a whole new & different world when you have a book in your hand.
I will let you know how it goes, hopefully she will read the series.
When she is a bit older I will share "Fifty Shades of Gray"!!!
Thank you so very much for your writings!
Pam Misenis
Bev from Atlanta wrote on February 22, 2025
Hi Judy: I got to meet you a couple of years ago at your bookstore and it was such a highlight for me. Unfortunately, I was a little starstruck and didn't really get to tell you how much you meant to me as a child. I desperately needed glasses, but nobody realized that for a few years & my world was pretty small because I couldn't see very well. Then one day the school librarian gave me one of your books and I loved the world I could escape into with your stories. I read every single book of yours that our little library had. Grew up to work in an elementary school library and truly enjoyed introducing Fudge and friends to the kids! Thank you so much for the stories.
ashley from NYC wrote on February 18, 2025
Hi Judy,
Just wanted to say that you are a Jersey icon, and super super slay.
Thank you.

In this Section

U.S. Mail:

Judy Blume
c/o Tashmoo Productions
1075 Duval Street
Suite C21 #236
Key West FL 33040

Judy’s Agent:

Suzanne Gluck
William Morris Entertainment
11 Madison Avenue, 18th floor
New York, NY 10010


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